    why did obama get elected?

    0  Views: 1206 Answers: 12 Posted: 11 years ago

    he has the brains ....



    Karma: 30

    Yes, his wife is black and a complete racist. I don't like the white half of him either, Vinny. After the way he "tried" to run our country and failed, what issues do you like about him? I don't see it.

    At Carys comment, Bwaahahahaha!

    Why are you addressing this to me?? I don't like him either! I definitely didn't vote for Obama. I don't like his policies, I don't like his arrogance and i don't like his unwillingness to do as the American people want.. I don't like his attitude to persons not on his wagon, he's a a 'passive antagonist'.. He starts trouble then walks away from it leaving parties on both sides banging away at each other. He should not be president, he should be a wrestling coach.

    Vinny, because I had to move this, she will never see your question. Go ask her again under the answer she posted.

    12 Answers

    Because he got the most votes.........


    Shows just how many sheep live in the USA.

    Because people are sheeple. 


    They blindly follow and just believe without educating themselves on the facts of a corrupt power grubbing man. A sheep follows it's leader, even if that leader goes over a cliff, he will go over the cliff too.

    Because there are sooo many people out there that thinks their government own them a living, and this living come with no consequences to them, they voted for Obama because they blindly believe that Obama is their Saviour, Jamie Fox even said this.  They vote for Obama because as youn voters Obama has a certain chrisma that appeals to young and the peer pressure of not complying is too much for them to endure. People voted for obama because they feel they must vote Obama to rid themselves of their greedy guilt, it makes them feel good about themselves.  As my findings are-- many of the Obama voters haven't a clue what he really stands for and what he and his kind will do to this country.  The USA is being infiltrated by socialism and deceit, although the media which is controlled by the federal g'met are afraid to come out with truths that would hurt the obama g'ment.  Plain and simple?? We are under attack by people and organizations of great wealth and power and there's not anything that we can do about it as long as we allow derelicts vote for our future and as long as the feel-good community votes from conscious  

    People need to look at the issues, not the man... He will be gone in 4 years but the issues remain. And they are not good for future real working Americans


    vin,unfortunately , we will have had him for 8 years.

    There is soooo much that the media is hiding, so much that we Americans need to know and when it explodes once again it will be the fault of the republicans. They are experts at spin tactics. Even today I see the NBC news regarding the attack on a FOX news reporter. They headline. 'FOX NEWS Reporter involved in violent attack."
    It doesn't say 'FOX News reporter attacked and sukerpunched by union thug..' They hide the truth, they spin it to what liberals want to hear and see, so in their eyes the way NBC reports it, it was the total fault of the FOX news reporter.

    To finish the job he began of ruining our great nation, and to see how long he could pull off his scam!!  Also to pillage our pockets taking too numerous vacations, and feathering his nest! 

    baaah baah black sheep have you any wool?????

    because a bunch of sheep voted for him ........monkey see, monkey do. my brother's wife and their daughter, who his wife brain washed.  He's like a rock star. The public doesn't care if he mismanages the country, as long as he's cool.  Recently , even tho' we're falling off the fiancial cliff, he sent 5 more F-16 s over to  his Egytian Brotherhood, so they can go against Israel. They've already got 200  F-16s, I'll give you 3 guesses where they got the money for them. We give Eygyt about 3 billion per year to help them with their conflicts.

    Over 50% of the voting population found less to disagree with in Obama. We just want a brake from the obvious lies and distortions, as a Democrat, I don’t see them from Democrats like I did with Republicans. Republicans see things the other way around, which summarizes our differences.   None of us are as qualified as you are.Whatever one we choose, we always regret it later. “Facts" depend on your beliefs and denials.  

             Obama chose to end the US policy of perpetual war. That policy has origin in the Cold War and has endured through the end of the Soviet Union and rise of Russia minus a policy of spreading communism at any price including war. The Republicans sought to keep the policy of perpetual war and the Democrats sought to end that costly policy. If you do not accept that the end of that policy made the choice for any Democrat as POTUS over any Republican then you should consider the cost in so very many lives and extreme cost to this country in resources to kept that Dooms-Day slogan in the top of the US Agenda. Even religions were marshaled into this horrible mess to express with emphasis the “Sacrifices of our young men and women paid as the price of freedom.” I will not support any agenda that has a price tag of lost lives or the continuance of perpetual war. Obama has been in a stalemate position since he has been in office after his first year while those who financially prosper under “the Perpetual War Policy” have bought the influence of the Republican Party through Grover Norquest to reinstate that evil policy by force. So the Industrial state has picked up and moved to China seeking to bring them into the fray and bankrupt the US for failing to continue the slaughter. China has a habit of eating those who help them and seize businesses that would leave. I don’t blame China, it’s understandable and correct. But the US under Bush accelerated the exodus to China…a Republican scheme to yield the present result. And you don’t think this was unforeseen?!


    He's not black. His wife his but he's not. He's black and white, a mulatto. If you do not like racism then you will not ignore his white half.

    I'm not a racist, I don't like his white half either. But, I voted for the issues, not the man. I would say for a bloke he's a pretty good chap!! :) (That's my best englisc accent!)

    Because so many folks are not intelligent enough to even know who the vice president is.  They voted for him because he is black and because he gives them free "stuff".  Allen West would make a good president.  He is smart and would make better decisions.  If you have seen some of the interviews of people who voted for Nobama, you would see just how uneducated they are.  Some of the black folks didn't even know who Colin Powell is.  I don't care what color skin people have if they are smart, fair, and do what is best for our country.  Nobama has never done that and doesn't give a darn what the people want.  He deserves vacations like the rest of us.  But why does he have to spend so much money and go to extravagant places like Hawaii?  Most of his antics are a slap in the face of most Americans who have no job, no place to live and barely survive.  Does he care?  NOT ONE BIT!


    Why are you addressing this to me?? I don't like him either! I definitely didn't vote for Obama. I don't like his policies, I don't like his arrogance and i don't like his unwillingness to do as the American people want.. I don't like his attitude to persons not on his wagon, he's a a 'passive antagonist'.. He starts trouble then walks away from it leaving parties on both sides banging away at each other. He should not be president, he should be a wrestling coach

    good pres. everyone picked him o thats why


    Not everyone and he cheated. Not all the votes were valid. He is NOT a good president. You can thank God you are still a child and will be least affected by his dictatorship. Your parents however will not be so lucky.

    I was a Democrat before Nobama was elected.  When he was elected, I changed to being a Republician.  Unfortunately, they are not doing so great, either.  It would be great if they would all stop being politicians and start being representaives like they should be. 

    One other thing.  Why does Congress have the power to give themselves a raise?  Who else does that?  Why don't politicians have to abide by the same rules as everyone else?  How did it get this way?  Did we do it to ourselves?  I hope not.  Nobama care is going to be one of the worst things to happen to our country in decades.  Did he care that 50% of the people did not want it?  No, that was his agenda and he is sticking by it.  Our country is going down the tubes because of "politicians", not real representatives.  I am over 65 and hope I won't be around when the crap hits the fan.


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    Trying to end this 

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