    does any one have a home remedy for a earache14 yr old ,NEED HELP ASAP, !!!!!

    HELP PLEASE !!!!!!!

    0  Views: 814 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: earache

    1 Answer

    Remedies for Earache
    Use of Garlic Juice
    Pour some garlic juice in the affected ear; its analgesic properties will help to relieve the pain. If your earache is due to a rise in altitude than just chew some gum or try yawning. This will contract the muscles and open the Eustachian tubes. For swimmer's ear, put some mineral oil in both ears before going in the water. Apply some heat to your aching ear using a heating pad or a warm cloth. Put few drops of hydrogen peroxide in the aching ear. Put two drops of holy basil leaves' juice in the aching ear.

    The pain arising from a earache may be alleviated through the use of anti-inflammatory and pain relieving medications. Earaches could also result from a clogged ear. An effective clogged ear remedy that you can use at home for pain reduction and to minimize discomfort is the application of a warm compress near the ear. The compress should not be very hot as this could burn the skin. The warmth helps to ease pain and swelling. Many individuals obtain benefit from ear infections and earache through simple home remedies. Garlic, olive oil, and vinegar are some ingredients common to almost any earache home remedy and can even be used as earache cures in children. A mixture of sesame oil and garlic is one such beneficial home remedy. Add a clove of garlic to a teaspoon of sesame oil and warm the mixture. Add 2 to 3 drops to the affected ear while lying down and allow it to remain for about ten minutes. You can also grind a few basil leaves and warm the paste slightly. Then add about four drops to the affected ear. The juice of mango leaves is known to help in easing earaches. Add some warm mango leaf juice to the ears before going to bed at night. Pouring a few drops of warm mustard oil into the ears is also known to help in treating an earache. Swimmers who are prone to developing ear infections may benefit from adding some mineral oil in both ears before going for a swim. Earache that occurs while travelling in an airplane is usually resolved by chewing on some gum or candy. This helps to exercise the throat muscles and relieves pressure from the ears.

    Use of Olive Oil
    For relief from a earache olive oil is the most commonly sought after home cure. Apart from earaches olive oil can also cure buzzing in the ears. The olive oil should be only slightly warm before being put into the ear canal to relieve ear pain.

    Use of Onions
    A whole onion should be cooked till it is soft and then it should be wrapped in a piece of cloth and applied over the ear to provide relief from earache and dizziness. Leave it on for a few minutes and then apply to the other ear as well.

    Use of Peppermint Leaves
    Another good earache home treatment is juice freshly squeezed out from peppermint leaves. This juice can be inserted in the aching ear to provide pain relief.

    Use of Licorice
    A pasty mixture prepared by warming licorice in some clarified butter is another good home remedy for earache and dizziness. This paste can be applied externally around the aching ear for quick relief from pain.

    Use of Bishop's Weed Oil
    Bishop's weed oil can be warmed along with three times the quantity of sesame oil and used as ear drops to cure earache. 4-5 drops in each ear is good enough for curing earache.

    Use of Radish
    Another good earache home treatment can be prepared by warming tiny pieces of chopped radish in mustard oil and this oil can then be filtered into a glass bottle. In case of an earache, a few drops of this oil can be inserted into the affected ear to provide pain relief.

    Use of Ginger
    Freshly extracted ginger juice can also be inserted directly into the ears to provide earache relief. Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory properties which are very effective in fighting ear infections and therefore providing quick pain relief. 




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    country bumpkin

    I think you forgot to put in the link.
    country bumpkin

    Yes, that is really wild!
    country bumpkin

    Have a good day!

    got it

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