    Do you expect the family to gather together for a meal, if children are still living at home? Or am I a dinosaur on this?


    +7  Views: 1031 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago
    mrs. gip

    yes i feel family should dine together

    8 Answers

    If I had any still living at home, yes

    I'd expect to eat a meal together. 


    Whenever we go out, it seems that we sometimes see a family, but all are using their smartphones at the table, or listening to ipods. It made me wonder if anyone has a family meal anymore.

    Yes, I know what you're saying, Bus.
    If I were them, I'd insist all that
    stuff stay in the car, if not at home.

    It is good to see retailers posting the kindly reminders to please refrain from use of cell phones while waiting in line for service in their stores.

    It may not be realistic everyday, but I do feel it is important to shut everything off and have some time focused on conversation around the table. We do not allow cell phones at the table and no tv in the kitchen.  It may be the only time in an evening we all sit and talk so it is worth the effort.


    Definately not realistic everyday in this world in which we live. However, as you say, it is still nice to have whenever possible, if only at a holiday. Kids must learn to be families! If we let this go, what will happen to families?

    Good idea regarding cell phones...those things take away alot at times. Usually, right in the middle of the meal, and all about nothing!

    Before my folks moved to AZ we always had a family Thanksgiving at their house.  We'd bring dishes and my mom made the best dressing.  We were just siblings getting back together again......

    I`m old school on this one!...When I was growing up..we all sat together at breakfast and Sunday Lunch!..Sadly it seems much harder to do these days as everyone has hectic,activities,friends..shops open on Sundays...(Which they weren`t back then...It was a family day...Usually Church and Sunday lunch and just mainly family get togethers then...We didn`t even consider it right to phone other people back it was seen as disturbing their Sunday!!;-)...( forward a hundred years or so..and now Sunday is like any other hectic day)!...We still try and get as many of us who are around round the table for Sunday lunch...I think it`s still important to have quality family time..but I know it is seen as a dying trend!...O.K...I`m just old fashioned!:-(


    I am with you Millie, and hope that I can instill this to my grandkids, it is good, was and still is! We should learn to work the technology into that old fashioned schedule, not abandon it for technology!

    bustieone..thanks..Call me ol fashioned!..But Iso don`t want to see this dying out..What`s an hour a week of everyone sitting down together and enjoying a meal and communicating!:)

    Yes, I would expect that, it is a good opportunity to enjoy a meal and talk over the days events, and catch up with each other, I insisted the T.V was off and we all sat together for at least the main meal if possible, it is more difficult now as we have all moved over huge distances, but that makes me treasure those times even more

    When my two sons were still at home we stopped having meals together as there  were always arguments at the table, and I just could not put up with it. But now they live at their own places, when they come and visit we sit up the table and have our meal together, that's really nice, we still have discussions without the arguments.


    It seems kids love to turn the table into a way or another.

    No, you're absolutlely right in making everyone eat together. Sometimes thats the only family time!!!

    Absolutely. If they are still hangin with Mom, they'd better respect her wishes. Sitting down together for a meal is extremely important for families to do... to connect, regroup, share a meal, communicate... just out of respect....

    You actually serve a meal and they don't come? 


    Oh no, I wrote this because of what I see when we go to family restaurants, with most members of many families using their technology instead of talking and enjoying each other and their meals.

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