    Did you ever go back through the archives and wonder, "what was I thinking?" ... when you answered a question?

    I have been conducting an experiment to rid myself of VOTE UPS as I have no idea why we are rewarded so many.  It is impossible to get rid of the darned things by the way.  They multiply like rabbits.

    During this experiment, I have read many of my old responses.  How tempting it is to edit a few things here and there.  I am certain this is frowned upon. :D

    I would like to mention that many of you are completely adorable, especially when you were 'Newbies'!

    +15  Views: 1693 Answers: 21 Posted: 11 years ago

    thanks for the apraisle lol

    21 Answers

    Some of us don't want to be reminded!


    Heck, you were sooooo cute!

    What a sweet pic.

    Nice little cat, same markings as my two babies.

    You guys are just sooooo cute.

    I've noticed some of my more??? Emmm???? Interesting stuff, you've been digging up.

    Yes I have done that! Freaked myself out! What was I NOT thinking? I've given up! What was is!


    This is hilarious... I Thumbed you up anyway. You say some pretty funny things!

    Hmmm...Most of my answers are either silly serious (or a mix).  I've been challenged about 3 times when what I wrote was considered rude or innapropriate-  those members were right & I am glad members feel comfortable enough with me to "call me on it" when my answers come across badly.  Fishy, we all change...but around here (for the majority) we accept the changes as the natural flow of a group of friends!


    You have actually maintained consistency. You are so Zen.

    Swami Doo! I usually avoid things that really trip my trigger!

    Swami Doo is very wise. I shall take this advice. It will bring me much peace.

    ...and deeply philosophical when it comes to music and children and animals DoobiddyDoo!!! ;)

    Thanks Fishy! Thanks Lindilou!

    I am an oldie yet still adorable as you know. By the way the old questions were mkuch better and sometimes had page after page of answers and some great fun.


    Some of those pages are down right frightening as well.

    I imagine it would have a lot to do with each member's subjects of interest. Art and Fish very rarely come up and so I have adopted the subject of Aliens... fun, weird and a chance to be creative.

    You are correct your 'adorableness' is clear to see all the way over here on the West Coast of Canada! :)

    Thanks for answering my question.

    Nope! I will stand by what I have said. I don't think too much about my answers.I know some of them may be a little wierd but,Hey! I'm Australian! You have to make allowances.


    Hahahaha! That is just too funny.

    Perhaps one or two times I wish I had said something different.

    Did you say what was I thinking at the time I wrote an answere? Well now let me see?????? Hmmm could be I wasn't thinking at all, only ans the question that came to mind.?!


    Hahaha!!! I have noticed a change in myself over the past year. I can be a bit of a kook! You probably didn't know that. I bet you thought that I am a completely serious person.
    *_* < That's me in serious mode. ... All day long .... every single day.

    Why would you call yourself that "kook" I think you are a very smart person and intelligent and good looking and fascinate, adorable, love and beautiful and much more!!!!!

    No No No everyone! I did not pay facebook to write that!!!

    Psst... Your cheque is in the mail! :)

    That darn check hasn't arrive yet, my guess I'll be waiting for wild. Lo U (*~*).

    Here is the tracking number... #340394-30493843-40349358395-493438483493958395359359-0 :)

    And the amount is ?? lost track of the number??.Oh well was a free gift still lo-u (*~*).

    You are so sweet! :)

    My past answers? I still embarrass myself all the time.............


    This is funny! I do as well. I am such a Geek. At least I can laugh at myself!

    Problem for me is I don't get embarrassed..well..that is..until I get 404'd...then my cheeks are fairly flushed...not down the drain tho'!!!! ;)

    I bite the proverbial tongue all of the time or sometimes not. That's when I embarrass myself....

    thanks Don, you're a real trouper!

    No...I always try to give a fair, honest answer to questions posed,

    so I wouldn't go back and try to change any of them.  I believe our

    personality emerges through the answers we supply...sort of like

    a Rorschach test. He was a good looking man!  ha ha ha 


    You are right. He was a good looking man.

    Yes I do  don't want to ask same question  twice


    Nope, I'm usually impressed with my answers and am surprised I wrote them. 

    You can edit any time you wish as long as it does not completely change your whole answer so any comments to it now look out of place. 

    I still vote for complete removal of the karma system. 


    The karma system is stressful. Can't we just be assigned sparkles or something?

    I would anything that didn't show numbers.

    Sparkles it is then! Woot! Let's ask admin.

    You asked. I've tried 3 times with them to remove the karma system.

    Maybe the admin could put it to a vote.

    Nope, not even something they would consider. You may as well give it up. Too many still like it, the admin included.

    I will contine my quest then.

    sparkles!!! Or bubbles!

    Bubbles would be cool with little stars inside.

    Bubbles with stars inside- how totally Brilliant!

    How about frequent flyer points Or discount coupons instead of karma? Now that would be a challenge,to see who could get a world tour or a new Mercedes first.LOL

    The Karma system would be just fine if everyone would give TU's to ONLY the best or most worthy answers and questions. Getting rid of the totals would be to my liking also.

    I think a Thank You button without points attached would suit my liking.

    How about planting a tree for every 10,000? It would be great for the planet and the FREE CHICKENS!

    I eat delicious things and very healthy things... It would probably give you a heart attack Don!! ... de-clog those arteries and put you into shock!

    I am allergic to trees. I can only appreciate them from afar Don... sad and true.

    I like the karma system! Giving free gifts or gift certificates would probably result in a charge for this forum! Why doesn't everyone like the karma? It's fun!

    The karma system is actually a silent and subliminal system of communication. People TU because they like you, people don't TU you because they don't, people don't TU you because you don't TU them, they TU indiscriminately without even reading what they're voting on, they never, ever TU anyone....and on and on and on...

    The karma system causes behind the scenes fights that you people do not see. It's a headache for mods and admin a like. Jealousy abounds when someone believes they are not getting enough TU's or anger ensues if someone gets passed. It's a bad system because no one uses it for what it's suppose to be used for.

    Colleen:- I can't believe that anyone would get that upset about KARMA POINTS?????
    Go figure!
    Haven't these guys got anything else to occupy their minds?

    I vote for ... one button > Thanks
    ... one button > You made me smile
    and one button > Brilliant!

    No points, just appreciation.

    I like that idea Fishy.

    "- I can't believe that anyone would get that upset about KARMA POINTS?????"

    Oh yes have no idea.

    We need more people on board Tommy. Karma is a personal relationship with the Universe. It only makes sense that the positive feed back be a individual thing.
    The buttons need not have the labels I suggested attached ... They could read any number of things. I like the idea of the rewards being more of a personal accomplishment rather than a competition.

    Fishy I agree! + feedback is the best!

    i too vote for complete removal of the karma system.

    Dardeigh kinda got lost in this thread I like what she said. Brill.

    I will not be getting any more Karma points because right here. Right now I will not be giving any. (I think so anyway)

    Fishlet: I like the idea of gold stars. They’ll gum up our computers but in a very short time they will simplify our lives. Sparkles and sprinkles too ... let’s pile it on!

    Newbies answer differently I notice, myself included.  After you get to know people on the forum, you can usually understand their thinking, where it comes from, and what they really meant, assuming it isn't quite clear.  For the most part, I think that I say what I mean and, more importantly, mean what I say.


    Are U sure....tomato or tomaato ?

    Well, you know that there are exceptions to every rule. lol

    My newbie tale was the one where I fell in the outhouse hole while a few hundred people searched for me...and my demeanor has not changed one little bit since that glorious event...a true turning point for me...discovered 'moo-art'...haha!

    Occasionally I'll come across an answer from months ago when the old questions get revived and am generally content with my responses. 

    Yes I often look back and think I could have said something different, My computer will only let me change an answer once, it can be tempramental.

    I'm thinkin' that my answers are fairly consistently indicative of someone who  inconceivably desperately and with massive desireousness...just wants her place in the sun...where there's hope for everyone and this poor restless heart can...hey!! Who let Stevie Wonder in the 'green room' dangit!!!


    Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... did you ever type that really fast?

    ...crosses the eyebones dunnit? hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

    You are hilarious!

    I am Red Skelton....clown outside..tragic mess in...bwahoohoo!

    I think the sight was brilliant back then but as in life things change!


    I have only been here for a year. I have gone through some very old pages and did see that members were permitted to erase other member's answers. There was also something called "Closed" and, a lot of arguing about religion.
    I am not sure exactly what you are talking about.

    You have changed this answer.

    Yes, just like life, everyone must grow up. This site has grown up.

    I usually don't think too much when I answer a question, unless of course its a question worth answering and I know the answer.. Really, makes no difference to me, I'll answer the questions I don't know the answer to also.   (when in doubt, mumble)  :)  Make 'em think you know something..  Never succumb to silence!! LOL

    OMG ... I do not have to go back in the archives.  BLUSH


    That's funny!

    ""100% embarassing I have looked back and thought wow that was sooooo stupid my Tutor at college always said we are on a learning curb for ever well thats my excuse lol


    OH DEAR!! That's the look my little chick gave me on the day she was born 'cept her li'l hairs stood up all over her li'l head like a spiky little Einstein!!!! Same look of incredulous shock though!!! ;D

    You get it... learning curve.
    I had a Prof. who said it was a coil and when you are creative it really is a coil.

    well I coiled my hair once...does that count?? hee hee

    I like that, mel. I say the wrong thing because I am on a learning curve and I’m on the way up. I can do nothing but improve. Heh.

    lindilou thanks xxx

    Fishlet thanks your right!
    itsmee thanks


    itsmee thanks so right xxx

    lolol... true !!

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