    My mother in law past away yesterday.

    She had a massive heart attack and past away about 4 hours later, peacefully. She was 94 years old would have been 95 on Wednesday. She had a happy life with 3 children , 6 Grand children,and 3 Great Grand Children. God bless her.

    +12  Views: 1189 Answers: 21 Posted: 11 years ago

    21 Answers

    You said it first, God Bless Her. My condolences for your loss.......


    Thank you Julie, that's very kind.

    I am truly sorry.God bless you and yours.


    Thank you Ann that's very kind of you.

    For you sB.



    Thanks Romos for your kind words.

    Rose Beyond the Wall
          by A.L. Frink

    A rose once grew
    where all could see,
    sheltered beside
    a garden wall,
    And as the days passed
    swiftly by,
    it spread its branches, straight and tall...

    One day, a beam of light
    shone through
    a crevice that had
    opened wide ~
    The rose bent gently
    toward its warmth
    then passed beyond
    to the other side

    Now, you who deeply
    feel its loss,
    be comforted ~ the rose blooms there ~
    its beauty even greater now,
    nurtured by
    God's own loving care.


    That was beautiful, CB. All of these entries were very sincere and beautiful

    That's a lovely verse, thank you so much.


    To sunnyB and family.


    Thank you Ducky, flowers, she loved them so much.

    ((((Sunny)))) Your Mother-in-law lived to a wonderful age.

    I know it doesn't lessen the loss for you but know you are

    in our thoughts and prayers. xx




    Thank you so much for your kind word and thoughts xx

    Oh what a legacy she will leave with those kids and grand, greatgrand kids!  And she seemed to live a good life, by your words, what more could we ask for, warmest regards to you and yours.


    Thank you very much, everyone will have their memories of her.


    My heartfelt sympathies to you and all who loved her and will miss her. 


    Thank you Collen for your kind words and thoughts.

    Sad news !



    Thanks Login, yes it's sad but she had a wonderful life. A hard life when she was young, but wonderful all the same.

    My sincere condolences to you Sunny B.  she was well loved .


    Than you Dowsa, she was loved by everyone.

    sunnyB,  so sorry to learn your bad news. May God Best Her Soul. Amen


    Thanks you Dollybird.

    Sorry for your loss. Blessings to you and your family!


    Thanks to you clu.

    sunny- Sudden death (at any age) can be difficult.  I am grateful she had a nice life and did not suffer. My love and prayers to you and your family.

    So sorry for your loss.  I lost my mother almost a year ago and was devestated.  But I know that she had had enough - like someone at a party saying 'I'm tired, I want to go home now'. How selfish to want her to carry on just for me. Since her death I have become much closer to my sister (in Somerset, England) and my brother ( in Santa Monica, California) - I live in France. The three of us plan a little get-together in the UK for her 95th birthday in October, nothing special, just a celebration of her life which I know she would approve of.  She is as important to me now in death, as she was in life - what a wonderful legacy she left us.  It hurts right now, but give it time sunnyB, your mother-in-law had a good life, and she had a good death. The sun will not stop shining, she will live on in your heart.




    She said she wanted to go during her last few hours, Thank you for your kind words.

    Sorry to hear your sad news Sunny B.Blessings to you and your family.


    Thank you pythonlover that's kind.


    There is a star that shines for you

    Much brighter than any other star

    This star shines for you

    And when it rains they are tears

    From the sky saying I feel the same.

    Those are blessed to have been loved,

    And the foot prints will always be in the hearts,

    Of all whom loved her and whom felt her love.

    Thinking of you and your Family Sunny XOXOX


    Thank you for those lovely words wonderdyke.

    God Bless Her and may she Rest In Peace.


    Thank you Chiangmai

    Sunny B.  - - -It's sad and all of your family will really miss her. But thank God she didn't suffer and lie in a nursing home for 3 years or so.  I'm so sorry for all of your family b/c you'll miss her.


    Thank you, you are very kind.

    May she rest in peace.


    Thank you ed shank.

    Yep....God bless you very sorry for your consoled she sounds like she had a great life..thanks to all of you!..i`M SO GLAD that she didn`t suffer!

    All love Millie xxxx


    Thank you very much millie

    SunnyB. Close your eyes and rember her fase as she smiled. Rember that and you will also smile. God bless you all


    Thank you that's so very true.

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