    What does blood pressure of 206/83 mean?

    When my husband first gets up in the morning  his blood pressure is always high.  It varies throughout the day.   He is on BP medication but he says it doesn't help.   He is also diabetic but won't change his diet of too many sweets that contain sugar.

    +2  Views: 2640 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    A resting BP that high is extremely dangerous. I'm not an expert, but have been told the most accurate reading comes first thing in the morning before rising. 
    NOT being conscientious of his diet is NOT helping matters.  
    He is at serious risk of heart attack and/or stroke.  

    From WEB MD:

    What Does the Systolic Blood Pressure Number Mean?

    When your heart beats, it contracts and pushes blood through the arteries to the rest of your body. This force creates pressure on the arteries. This is called systolic blood pressure.

    A normal systolic blood pressure is below 120.

    A systolic blood pressure of 120 to 139 means you have prehypertension, or borderline high blood pressure. Even people with prehypertension are at a higher risk of developing heart disease.

    A systolic blood pressure number of 140 or higher is considered to be hypertension, or high blood pressure.

    What Does the Diastolic Blood Pressure Number Mean?

    The diastolic blood pressure number or the bottom number indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart rests between beats.

    A normal diastolic blood pressure number is less than 80.

    A diastolic blood pressure between 80 and 89 indicates prehypertension.

    A diastolic blood pressure number of 90 or higher is considered to be hypertension or high blood pressure.


    Great answer Julie!:-)

    Get him to go to the doctor, these problems need to be addressed.


    He won't go as he goes to the VA and it is too hard to get in there unless it is an emergency. It has gone down some now.

    It will go down a little naturally but it will still be high,please try and get some treatment before it really is an emergency, we are not doctors on this site and can only give advice from sometimes personal experiences.
    In this case "mine", try getting the VA to refer him.

    He needs to see a doctor as soon as that high a blood pressure is just waiting for something bad to happen.

    You must get across to him that this is a life or death matter. This makes it an emergency. Tell him HE WILL DIE WITHOUT MEDICAL HELP. Can't get more real than that.....

    He can die soon at those readings. Why do men avoid doctors? I never had an issue with seeing the doctor twice a year for a complete work up. Good thing, had I not, my prognosis would have been nil. At least I have a 70% chance of seeing a few more years because I wasn't too macho to see a doctor.  


    And, I, for one, am grateful for that.
    ed shank

    Bob, as usual, you are too kind.

    ....just being honest.

    a Dr. definitely needs to establish the cause of such a high please don`t hesitate to consult...The top the Systolic is worrying...but the bottom figure...The Diastolic..(83 Mmhg)..Is mainly the one that is considered the main one to worry about...As this is the recording of the heartbeat on resting...any recording of this C90 or above is most worrying......but you do need to get a diagnosis the systolic is abnormally high!....Drag him to your G.P...or as you are his can discuss your fears with your G.P...if he really won`t go!!..And tell your husband he`s not being fair on causing you worry and stress!

    Good Luck..millie x

    Thank you.   Now it is up to him to go as he makes up his own mind what he will or will not do.  I will continue to encourage him tho.


    Thank you everyone for your honest and straight forward words of advice.   I am going to try to get him to call the VA 1st thing in the morning.

    Thank you so much for your response.  His BP remains to be high when he first gets up in the mornings.  I think I have him convinced to go to the ER today.    He wants to rest until his BP comes down more.   You have a lot of knowledge on this problem.

    Thanks Again.


    Have him checked for arterial fibliration (Spelled wrong, but it is a rapid pulse). My mom had been feeling tired for days; AF was part of the problem.
    Best to you both.

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