    M y Dad he pass away last night

    He died 8-12-12  5.54-AM this morning I sat up with him until 12.30 1.00 he was scared this help him to be calm my mom woke me up at 5.00 -AM the hospice nurse was called for doing the official signing of the death cetficate the local police was called because he died in a private home this all I can write thank you for praying and stiil pray we need it

    +11  Views: 1709 Answers: 28 Posted: 11 years ago

    28 Answers

                 Rose Beyond The Wall
                            by A.L. Frink

    A rose once grew
    where all could see,
    sheltered beside
    a garden wall,
    And as the days passed
    swiftly by,
    it spread its branches, straight and tall...

    One day, a beam of light
    shone through
    a crevice that had
    opened wide ~
    The rose bent gently
    toward its warmth
    then passed beyond
    to the other side

    Now, you who deeply
    feel its loss,
    be comforted ~ the rose blooms there ~
    its beauty even greater now,
    nurtured by
    God's own loving care.


    That is beautiful.

    Thank you that is very beautiful:)

    so beautiful.
    country bumpkin

    I came across this over 10 years ago and it has been a favorite of mine since.

    We give you a tear and 2 TU's, CB. It's beautiful and touching. Thank you.

    Thinking of you, and yours whovin.



    Thank you ROMOS:)

    Through family strength, you will get through this Whovin. It's hard to lose our loved ones, but we will see them again and until then, they are with us always. You filled your dad with pride and love and you helped to give him a peaceful transition. Remember that as you heal. It will bring you strength. My condolences to you, your family and all who are affected by your dad's passing. 


    Thank you Colleen:)

    May he rest in peace.

    The 23rd psalm promises, that God will walk with us through the valley of the shadow and death. He certainly fullfilled that covenant on behalf of your father. The life of your father came to an end, only to continue in greater glory on the other side.

    May God bless you and walk with you through this trying time.


    Thank you Ann:)

    We will pray for his grace in your time of sorrow.  May God Bless you and your family

    You can be comforted by the love of God and his promise of forgiveness and the entering into Paradise at the end of our time on earth.



    Thank you:)

    My heart goes out to you, (((Whovin))).

    Take care of yourself and your family.

    Your Dad is at peace now and suffering no longer.  XX



    Thank you:)

    God bless your dad and God bless you Whovin. God bless your mom and family. May peace be yours now and always........jhh


    Thank you:)

    Blessings to you and your family. I think you will be thankful you had time to spend with him at the end.  My heart goes out to you.


    Thank you my #1 fear was I would not be there to say goodbye to him but I was able Thank GOD that happened for he said stay here in the room he was staying in I sat in chair by his and held his hand and later that night he was out of it for some reason when I sat there he would calm down

    @whovin...Later you`ll take great comfort that you were there..and I believe he knew you were there...You couldn`t have done more..what a terrific son!!!

    May your Dad rest in Peace.  You were with him until the very end and were able to share precious last moments with him.

    Again, May he Rest in Peace.



    Thank you:)

    My heart goes out to you and your family,I will be thinking of you


    Thank you lambshank we need them:)

    My condolences to you,Whovin.  You are a deeply religious man and  thus I hope that you will find solace through God. In time, the pain will subside. Think of the good times. Good luck to you.


    Thank you digger:)

    My heart goes to you Whovin! My condolence and may God bless your father may he rest in peace.


    Thank you facebook:)

    Huge hugs dear whovin !!..My heartfelt Condolences ....yes you are in our thoughts and prayers...God bless you all! XXX


    ((HUGS))right back to you millie111

    Hey Paul.You have my condolences mate. A tough time for you at the moment but I hope you & your mum feel better as time passes.


    Hey Tommy thanks:)

    Hang in there mate.Things can only get better.

    My condolences to you and your family. May he rest in peace.


    Thank you:)

    whovin God bless  you and your family!!!


    Thank you:)

    Again, my heartfelt sympathy and prayers........


    Thank Bob/PKB:)

    Whovin,  I'm so sorry that your dad died. I know you're all going to miss him very much. We will keep praying for your family , that God will lead you all, and give you strength.


    Thank you:)

    I am very sorry to read this news Whovin.  Hold on to your faith and the love of your family.  I do believe that you are blessed to have had such a loving and wonderful father.  He lives on with you as you truly reflect what your parents and family bring to this world.  Your father will always be close even though he is no longer on this mortal coil. 

    Hold on tight to your beautiful memories.

    xo Fishie.


    Thank you Fishie:)



    Thank you pythonlover:)


     Please know that my thoughts are with you and your family. May the peace which comes  from the cherised memories of love of your Dear Dad, comfort you.


    Thank you:)

    Many ((((hugs)))) to you my friend.  Many Prayers for you and your family.  Talk to God, he'll listen to whatever you need to say.


    Thank you:)

    My condolence to you dear friend and family .May your dad rest in peace always loved never forgotten.Bless you and family take care of mum.


    Thank you:)

    Hello there the rest of family doing the funeral decisions picking out the coffin and all and my Mom followed my I idea that people  donate money to the diabetic society instead of giving flowers better to give for research than flowers my DAD would like this for he  was diabetic and I wont be on for a few days it is like a running chicken with its head cut off just sitting here by the phone


    This part will pass. I went through this three years ago when my sister took her life. Hold on to the love. It will bring you strength.

    That`s a lovely thing to do to help O`s..your doing a great thing whovin!...Be kind to @Fishlet just hang on to all the love...My Dad still guides me and is always in my heart...ALWAYS! XX so sorry to hear that re your

    My condolences to you and your family, God bless you whovin.


    Thank you:)

    So, so sorry Whovin.  It's very hard to lose a parent, no matter the circumstances.  I pray that strength, peace and love enfold your family at this time,.... and forever.


    Thank you:)



    Thank you for the beautiful pictures I just arrived back from the funeral I am just plain tired lindilou:)

    I hear ya babe...I send only love to you and someday we will all of us be together...over there. Peace baby...keep on keepin' on!!!!!

    Beuatiful picture.....


    To whovin and family at this difficult time.



    Thank you Ducky:)

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