    why do white people like to tan

    +2  Views: 755 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    i don't can't stand it . it makes my eyes very dry and they really start to tear up, burn, and water. good question. sparkler55

    7 Answers

    Colour has flair.

    I personally don't tan.  I turn various shades of pink and so tanning for me is a lesson in futility.


    But you are of maney coulors Fishy,

    It's paint Dennis ... for FLAIR!

    Thats o/k i use to have flared trousers,

    I have now formed an image in my cranium ... Dennis with flairs. :) Stylin'!

    Because it looks better in the summer and supplies natural Vitanmin D from the sun which is very important  in prevention and treatment of Osteoporosis, depression and breat cancer. To absorb Vitamin D from the sun, dont use sunscreen, it blocks Vitamin D from beeing absorbed.

    I know some black people who like to tan also. They told me so!

    'Cos pasty white isn't attractive in summer wear but it's dangerous and stupid.

    ""they don't want to be "Palefaces". Many white people, myself included, think they look better tanned, and when one feels that way, it spills over to the way they feel. A benefit of direct sunlight (often resulting in a tan) is the creation of vitamin d. It's a fact that people in the Persian Gulf have markedly lower levels of vitamin d in the oppressively hot months because people try to avoid the sun.


    Clonge most of us have low levels of this vitamin that is vitamin D3 because people are not getting enough sunlight - on computers when not at work and at work. Workplaces would benefit from 'Natural light' light bulbs - good for dentist surgeries and home. People have a serious shortage of D3 and Doctors are dolling it out quite a lot these days.

    I don't tan have all the stuff sitting there - pale these days as don't go out like I used - in fact was hardly ever in during the daylight hours. Do not like sunbathing - South of France three months came back looking like a carrot - Jersey two weeks came back looking tanned - but not sunbathing. Black people have all that pigmentation to protect them from the sun's ultra- rays which is strong in their countries and where they originate from. I have noticed what beautiful skin black people have and how they do not have the same ageing signs as white people on the whole.White people do look better when tanned - must get the stuff out will be a better match for the teeth. Years ago it did not matter so much.   


    Seen Morgan Freeman lately?

    ROMOS - oh yes - love him. Come to think of it - he does look like he using a tan - getting pale old like me like me I guess.

    Bit on the wrinkly side too, like me I guess, the lived in look!

    I like that...the lived in look

    So I don't feel so dumb when I watch BET

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