    Where on Earth has "Eggplant" gone ?

    I'm sure I'm not the only one that misses her or should i say "the weekly world news"...!!

    +13  Views: 1806 Answers: 21 Posted: 11 years ago

    21 Answers

    Hope all is well with you, Eggie!


    We wish we knew!     :(

    There are a few of us worried about her. I've tried everything I know to find her. We can only hope at this point. It's not like her to just disappear, especially not for this amount of time. She's not logged onto her computer for weeks  :( 


    I just checked her stats 24 days to be exact ...hope all is well..

    Eggie..please come home you are missed!!:-¬...(did you break out or what)??..But you`ve not been at registration...message us you are O.K...And not being held hostage or something!...if we don`t hear...It`s a search party..already on standby!!....NO ..SERIOUSLY I HOPE AND Pray that you are OK..Please contact someone?!xxx



    why did you vote my answer down?

    @Clu...ooops sorry I didn`t mean to...shall put it right..sorry!!

    I've been waiting for her to "make my day".........Where are you, @Eggie?????

    Yes we are very concerned for eggie. Because i live in the same city as her,about 1 and a half hours away, i rang the hospital in her area, thinking she may be sick, as Sydney has been hit with viral pneumonia, with 9,000 people being hospitalized since late may.Fortunately she was not a patient. Let's hope she is o.k.


    Maybe she went to visit family in the UK or traveled to India?

    So good of you to check....

    Thank you for doing that, pythonlover. What a huge city you two live in; I can't imagine it taking that long to go "across town".

    Eggie is also close to Wyong as well as Gosford,maybe the hospital there ?

    Uh-oh ya guys.....""




    That’ll catch em!

    ....seriously....where the heck is she??
    :( I'm gettin' worried now guys...wonder what she's up to...hmm..

    Maybe her computer crashed.Maybe the chooks are sick.There hasn't been any really unusual weather events in that part of NSW so I would assume she is OK.

    BTW.Whatever happened to our other Aussie mate,Peoplelover?


    Had enough folks, akaQA has lost the plot regards what is allowed.
    Answers: 4 Views: 89 Rating: 3 Posted: 2012-04-02 13:00:00

    Yes, I’ve been wondering about PEOPLELOVER too. eggplant & PEOPLELOVER, we do miss you.

    I miss Peoplelover too. He is a very interesting man.

    He chose to leave akaQA due to the type pf questions we answer here.

    But Colleen we don't have any control over the 'type' that are asked?!

    I have noticed that for some time. Usually when I get on the computer early in the morning, I find many of her answers or new posts. Sinse she has not used her computer, she might be off to visit relatives or friends. But it is not like her, not to mention that she will be gone for a while. I hope she is alright.


    She would have told me if she was going to be gone for more than two days. She always did before.

    Thats what I thought. I dont know what to think.

    Does anyone know her well enough to contact her???...I hope she`s OK!....worried though!

    Millie, I think Colleen tried to,

    @Ann...yep you`re right am sure ..I know Pythanlover has done a search too! xx

    Don't know! Maybe aliens!


    Oddly, thinking same! was probably the aliens! Time to call the men in black!


    Did she join up with these guys?

    Eggplant and ed shank have both been AWOL for about the same amount of time. Knowing ed's got medical stuff makes me worry about him; Eggplant just vanished and that makes me worry about her. 
    Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
    (Not loving the alien jokes on this one, people) 


    Shall we exchange phone #’s Bob/PKB? You don’t have to worry that I would talk your head off. (Bob/PKB and I live in the same town)

    Hopefully Eggie will enjoy the alien stuff P,
    it's not meant as a slur.

    Eggplant makes US laugh allll the time. She will understand aliens, Eggie ... You do understand???

    Why are you expecting the worst? Eggie may be on vacation? Won the lottery?

    She would have been in touch with me lindi.

    Colleen..are you able to tell if egg is active on-line at all? Or if she's even on-line(hooked up?)Now you've got me worried...know the e-mail?

    I've sent e-mails to all her e-mail addresses. Yes, I can tell if she's been on line and she hasn't been. We tried calling the animal sanctuary she use to volunteer at but they do not have her contact number anymore. I've done all I can to reach her. I kick myself now for never having gotten her phone number.

    Oddly enough many of these answers could be pertinent in her case!! Is it possible she has had some kind of imposition placed upon her comp gear? Can you tell?

    She has a brand new laptop, router and her internet is not expensive.

    Colleen? Got any 'special' contacts? Yes...I mean psy-contacts? :)

    Lemme try...I know a 'locater'. ;)

    I wish you luck.

    Jan is a well-kept secret who often works with police agencies up in Alberta...with great success..will attempt to contact her again...
    Meanwhile I tossed a few cards...they expressed that matriarchal concerns are at the forefront with a 'love' attachment bigtime...also the 'don't regret the things in spilled-milk..card.'Empress/Ace Cups/5 Cups...Ryder deck. Peace.

    itsmee: That's a good idea. Maybe we could even get together for coffee some midnight (I'm a bit of an insomniac, too)

    You contact Colleen and then she gives you my e-mail? Or what?

    I will send Bob your e-mail address itsmee.

    @ Colleen and @lindi..that`s very worrying..I hope she`s O.K.

    I have noticed eggies MIA too.  I tried to egg her on with alien stuff at first- hoing she would chime in. 

    WE MISS OUR EGGPLANT!  WE MISS OUR ED SHANK!!!!!!!!  Come back you two, aka isn't the same without you!!!!!

    Could be the Aliens! made an omelete for their breakfast?

    ed shank, It’s time for you to return. We miss you.


    Ed was back for a short while. He was talking about his wife wanting to buy a house in Florida to be closer to theire son and family. Maybe that is where he is. I just hope and pray that it is nothing healthwise. Sure miss him.
    Ed, if you see this post, please let us know how you are doing.
    Also Darcy has been missing for a long time. Wonder how she is doing.

    Might be back to home!!


    Yes, that is always one answer.

    As I dont go on the site as much I am sorry that I have not noticed she is a lovely person and do hope all is well with her and her Family

    May she is been used as food?

    Greetings Puran.


    Oh dear. Most aliens like tuna casserole but some do like eggplant parmesan- YIKES!

    I started to write about the eggplant as a veg. until I noticed the name is used by a real person. I wish her well and a speedy return to this community. I'm new here and simply didn't know. I wish her all the best and to her friends as well.


    Your sentiments are appreciated, welcome to akaQA BTW.

    Thank you vjmathis, I and I'm sure the rest of the members appreciate your words and thoughts. Eggie is a well loved member of this community.

    I had a very good friend named Carol Mathis. She was an artist and died several years ago. Her son was Johnny Mathis. (He didn’t sing : ) ) You aren't related are you.
    I’d say impossible but two of us regulars here live in the same town and are going to exchange phone numbers.
    So if we go on vacation, the others won’t bother us in Peru : ) (Super caring group)
    Sometimes fur flies.

    We miss you and you're funny pictures faceless charlie says hi""


    You're welcome daren1

    You're welcome lindilou:)

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