    Our dog has cancer

    Ashley is a 15 yr old border collie mix. She's alert, active, affectionate, and has a lesion on her skin the groomer diagnosed as cancer. My son, her "master", is waffling about getting her to a vet because she is "105".  
    Darrell, our "toothless" dog, 10, is also alert, active, and lovable. He is fed mushy food.
    And Bruce, 6 year old American Bulldog, has legs that "pop" in and out. He is busy and feisty, too.
    My son talks about putting all 3 down (via bullets to their heads after a day to remember, in dog world) with the idea he should adopt animals from shelters and give them good lives. 
    I don't have a problem with him wanting to "save" animals, but destroying the loyal and loving pets we have now is abhorrent to me.  He is their caregiver, as I have my other son's dog with me; he doesn't get along with our dogs and my yard is very, very small. He loves the dogs we have, so I am having trouble understanding the logic. 
    What are your thoughts about this scenario??? (Three question marks for three dogs) 




    +7  Views: 1358 Answers: 21 Posted: 11 years ago

    p.s. Groomers are not diagnosticians! All old dogs grow moles and other bumps on their bodies...just like people...this is NOT a reason to put down the dog (or people!)...she still has a good bit of life left in her!

    Exactly lindi. A groomer can not diagnose illnesses! That groomer should just groom and stop trying to play doctor. If he/she works for a company, he/she should be fired!

    Why do you call your son the dogs master? Animals need friends, not masters.

    Tell your son to grow up. Sorry but he has no compassion for these animals. He should not have any. To say "bullet in the head" is showing he sees them merely as animals with no feeling or Soul. He should not have pets no matter how much you think he loves them. He is balking at the responsibility of taking care of an aged being. Throw it away and get something younger and new. I hope you have no plans of him looking after you in your elderly years......

    No way is this one going to be in charge of my senior care. The one in jail has more compassion, always has, and has told me in no uncertain terms he will be making sure I am well cared for when that becomes necessary. He has the best personality for dealing with cranky old people, too.
    The one in question here has the mis-notion he has been abused and neglected. It has come to the point where I literally balk at going to my mom's because he harasses me from the moment I step across the threshold.
    I plan on taking the dog to the vet if he has not done so by the end of this week (today is Thursday). I know just when I can take and return her without him knowing.
    My condo yard is small and my son's dog is with me. When my son is able to take his dog, I will go get at least one of the dogs from my mom's (she wants to keep them all and keep them well).

    21 Answers

    I would think your dogs deserve more than a bullet to their heads, what a way to end their lives.If your son feels the need to kill them, a vet can do this more humanely.


    I agree, pythonlover. He and his dad recently took Sophie to the vet to be euthanized and it was a horrible experience for my son. I'll get them to the vet; thank you for your thought.

    If he is going to be so cruel to his loving pets, Love seems to only go one way. I would contact every animal shelter, you can, make sure he never get another dog from them, He does not deserve to have any kind of pets.

    Putting down a good dog after 15 years is very difficult.I had that experience last year.(RIP Pippa after 17 years). If the dog is comfortable & happy try to convince your son to let him be,at least for the time being. I was planning to euthanise my dog myself & my wife talked me out of it.I'm glad she did.I took her to the vet to do it.It was gentle & calm but I was still a blubbering mess when I carried her out to the truck. Putting down all 3 dogs to go save others seems a bit extreme.Try to talk him out of it. Good luck with it Bob.Tommy


    Glad you are feeling better, Tommyh. I completely agree with you. I had to take a couple of animals to the vet, including a cat whose kidneys completely gave out. It is a horrible experience, for sure. My dog was 17, also (Penelope).
    I plan on taking the dogs for "physicals" and getting the opinion of a professional.

    Thanks Bob.The vet is the only one who can advise you.

    I wouldn't be able to take one of my babies( cats) to be euthanized. One of my friends would have to do it for me.

    Oh, Bob. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. Putting a dog down is such a major decision I don't think should be made. How is the dog's quality of life? That is the determining factor............


    She is living the life of Riley. He took her with him on his cross country trip two summers ago. It will be heartbreaking for him when she goes. He wants to "stuff" Darrell and have him forever. Sigh.

    Like Roy Rogers did Trigger? That's not healthy, I don't think.....God bless you and the dog and your son.....

    ....just when you think it's safe to go into the water...
    If it isn't one of them going bonkers, it's another one.

    You stay in my thoughts and prayers......

    TY :D

    I would take the dog to the vet... many skin lesions and bumps are not cancer.  'Many' as in most. 

    I once cured an incurable dog with essential fatty acids, kelp, glucosomine, probiotics and  a change of kibble... apparently she had cancer as well.  What she actually had was allergies.

    15 years for a Border Collie is quite amazing.

    If you are taking care of the dogs then you know the dogs. 

    In my eyes a bullet is violent.  I have always done my very best to give my dogs a great life and when it's time, I leave it up to them to tell me when enough is enough.  And ... truly, they do.

    This always is a tough time Bobette.  We usually out live our pets.  Best wishes, Fishie.


    He was horrified when Sophie was put to sleep at the vet's. He and his dad took her back to my mom's and buried her there.
    Thursday I have to go to the city my mom lives in for a doc appt. so I will get Ashley afterwards and take her to the vet.
    My son is such an enigma with the dogs. He got an old couch and set it up in a place in the yard where Darrell could stretch out on it (we had one behind the garage when we lived in the country and Darrell loved it). He blends the dry food to a powder, soaks it and mixes it with canned food for all the dogs. He puts an electric heater outside in a little cove by the house for them in the winter and has a fan going in the garage for them during the summer. He plays with and exercises all of them; it is obvious he loves them.
    Like you said, they will tell us when they are tired. They aren't tired yet.
    Thanks for your helpful thoughts, Fishie.
    (I hear you had a birthday over the weekend and I didn't get to wish you a happy one; so I will wish you a coming year filled with joy, good health, success, and love)

    Thanks for the birthday wishes Bobette. I do hope things turn out well for the family dogs. I am quite ridiculous about my pets. The lot of them are very spoiled.

    My thoughts exactly, BobPKB and fishy

    It's such a hard decision, PKB...I'd vote for not euthanizing them

    but I'm just going on an emotional response here. Ultimately, the

    choice rests with your son and yourself. I know it will be a difficult

    one for you.

    I think you already know what to do. God bless your heart, The dogs dont seem to have a major problem it would be very unfair to put them to death, the way your son wants to  do it. I shudder to think about it.

    I hope Ashley can get treatment and the Vet will know, what is best. I was told, never to ask a vet if you schould put your "friend" down. They dont like to make that decision, its up to you. Let me know when you take her to the Vet.


    I had a cat that was almost feral. I lay on the floor sorting paper. The cat was beside me ... and then WHOMP. She put both her legs and arms around my arms. I had scratches and suffered from such shock. My husband cleaned up my arms and face and put me to bed. I slept for hours. Hear tell he almost took me to ER.
    Two vet had told us to put her down because of her behaviors. Even after that we couldn’t do it. Not an easy thing to do!

    Thank you, Ann. I know you had to make this decision recently and that your baby was in very ill health. I agree that putting any of them down at this point is NOT humane.
    Part of me thinks that he doesn't want to take "old" stuff into his marriage (which has no official date, as far as I know). The fiancee would like a dog, and I am sure she would like a puppy for the two of them to have as "their" dog. Makes sense, but my kid is way off on his logic. My mom says she will keep all three of the dogs. When my middle son can take his dog, I will take at least one of the dogs. What a mess.
    I will keep you updated on what goes on at the vet's and thank you for you care and concern.

    itsme, Our neighbor had a cat , that used to come over here and attack my cats all the time. Shirrah, our dog always chased him home. One day that cat came in my house and parked himself on my dresser. I tried to pet him and he attacked me and scratched me across the chest and got hold of my arm too. I was terrified of that cat from then on. My neighbor put him to sleep, because he had diabetes and they could not take care of him any longer. I know some cats can scare you to death, especially if they are ferral. It takes a long time for them to trust anyone.

    Bob, Yes I had to make that decision last year in December and I am still not over it. I am glad you are taking care of these dogs. I hope everything works out well for them and everyone concerned.Dogs will let you know, when they are ready to leave.

    I would let a vet see dog #1 It may just be a treatable tumor. All the dogs seem to be coping with their problems.  Does your son just not want to spend any money on them? They are loyal pets and if they seem happy--Let them live. However if they are in pain that is different!  How could he shoot his pet unless absolutely necessary???


    This one has a perspective that is unique.

    yes, some doggy skin cancers are easily treatable , if caught on time.

    So sorry to hear Bobbby I'm sure you loved this little guy, best just to do the humane thing a let em go gently why not consider a new puppy I'm sure it will help to ease the pain..


    None are in distress. Makes no sense. My grandma had no teeth and my uncle uses a cane. Oh, but they shoot horses, don't they.

    PKB, don't be too fast about getting another dog(s). They say life begins when the last child leaves home, and the dog dies.

    To shoot your own pet, seems rather heartless to me, so like you Bob, I don't get it either.  I have known people though, who were hunters, lived out in the country, and really believed that it was a simple solution to "getting rid of" a pet, no matter the reason.  I also know that one of those men regretted his actions forever.  He said, many years later, that it was the wrong thing to do and he has always felt terrible about it.


    Thank you, Ducky; I think my son would regret that, too. Hideous thought.

    In my world only a "bad" dog gets the bullet!! I'm talking about the kind of dog who kills 200 chickens for the thrill...or the one that attacks the neighbors' loved one...THAT dog gets the bullet. But a good dog that is in need of euthanasia ought be put to sleep at the vet. It does not sound to me that any of these dogs are in jeopardy or that any of them is a "bad" sort of dog? It sounds contradictory to kill these dogs just to replace them with others?? I don't get it either Bob?


    lindilou, check my comment to Ann, which kinda explains what may be going through his head. Even a bad dog doesn't need to be shot unless it is in the middle of an attack. We are civilized enough to "euthanize" death row "victims"; we should do nothing less for animals...even the "nut cases" that are violent.

    Yes I suppose you are right...but if you had seen what my dog had done to 200'd have shot him too!!

    Probably so. Le'sigh

    It was not good...the guys' wife was bawling her eyes out and Sargeant Bonehead stood there looking like a Stephen King novel dog wagging his stupid tail...le' boo le' hoo...I really liked him too! Dang!

    That is what makes losing a pet hard, even a killer of chickens.
    This is all too personal. My dogs and cats have been more steadfast than most people I know.

    I know..true blue unconditional love all the time...we can learn alot from our furballs can't we?! ;)

    Doolittle is soooo confused.  Your son already has 3 adopted 'kids'- dogs...Now that they have issues that don't seem to be interfering with their lives or happiness he wants to put them down and help other dogs??????  Does he think he will get puppies or dogs at the p  ound that are healthy and have no, or will not get "issues"???? This is bizarre logic.  Take the dog with the tumor to the vet.  If your son is 'dead' set on putting down these dogs couldn't giving them away be an option too??  ....and before I agreed to new pound puppies He needs to figure out what he will do if the puppies are or do get sick- or have non-life threatening/ non-quality of life threatening disabilities??


    You have put everything into the right perspective, doo. Our dogs are "rejects"; Ashley we found running through an orchard when she was barely two months old. Something slashed her throat one night and we had her stitched up...she walked sideways like a crab for a while :D
    One summer I was teaching and when I opened the door for recess, Darrell was there, about 4 months old and covered with tics. My middle son maneuvered him into a "caged" area; after school, we wrapped him in newsprint and took him to my folks' (fenced yard). My brother-in-law took him to the vet for the tics, and we took him home to be with Sophie, Ashley, and Patch. My eldest named him Darrell, which fits him perfectly for some reason.
    Bruce was supposed to be "high quality" and my friend's daughter was trying to sell him to get money for dope. I took him so he wouldn't go to some joker who would abuse him, like so many do with pit bulls (chopping off their ears and tails and making them fight each other).
    Not long ago there were 14 dogs at my mom's (my four, my eldest had two and one of them had 8 puppies). Two of the puppies contracted parvo and my mom said to take them to the vet and get them treated. I won't tell you how much it cost, but they both survived.
    I don't know how my son thinks his plan makes sense....

    It makes NO sense! and if the SPCA (etc.) were to learn that he 'downed' 3 dogs who were OK they wouldn't let him adopt anymore! P.S. I hope there is not an adoption agency for Moms and Brothers...if there is I would not let your son know about any health conditions you or you other son(s) have- shheeesh- he could put you down for getting the flu!

    I'll try to get some info from the local SPCA to leave on his desk.
    Fortunately, my middle son, the one on the jail tour of 2012, wants to take care of me when I'm too decrepit to take care of myself. In spite of the tour, he's the compassionate one. I think I'll be safe, even if my jewelry isn't.

    We don't shoot sick people, nor would I ever consider this for any animal, if they are in pain and have no quality of life let a vet do it humanely, I can't understand anyone looking at a much loved pet and putting a bullet in it, whilst entertaining the idea of replacement like you would another kitchen appliance, I may sound harsh, but I do not understand his way of thinking at all


    I need to memorize every word that you have written and say it to my son.

    Harsh? Not in the least!! Tell it like it is to him Bob and use these words!! Tnx lambie!


    Sorry Bob/PKB!! My sympathy but if the dogs are suffuring than they should be put to sleep.


    IF they were suffering, I would agree. They are not wincing, whining, showing any signs of distress. Ashley has ONE lesion, which appears very superficial. It should be treated immediately.

    When a dog reach a certain age like 105 I think it time to end the suffering

    You didn't read the question well. The dogs are all active, alert, NOT whining or moaning, and extremely gregarious.

    The reason I say that, because my daughter had the same kind of dog and spent over a $1000. dollar too the vet and still had to put it to sleep after a few week, well that was money well spent.

    If she can afford it, good for her. My sister spent twice that for her black lab; she lived happily for many more years.
    Ashley should go to the vet before any decision is made by a layman.

    Bob/PKB I'm not telling what to do with your pet I'm just saying what could happen even after surgery. Wish you all the best for your pet.

    NP facebook. I asked for input. It doesn't mean I'll love everything I hear, but I appreciate all who care enough to reply.

    Bob, I appreciate your answer. Sometimes it’s difficult to thank someone who put their thought into an answer for you. But you did.

    Oh Bob what can i say first of all as Colleen had said you must take this dog to get it probley diagnosed then if that is the case and its not in pain then let it live until it needs to put to sleep I think your Son is your problem where is is head he says he loves animals and I agree that all animals should come from rescue centres but to put bulits in a dogs head is sick I am sorry that this is your son but I see it how it is and I will not back down from my feelings all animals wether strays aggresive desearve dignity and humane killings not a bulit in the head we live in the 21st century not 18th century where one had nothing but BULLITS to shoot animals I think you should have have a good talk to your Son on this subject and I reall hope your Dog does not have cancer but if that is the case it sounds to me that your family have given the dog a good life sorry for getting a bit high-rate but you should know what I am like where animals are concern thanks Bob


    Oh, I agree so much with you, Mel, and am just about ready to take the dog when he's not home. I called this morning and said I wanted to take her to the vet. He said THAT vet gave shots to some kittens he had in a shoebox and wasn't very gentle with the kittens. Every one of them was dead the next morning.
    I don't know exactly what his problem is, but he exacerbates it being a pot head, and I am about done with his theatrics and domineering attitude. I talked with his dad this morning and he is as much at a loss and flabbergasted as I.

    So, find another vet...

    Bob/PKB as doolittle said get another vet Quick these potheads are a problem I have customer who is pothaed and the paranoria sents in then the anger it is so much hard work I have refused to work unless they are straight cant handle it if I was you steal the dog thats the best as you say get tough and put up with S t or wait until he is mellow if you know what I mean just take the dog good luvk will be thinking of you and the Dog xxx

    Oh my goodness! My mom worked at the vet for eight years, all you can do is either put it in surgery or try to treat it. Good luck!

    Do,they still enjoy life with you Bob,if so and they are eating well,keep them ,and give them all the love they need from you,


    Yes, yes yes, yes.

    Pets have this special place in their life with us.  They can’t talk and really tell us. We can only guess. When someone has put years of love into the life of a pet, they will make this most difficult decision. Your son’s idea would not be the right one for me. Maybe your words will change him as this way is not your idea either. I wish the best for you both.                           

    All of these problem's can be fixed with surgerie's if not adoption is the best way to go. I had to put my 1st dog 2 rest but the vet. did it he lived 2 b 19 yrs. old i now have 3 amazing dog's all adopted from a shelter

    Do all the dogs live with you ? And did you buy them ,and pay their vet bills and their food, etc ? If so, than, you, Phyllis will / should have the final say about them. 

    I'm suprised any dog is 15 ! Dogs live a lot longer than they used to. Maybe that's why they're getting more diabetes and cancer.

    The " bullets to the head " makes me feel sick. Why not keep them alive , as long as they're not suffering. Then, if they are suffering, take them to the vet for a humane euthanasia.


    The dogs have been at my mom's for 2-3 years; I had to sell my home and had nowhere to take them. Thank God for Mom. My son has been caregiver for my mom for 2+ years and has taken care of the dogs. Our dogs have always been "reject" dogs. Ashley was a puppy running through an orchard, nowhere near a home. Darrell was covered in tics roaming a school yard. Bruce was going to be sold to the highest bidder for pot money. Sophie came from the pound (last of 12 puppies in litter). Patch, Rollie, and Lucky were puppies on a ditchbank a couple of days before Christmas. Copper was advertised in the paper as a "lost and found"; no one claimed him and the finders didn't want him. Amos was the puppy of Lady, who was dumped at my folks' place. Lucy was abandoned in the foothills. We have never been pet killers, and we won't be doing that now.

    Please reply to a question only one time. I've combined your three answers. Use the comment this answer link if you wish to reply directly to a person or discussion you are having with a person.

    Sad news!!

    Truth be known, a bullet is a humane was to euthanize, if done properly.   I have a best friend who is a successful veterinarian, and he made this statement to me one day, defending a man who had put his own dog down.  He obviously doesn't urge his clients to do this, as it is not legal to discharge a weapon in most areas, and humane organizations may not know all the facts and wish to prosecute an owner for cruelty.  However, I agree that your son should have a responsibility to the pets currently within his responsibility, and do not take the word of a groomer, the dog could indeed have a tumor, but it may be benign!  Good luck


    My son hasn't taken the dog to a vet for an evaluation. He is too busy smoking pot and scr*wing his "fiancee".
    Currently, he is one of the most irresponsible, disrespectful, unpleasant beings I know, and that includes Umbriel.
    But thank you for your answer.

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