    why circumcision necessary

    +1  Views: 900 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    It's not necessary. It's personal choice made by the parents. Sometimes it's due to (in my opinion, outdated) religious reasons. 


    Nice to see Sharon's back,Colleen.:)

    She's back for a purpose ;)

    Really???? Tell us!!

    I can't, it's a secret mission. ;)

    Well?? I can keep a secret! I won't tell a soul.

    I just heard on the radio yesterday that

    doctors can be charged by the courts

    for performing circumcision in...I believe

    it's Germany but not 100% sure.

    It's not neccessay. It's a cultural thing. If a mother teaches her son to wash the head of his penis, up under the skin, then he's not in danger of getting an infection or cancer of the penis. Niether my dad nor my late husband were circumcised, and they were ok in that department.It I had a son, there's no way I would let him be circ'ed. They don't give the baby ANY local anesthetic when they cut off the skin.  :-(

    Ditto, when I asked this of a paediatrician when my son was born he likened it to the removal of one of his toes, "what's the point" he explained, I am aware that for a minority this has been performed later in life for medical conditions, but they are the minority, for some it's for religious reasons (some countries still also believe in female circumcision)  


    Female circumcision is the cruelest form of the practise.It should be outlawed worldwide.

    Agreed,a barbaric ritual that would be considered a crime in most countries, a form of mutulation

    "female circumcision" is more than circumcision. They remove the clitoris and the genital lips. It's like removing a man's penis.

    Unless it is medically needed, it's a form of mutilation most often being exacted upon a defenseless and voiceless baby. Just as archaic as female circumcision, of which both practices should be abolished.

    Circumsisized men have a lower rate of HPV and results in lower cervical cancer rates. It can also dramaticially reduce HIV infections.

    Apparently Jewish women have a lower rate of cervical cancer which may be due to their husbands being circumcised. Also AIDS is less prevalent among African women whose partners are circ'd.Sometimes it is performed as the foreskin is too tight, in fact my wife's ex-husband had it done for this reason and said sex was much better as a result. At one time almost all American boys were circ'd as a mark of a matriarchal society.


    You're saying women had their kids circumsized as a show of sexual power???? C'mon!!

    Fair Dinkum?? That's a bit of a stretch Noms.I can't imagine any mother getting pleasure/power out of that.

    My best friend went through a circumcision at age 26 due to a medical condition. I'd be willing to bet that he wished his parents had mutilated him at birth.......

    Uncircumsised requires much more attention to cleanliness, as the foreskin needs to be pulled back and the exposed skin cleaned thoroughly.  Without the  foreskin, cleansing is considerably easier and likely more thorough. 
    It is generally a choice, but sometimes  becomes necessary. I am speaking from firsthand experience. 
    I seriously doubt parents are thinking about the future sexual benefits of the procedure when their sons are circumcised.  

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