    how do u get rid of scares

    plss i really want to no who to get rid of scares cos i have a lot plss help.

    0  Views: 613 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Here is a variety of opinion and advice:
    You can get them removed through laser therapy. You can also look through the lotion or beauty supply department for cream that helps minimize them. By rubbing that in everyday, it will eventually disappear or get very small.
    It depends. Some scars - if they're not to bad will fade in time anyway, others will never really go away. You can have surgery but it wont necessarily work, and the creams on the market will probably only reduce the appearance a little, I'm afraid that mostly scars are permanent Cocoa butter. There are a few things you can do to remove scars such as using cocoa butter. All you do is apply it as needed it helps with bruises and muscle soreness as well. You do have to be patient because it won't go away overnight.
    I've researched this a couple of times. I found out that some of the materials at your house can be use to reduce the appearance of the scar. You cannot really remove it but there may be some circumstances when you can. However, you can certainly use apple cider vinegar and apply it to the scar. Let it stand for ten minutes twice a day. You can also scrub it with baking soda twice a day and apply vitamin E oil on the scar once a day. You have to be patient to see results after about 2-3 weeks time. It also depends on what your scar looks like.
    Maderma, perfer on, or palmers shea butter. I have had scars on my arms for years and they are almost completely gone as a result.
    Let me mention what to AVOID. Vitamin E is a great anti-oxidant and so it's good for preventing sun-damage. Don't use it as a scar treatment though as it causes contact dermatitis (skin allergy) in 33% of users and studies have shown it does nothing for scar healing. Amazingly, many people, including even some doctors, continue to recommend vitamin E for scars despite these findings.
    There are very few treatments to get rid of scars that are backed by science.
    Multiple studies also show that onion extract does not improve scar appearance either. It is usually mixed with petroleum jelly (vaseline). It's better than nothing because it provides moisture to the healing scar but it's actually no better than the plain vaseline jelly.
    Scientific studies have shown that the following help to get rid of scars:
    1) Stable vitamin C 2) Silicone gel or sheeting 3) Some natural plant extracts like aloe vera, licorice extract and some oils
    Both vitamin C and silicone help healthy collagen production by the skin which is essential for optimal scar healing. Vitamin C also works very well for decreasing the red or brown discoloration seen with a lot of scars.
    Silicone also decreases the production of abnormal collagen that can cause thick, raised scars (which can lead to hypertrophic and keloid scars).
    If you choose a product with vitamin C ensure that it contains a "stable" form C. Most forms of vitamin C used in skin care products are unstable and quickly turn brown after the container is opened. This is a sign that the vitamin C has become oxidized and therefore no longer works. Products that are brown to begin with should probably be avoided as many manufacturers color the cream brown so that users cannot tell when the cream becomes oxidized.
    Start your scar treatment of choice as soon as initial scar has formed, the skin has healed over, and you can comfortably apply it and rub it in without much discomfort. Wait for all scabs to fall off. Continue using it until you no longer see improvement in the way things look and feel. Be patient because this can take 6 - 24 months.
    Also be sure to apply sun block over the scar treatment to protect the scar from the sun. Prolonged sun exposure will cause permanent redness or darkening of the scar.

    Read more:

    Get a big dog .... and a bed side light ...


    y how does that help
    Deleted User

    Well what are you scared of the boogie man? the dog will attack the boofgie man and there is your problem gone, and sleeping with your light on helps, makes strange people think you lay awke all night reading..

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