    what shall i do my dog has ate a mouse

    +3  Views: 1189 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    There is not much you can do. It does not hurt him, unless the mouse carried some kind of disease. If your dog shows signs of beeing sick. take him to the vet.

    Make sure the cat does not find out because the cat might have a problem with hunting rights.

    Check his "calling cards" for worms; general disposition, activity level changes...stuff like that. He is, no doubt, fine. Did he catch the mouse or find it dead and eat it?  If the mouse had died from poison, your dog could become ill.  Just keep a close watch on him!


    Good point about the possibility of finding it dead!

    My mom used to call our parakeet's droppings---his " calling cards " You just brought back good memories, PKB

    Bring him to a pet Psychiatrist he thinks he's a cat....Honestly I'm sure he'll be fine our cat eats mice all the time and never gets sick.

    Wouldn't think it will hurt the dog, chocolate would be a lot more harmful than a mouse.

    The only problem that might stem from it, would be the possibility of worms, if the mouse had them. I'm not sure about dogs catching them that way, but I know cats do. If the dog ends up with little white specks on its anus, those would most likely be worms. If it doesn't end up with them...all is well.

    Give him some more if he likes them Should not harm him


    Tinned field mice for cats! Always thought it might sell...except so many people think the little demons are angels!! lol ;)

    Don't worry about the mouse,you will get it back in a day or so if you follow the dog around.

    Wasn't Micky was it?? If he ate Micky, you could be held responsible for the ruination of Disneyland and put all the Disney characters out of a job. Disney couldn't survive without their Micky.



    No! No! tell me it is not SO!


    I think someone moved the body from

    its original position. Hm...are there any

    eye witnesses?


    OMG tell me this is not happening. I should have never woke-up today.

    Oh no...this is tragic!

    Oh No! Not Mickey!

    Yes.."someone moved the body from

    its original position"..using a mousetrap....

    Shootah, I don't like that picture :-(

    i think that would be kinda dry going down. ask him if he wants some water to wash it down or is he gonna let him walk.

    padovenick thought exactly!

    He obviously has no respect, dogs are like that, my cat delivers them live ! and often on my bed at some untimely hour

    Some dogs are specifically breed to hunt rats and mice. 

    Wolves also hunt mice and rats.



    that's right b/c the Kairn terrior was bred to watch the kairn to keep rats away from it.A kairn is like some kind of a stone erection that's supposed to commemorate something. We have one up north in Mich, I think it's for Indian graves

    Is the mouse still squeaking? My dog once ate a whole big nest of mice...

    It wasn't nice because...well..they were all still squeaking through his chest and the more I ran away...the more he followed.He sure looked like a bozo sitting there cocking his head back and forth at the sound his own chest was making...dogs are so funny sometimes...a morbid sense of humor! Perhaps he was just humoring you!!



    He's not sleeping...he's afraid of mice! ;D

    better than a rabbit????

    You have a better dog than most of the cats that don't catch mice anymore. Be happy rather than worry...

    The dog will be ok. Its the poor mouse who wont be feeling too good

    wait till the  bones comes out in his poop

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