    What could management do to make your job better, easier, more rewarding or more fun?

    I'd like to know what can be done to improve the work experience for employees.

    +1  Views: 769 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Managing a workforce is a delicate balancing act that requires constant vigilance over multiple aspects of an operation. Call fluctuation, services levels, and abandonment rates all need to be constantly monitored to areas that can be improved. While there are software investments that will help you determine call volumes on any given season or date, the most important piece of information cannot be as easily quantified by software. It’s the happiness and behavior of your agents and fostering that goes a long way in reducing turnover and increasing satisfaction in your customers.

    Perhaps the easiest way to promote these feeling in your staff is to work with them in finding a schedule that works around their needs. While adherence rates (the affinity your agents have to sticking to their schedule) are important to meeting service levels, setting unrealistic goals that do not allow for agent adjustment undercuts their job satisfaction and ultimately translates to higher turnover.
    Optimizing schedules to meet the delicate balance of what’s needed for a specific volume requires careful planning on the management end, but it also requires schedule adherence on the agent end. Something much easier to obtain when agents are satisfied with their roles and schedules.
    First of all managers need to identify adherence goals and objectives based on the unique characteristics of their call center environment and also take a look at benchmarks of other call centers. No two operations are exactly the same and defining expectations should involve not only defining your goals but also consulting your staff. You’ll also need to average handle times of calls and identify potential barriers that might prevent adherence. By keeping your agents in the loop your goals will be more realistic and hopefully easier to obtain.
    It’s also essential that you communicate the effects of tardiness and absence to your staff. If they feel as though what they’re doing is affecting the entire operation as a whole, they’re more likely to make decisions that support the team.
    Monet also suggests having incentives that boost an agent’s willingness to comply with their schedule. This could be the option to swap shifts when needed or to bid on additional time off. Taking the alternative option and punishing for lack of adherence can decrease call center morale and make individuals feel singled out.
    Adherence will go a long way to make your customer service operation as effective possible and meeting your agents halfway will make them more willing to stick to the prescribed levels. Take these tips into consideration next time you schedule and you’ll see happier employees and customers alike.


    Couldn't have said it better meself! :)

    Tanks. lol

    Romos: Good answer, but I was looking for something specific that applies to you personally. :)

    Around here, you get what you get.

    I am a one man show... Your question does not apply.  I am a ceramic artist.

    Oh!  I have an idea!  I would like more than 24  hours in a day and more than 7 days in a week.  And I would like minions. 

    Thanks for your inquiry.

    Sincerely KC Fislet.

    (Are you at work right now?) 

    Goofy? ... I don't know.  Pluto may have been a better choice.

    Dardaigh it! :)

    This picture I have entitled..

    Good Start


    An HR manager that does his job instead of playing on the computer might be a bonus for improving the work experience of the people needing impute from the HR office  :-) 


    I would certainly never do this if I were working. I'm unemployed. And yes, I'm pretty discouraged about it too, if that tells you anything.

    Ahhh, so you are an ex human resources manager. Gottacha.

    No. I am a human resources manager period. Have been for 20+ years. I will be back to it soon, I hope.

    Well, I'm a truck driver and have been for 20+ years also but right now I call myself an ex trucker because I'm not working. If I ever go back to it, I will be a truck driver again.

    Good for you! I would call you a retired truck driver, meaning you have no intentions of returning to the job. I, on the other hand, am a human resources manager who is temporarily unemployed but actively seeking to return to work. We call it "in transition."

    I did not say I have no intentions of returning to truck driving. I said for now, I am not working.

    The occasional "pat on the back" works... Reminds me of something cute. A photocopy of a hand is hanging with a sign that reads:  For a pat on the back, lean here......

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