    how to brush teeth

    0  Views: 922 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    We are a worldwide forum. We use multiple language skills here. Why are you telling a moderator of the forum what to do? I suggest you mind yourself here. Per your comment to me in another thread. I just wanted to make sure you saw this by getting the alert I posted back to you.

    What next? Narcissism is alive and very well. Is moderation possibly tainted with extremism but your suggestion, of course, is very moderate. I fail to be alerted thankyou.

    You have major issues don't you? A bit of insecurity on your part? I'm betting you have trouble making friends.

    7 Answers

    The following technique will help you get the most thorough clean.

    On the outer and inner surfaces, brush your teeth at a 45-degree angle in short
    half-tooth-wide strokes against the gum line.
    On chewing surfaces, hold the brush flat and brush back and forth.
    On inside surfaces of front teeth, tilt brush vertically and use gentle up and down strokes with toe of brush.
    Brush the tongue in a back-to-front sweeping motion to remove food particles and freshen your mouth.

    Remember to spend at least 30 seconds on each quadrant of your mouth, adding up to two minutes each time you brush.


    Mechanistic instruction without supplying the rationale is inadequate. Understanding the natural requirement to compensate for failure to spend hours chewing a Stone Age diet must compel brushing to imitate the chewing motion. Mothers, unfortunately, have also been poorly educated.

    Well since you know so much about it, write a book and teach the mothers.

    Mechanistic instruction??????
    Have you ever had kids?????
    If you have I'm glad I wasn't one of them!!!!

    I know...I thought he was nuts as I was timing this...I'm thinkin' 5 minutes max!!!

    Agreed! After that it just becomes a little masochistic!!! Yowsa!

    "Wing Nut" Alert!!!!

    Seems like his Mother forget to teach him manners either!!!:-0

    You may try flossing. This will loosen some of that sh!t packed tight in your brain.

    ""Just like Colleen told you...

    You are rude and condescending in nature. If you intend on participating within this forum, stay away from me. I am a mother, my children do know how to brush their teeth and they all have beautiful smiles.

    Follow Colleen's instructions and some day you too will be able to smile with pride.

    Ooooh and unlike Umbriel, I have very few fillings and I have all of my teeth.  A model of my teeth are in the Denistry Department of a very good University.  I have a perfect bite and each one of my teeth is perfect in relation to one another... Not bragging.  My Dentist at the time was a Professor at the University.   That man knew teeth.


    Maybe his Mother didn`t teach him to smile either..he has only come on here to make himself look like a complete rude idiot imho!!:-Z

    I would not touch you with a barge-pole. Get a life you big-head !

    Here's the tutorial>>>""


    My Dental surgeon advises to brush at least 10 minutes each time!!!

    Who in the world is going to brush their teeth for 10 minutes each time? I bet even your dentist does not do this.

    5 minutes is my max. Anything more and you're going to scrub all the protection off your teeth.

    Your tutorial is on my desk top. It's all that angle stuff that confuses me. Thank you very much. : D <--I wish I could make teeth in my smile. (10 minutes!)

    I ALWAYS wonder if I'm doing it right.

    My electric toothbrush brush  brushes 30  seconds in each quadrant. And suggests you do a little extra. Flossing is essential. The water pik is great. Just fill up the water cup and squirt any remaining pieces away. I use mouthwash too.  Afterward all that I feel fairly good about my hygiene.  I do this twice a day and think I should do it three times a day but ... I DON'T WANNA!


    youre joking! isn't?

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