    Can you legitimately remeber all of your lovers and their names?

    +10  Views: 1534 Answers: 23 Posted: 12 years ago

    Having a lover and having sex are not the same thing.
    Chaplin Don

    That is the point isn't it. I gues what I am wrestling with is how to justify in any legitimate way, the obvious contradictions of pretense and motive.

    CD: What difference does it make? Why does someone's sexual history need to be "legitimately justified"? And to whom?
    Chaplin Don

    I'm actualy not looking for any specifics or details about anyone's private affairs. It is certainly none of my buisness. What I am getting at is this, upon reflection of my memories of people with whom I had developed an intimate relationship in the past that has long since ended, how do I justify, in my own psyche the fact that at the time I was honestly engaged and now can not even remember a name to put with a face? It seems to be revealing a glaring false pretense i.e. love, and an underlying motivation i.e. lust. Forgive me if I raised an improper question. I tend to get melancholy some times in the night and should probably stay away from the keyboard until it passes. Judging from some of the answers I have received, many people are much more honest and upfront with themselves than I have been. That insight is helpful :}

    23 Answers

    I confess, I can't remember all from my college days, but since then, absolutely. 

    Yes I do.

     I was raised by a very good woman.... so I would say, Yes.  I am a good girl. :D


    Good Girls are alway called that even when they are 45. There are only so many men you atract when you are a good girl.
    My Mom set a great example. I am very proud of that woman. She did not let me down. She is honest and something like Gordon Ramsay in personality.

    Gordon Ramsay?! Okay.

    Without the swearing. :)

    Well, that could be...

    EMmmm???                  EMmmm???



    were Emmmm and EMmmm twins??? & Aaargh liked it a bit..rough???

    Never twins just the old memory,It wasn't exactly

    Memories are great aren't they? If only we had some! LOL!!!

    Teasing you... LOL.... I had to think about what tv shows I watched last night... If I have trouble remembering my life 12hrs before then I'm not likely to remember a name from 30 yrs ago...LOL

    Her name was Emma, ROMOS? And just the once? ;)

    ""I still got'em all, dude. I'm so sexy they don't wanna leave me.


    Its those Red Knickers,

    Are you sure you don't have them locked in your basement? LOL!

    Yes. On two fingers. Was never a womanizer, Never hunted a woman down strictly for sex. I did patronize a whorehouse once at 16, didn't work. I'm assuming the question refers to women loved, not women laid. Big difference.


    I am reading the question the same way, ed. BIG difference.
    By the way, good for you.

    Shouldn't be too hard if only i can get my little black book back from my wife..


    Daren1: She said it was nearly empty... Just kidding. :)

    Just curious, did you know that the correct spelling is Chaplain? 


    He simply can't spell.

    He should at least be able to spell his title correctly if he's going to promote it like some sort of badge.

    He's an ordained Chaplain. They just forgot to tell him how to spell it when whoever ordained him.

    Don spelled correctly the word chaplain in his profile. akaQA users name are not subject to any spelling rules or are they?
    As Umbriel noticed 1st, Chaplin happens to be a valid name. I don't think Don intended to promote either name in any sort or badge as many akaQA members do without being chastised.

    He edited his profile after I let him know he had spelled chaplain wrong. No the names are not subject to spelling rules but he clearly did not know how to spell chaplain right. Just figured he'd want to know since he claims the title. He is an ordained Chaplain according to his profile write up which use to read ordained chaplin.

    Tom,Dick and Harry!.........oops no!  It was Harry,Larry and Moe....doh!That's not it either....dang it's the "legit" clause that's doing it y'know!LOL:D""


    Definitely no Dick there!!!

    Are you sure about Tom? Sorry I don't remember you Lindi. ROTFLMAO!

    I grew up in a very religious, different culture, where lovers before marriage was deeply frownend upon. I obyed my teachings.

    ed shank

    I do understand the culture thing. I am a product of what was frowned upon.


    Chaplin Don

    I think it is a way of checking ones heart and soul. I am in my mid sixties,as are a lot of my close friends. We lived through the "free love" era before aids and all the rest. Looking back is almost unavoidable. I was just wondering what people from different generations and points of view think about promiscuity and anonymous sex, particularly after the fact. For me, remebering old friends and lovers is a way of respecting them, and when I can't it seems to be the opposite. Just reaching out for some feedback, thats all.

    Seems rather odd for a chaplain to want to be discussing this on a public forum? Anonymity brings out the best, doesn't it?

    You're thutch a teathe.

    I think he may have a bit of a broken heart or he thinks he may have seriously messed up in the moral code department. He wants to see if other's feel that way too.
    Chaplin Don

    @ Fishlet, bless bless...
    Chaplin Don

    @ Ducky, as transparent as I can be

    King Solomon and I are not known for our good memories.  I am baffled as to why the word "legitimately" was used.  We both decided against the use of mnemonic devices.

    Chaplin Don

    I find that some times people tend to diminish or enhance their past romantic encounters depending on who they are speaking with, that's all I meant by legitimately. The issue of remembering peoples names seems to me to be a measure of how meaningful a given encounter may have been. The question came to mind for me because while having breakfast with some friends, we got talking about past marriages and other relationships. I never thought too much of King Solomon. Big on "do as I say not as I do." Consecutive order works best for me.

    mnemonic device is something that helps with memory.

    As hard as I tried I could not REMEBER...


    No, was all a long time ago................

    The people I have made love with/to?  Yes. 
    The people I have had sex with/not loved?  Yes.
    Is it any of your business (or anyone else's)? No.  I read your comment to doolittle...I am 60, and  was not comfortable with the "love the one you're with" mentality.  


    Quite frankly, I don't know if mine were legitimate or illigitimate...just know what their folks told them-LOL

    Odd (if) chaplain, I'm thinking.

    yes I can because I married him

    ed shank

    Great answer.

    This is the best answer.

    ed shank thanks xx

    BOb/PKB thanks xxx

    Yes I remember all those who I have ever loved and of course still do love. My memory goes back in time and in places far far away and I love them there too. So very many that I could sit for the rest of my life just remembering them all and still not have enough time remaining to me here to get very far along my list. Not enough time to remember all and there is so many who I love. 


    Don Juan! that you?!:D

    Of course it is me Carlos, Who did you think you could find here….yourself?

    Legitimately no. My question to you is are you a Chaplain or are you a clown?


    Chaplin Don

    Are they mutually exclusive? I stumbled into this website quite by accident while seeking a definition of a Lutheran theolgical term. I thought at first that it was a Lutheran community site. Once I realized what was going on I found some of the questions and answers interesting. When prompted to give my name I entered Don. That was not available so I added Chaplin, without giving any thought as to the ramifications pro or con, naive I guess. Only trying to distinguish myself from other Dons. I am an ordained Christian chaplain. I minister in elder care. I do not go by the title chaplain in the nursing homes. Just Don. As for being a clown, I guess that's for you to decide for yourself. I've been called worse. One thing I have noticed about social media, people say things that they would most likely not say to your face, and I'm not sure that's a good thing. Maybe it is. Before I begin a teaching session or address a new group I always begin by saying that I am an equal opportunity offender. Sounds like I offended you. That was not my intention, I just seem to find a way. Just trying to reflect on the state of morality in our world today.

    It was not my intention to offend you. In fact I have a lot of respect for the talent of the "clown" - illustrated here - whose name you chose to add to Don although he suffered from a disease called communism.
    PS As a chaplain you should be more careful with your "public" spelling. If you ever catch me with a spelling error remember: I did not know any English at the age of forty...
    PPS I don't think chaplain and clown are mutually exclusive. I have great respect for some clowns because they are great clowns. I do respect the chaplains that are good chaplain.

    Since you brought it up, valR, and I feel pretty comfortable being very straightforward with you, can you tell me why some of the members are all over CD's butt about his spelling, and never say a word to anyone else? What did he say or do to get this kind of attention?

    Read my comment again... it shows my reason :)

    @ Bob, It was mentioned because he's an ordained Chaplain, not Chaplin. Until he edited his profile (after being informed of the misspelling) he had "I am an ordained Chaplin." There is no such thing as an ordained Chaplin unless it's something you get to be if you are in a Charlie Chaplin club.

    Interesting story he has for his name now.

    Coleen, touche! I did not know he misspeled the word in his profile...


    Yes absolutely and foundly.

    Are i remember them well,we dined at eight,or was  10,??yes I remember them well,



    LOL! The wonderful Maurice Chevalier. :)

    And Hermony Gingold,

    Is that a proper question for a chaplain ?

    Chaplin Don

    I hope so. I'm not looking for salacious details, or any details at all. Just doing a little tidying up in the back corners of my mind. The movie has been in and out of flash back mode of late.

    YEAH for one who`se been exposed as a saddo fraud!!:-(

    Yup, believe me it's very, very, easy.

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