    Mum broke her hip

    Sleeping peacefully at 1 AM Tuesday.The phone rings.It's the medi alert people to tell us my wife's mother has taken a fall.We spent the night at the hospital with her & were informed at 8 AM that her hip is broken.She is now in surgery having it pinned. She is 88 years old so nothing good is going to come of it.She has lived alone in her own home,not far from us until now.This is a sad day for her,my wife & our whole family.

    +17  Views: 1878 Answers: 28 Posted: 12 years ago

    Good age TOM my thoughts go with you and your wife .Hard work a head Try to get some rest and your "wife. wish you both well.

    My Father in law pulled through a bad fall and an operation last year... He is 89. He is one tough old guy, very well taken care of and surrounded by love.
    He is quite ill on other levels but still maintains a rich sense of humor and is always a gentleman.
    You will be surprised how amazing people can be especially the independent ones.
    country bumpkin

    You're in my thoughts, Tommy. It's hard to watch your loved ones aging and experiencing some of the ailments that seem to plague mostly the elderly. I think we help our parents (and grandparents) to heal just by the loving support that we give them during their time of need. I know you're moms heart is happy knowing she has you help her.

    28 Answers

    Tell her we send big bunches of......



    This picture is beautiful. Thanks!

    Sorry Tommy....remember to get some rest yourself, so that you are better able to handle all that is sure to come. 

      Just goes to show that someones life can be changed in an instant, Sorry to hear the sad news Tommy.

    That generation are tougher than we sometimes think, hope she recovers well Tommy.

    Sorry to hear that Tommy. But, at least you can be thankful she was found quickly. Those health alert things are really a good thing for older people to have in those instances. Hoping the best for you and your family.

    Given her age, it is very unfortunate.So very sorry that happened. She will need lots of help, once released from the hospital. Lots of love and prayers to you and your family.

    Hope she heals, but at that age it's hard.


    Yeah I know.Thnks Eggy.Gotta get some sleep now.Yaaaawn!

    Sorry to hear that Tom, unfortunately she may now lose her independance.


    Yeah.Looks like Kent. It's gunna be a bloody fight tho.LOL

    She will need lots of love and lots of support, she is indeed lucky to have a caring family, I hope things will be O.K

    So sorry to hear this sad news Tommy.  Best wishes and love, Fishlet.


    Thanks Fishy.It looks like being an extra busy time for us over the next 6 weeks.:(

    I hope she heals well Tommy. Docs can do so much these days . Just take it a day at a time. My thoughts are with you and your family!


    Thanks Clu.Your thoughts count.

    I am so sorry to hear this my friend but my faith would tell me that she will end up with a stronger hip than before.So you all try and keep positive and strong for her.Give her love from all of us.

    May her healing be speedy and on target. All is not lost in a family full of love. Take care of any depression she is bound to be facing, what a bitch thing to happen. So sorry............


    She has woken up this morning full of fight.That's a good sign.Thanks for your thoughts Jools.

    Sorry to hear that TOM.She will need a lot of looking after .These things always happen  later in life..Wish her well .

    Terrible news.  I hope she has a strong resolve to get well and get back to "business".  A good rehabilitation program will go far in her recovery.  My mom's 93 and insists on living in her home, which is too big and needs much attention after 60+ years.  A good support system and tactful sounds like you and your family will do all to keep her as independent as possible.  Take care of yourselves, too.  


    Thanks Bob.Yes she has good support & a good resolve to get better.But... Things go wrong at that age & we're all aware of it.She is getting excellent care at the QEII hospital.Here's hoping!

    She has lots of good thoughts coming her way... you all do!

    wish her fast recovery

    Hope her prognosis is good, Tommy. All the very best to you and your wife and family.


    Next time you see her give her a peck on the cheek and tell her it's from me. I wish her a speedy recovery and you a minimal amount of anxiety.


    Thanks Ed.

    You're a sweet guy, Ed

    She lived to this old at least, that is longer than the average life span.


    My father in law is older than this and had surgery similar to this last year. He is still going strong.

    im sorry to hear that. wish her well for me and i will be keeping you all in my prayers


    Thank you carmax.

    Sorry to hear about your wife's Mom. If they have pinned her hip I'm sure she will heal well. Almost 30 years ago my 97 year old grandfather fell and broke his hip. They operated and he healed very well and lived until 104 years old. They had him up and walking the very next day. I hope they get her up and moving as quickly as they can, it's the best thing to do. Keep us posted on her progress and I will pray that she regains all her strength.


    Thank you Witchway.She's doing OK so far.She's complaining about the hospial food & that's about par for the course for her.(LOL)

    So sorry to hear about this!  make sure she gets up and walking asap...also, have her cough and deep breathe often!!!!!


    They had her uo & walking at the hospital the very next day.The physio has shown her how to coughShe's doing OK..So far.

    Glad to hear it!!!!

    Don't you Hate those late night calls. It's never someone calling with 'GOOD NEWS'. Your mother-in-law is going to need a lot of help now. It's a blessing that she have a strong family support team willing to help. Stay positive and keep your spirit up, and you'll see the healing process will be much faster.

    Here's wishing!



    Thanks for the card Chelleanne.

    Tommyh, I hope and pray for your mother-in-law's speedy recovery.  I understand these things take time. 


    Thanks Chiang.She's doing OK so far.

    How's your mother doing? Is she getting much better these days?

    She is looking very frail these days but at least she is still walking (With an aid)& living in her own house.She gets plenty of assistance from the 5 kids she raised & thanks her God for them every day.

    I am so sorry, Tommyh.........A very hard situation to deal with.  Pray and hope the very best circumstances come about for everyone involved!   A call for prayers!!


    Thanks Howso?

    lets hope with modern tecnicques things will go well,


    Thanks Hec,she's actually walking with the help of an appliance already.

    Tommy: How's Mum doing?  4/15/12


    Better than any of us expected Bob.She's walking with an aid,She has pain but that's to be expected.She's grumbling about being in hospital for so long.(That's a good sign,LOL).Atleast another 4 weeks of rehab in hospital.Thanks for asking.Tom

    Thanks for the update, and it's great to hear she's doing well. Keep us posted!

    Glad to hear she's on the mend, Tom. You must all be so relieved. :)


    Going to see her in 5 minutes.I'll post an update later.Thanks mate.

    How is she doing, Tom?

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