    In What Countries Do Your Relatives Reside?

    I have family in:

    Canada, USA, Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Australia, Argentina and South Africa.


    +10  Views: 1184 Answers: 23 Posted: 12 years ago

    23 Answers

    My family are all home grown in Australia.

    Canada,Scotland and the USA..

    West Coast Canada!""And Mexico!!!""


    That's pretty. Looks like an island we saw when we were in the Carribean.

    Beautiful! I love the ocean.

    Australia. Ireland, England, Scotland, Canada and U.S.A.

    Germany and the Czech Republic

    I used to have relatives in Holland, Germany,  England,and Scotland but they all kicked the bucket. I suppose their offspring would be my distant relation, but I don't know them . My cousin,Mike did go to Holland in the 90s, and looked up some of them. Their last name was Landeweerd.(sp) ?   Anyone ever hear of that name ?


    It's la Manzanilla,a tiny village outside of the city of Manzanilla, Jalesco,Mexico on Pacific shore!Aha ha!

    most of us are here in oz, but very spread out, we,have family in England, Hong Kong and Finland. also Holland

    Canada .Scotland.

    Italy, Sicly, Spain and Australia


    No "rellies" in the USA, Vinny?

    Yeah, about 200 of 'em, I didn't put USA in because that's where I am..

    Are you a Sicilian separatist ? There are many Northern-Italians that would wish Sicily to go her own way. LOL

    Digger-- Believe me, the Sicilians would wish the Italians would leave them to their own as well. Notice there is no bridge connecting the 2 mile strait. Not because the Italians but more because of the Sicilians-- They don't want it, this goes back to the time of the romans. The Sicilians have threatened to blow it up. I believe the last attempt by the Italians was in 2009, it didn't make it either. I doubt there will ever be a bridge and all because of the dislike for each other. Personally, I don't really care, I am an american, however, my mother is calabrese (Italian) father is Sicilian. But I was born and raised in the USA so I'm American. So was my parents, they went through all the legal policies to become naturalized and very proud of it! There's a book.. "Italians of greater Cincinnati'. My parents picture and story is in this book. However, it is really no different than many thousands of other immigrants of that time.

    Vinny, I know what you mean. I am Canadian-born and consider myself Canadian first. I must tell you that there is a significant difference between first generation Americans and Canadians. Americans tend to shake their ties to the homeland alot quicker than we do. It's due to our government's "multi-cultural" policy that encourages ethnic preservation. I often believe that this policy is counter-productive to national unity. Still, you've gotta admit, "we" make the best food in the world, don't you think ?

    'we' make the best food?? You mean Italians?? You are absolutely right, and my parents owned a rather large Italian restaurant in Cincinnati to prove it! Busy 7 days a week for over 30 years. I dumped it when they retired because born in the business, you learn to hate it.. Now, if you mean 'best food from Canada, I would have to honestly say, i have no idea what that would be beyond 'Canadian bacon'.. LOL What would be considered 'Canadian" food??

    Italian, of course !

    USA, England, Wales, Dubai, Hong Kong, Australia and Canada.

    England, Australia, Canada, USA

    Well now, my Animal Family can be found in every country and both of the poles!!!!

    Just England.Boring bunch arent we?!!That said,i havent actually got a deal of family.....

    Australia,Scotland,Ireland,New Zealand,Canada,Poland,Germany,Russia.U.S.A.

    Italy mostly. A few in Belgium, Australia and right here in Canada.

    USA, England & Germany

    All of my living relatives are here in the states. My recent past relatives were from the states as well, going back for generations................

    Ancestors came from France, Germany, and Armenia.  Possibly there are still some in Armenia who can be traced. Any in France or Germany would be hard to prove.  Everyone I know is in the USA. 

    USA, England & Germany

    USA  ancestors from Mexico but I'm 4th generation. I have a friend ask me why still say ethic is Mexican or Hispanic when family been in country so long, why not say American? Tried answering but it just brought up more questions. I answered pride in background.  Anyone out there have a satisfactory answer could give her?

    This question came about on a very long road trip and just kept creeping up over and over.


    Ancestral connection is a strong tie difficult to break...I love your deep connection to your roots!Peace.

    I don't think you have to justify yourelf and your feelings of national pride to anyone, Gloria. You love the country in which you were born but your family has instilled a sense of pride in you for your ancestors. That is fabulous in my book. My four sons are all Canadian but take great pride too in the fact that they are half Irish. You go girl! :)

    Mostly Germany, but France as well.

    US, Australia, Israel, Chile, Bolivia

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