    Is it true in that what matters most is how you see yourself?

    How do you see your self?


    +4  Views: 704 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    I see myself (now) as pretty confident, pretty capable, willing to try new things and quite contented most days.  I generally feel, that what you project, is what you receive back from others.


    Very good for you and do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

    There are always some who try! :)

    How do YOU answer this question Ed1530?

    I guess to answer you would be difficult for me in that I do always and will always know there are two sides to us all. I believe we all have to be that way in order to have balance and balance is a big part of the world and nature we live in.

    I believe there's much to be said for that statement. Yes, you are and always will be the most important thing in your world. That's how I feel anyway. Me first, everything and everybody is next. Many will dispute this comment but I won't believe any of it. Would I trade my life for my wife or son, of coarse. Will I sacrifice a necessity for your comfort? To hell with you.


    ed...are you being mean again? LOL!!! :)
    ed shank

    No ducky but I mean what I posted. It sounds real nice that one would make all these rediculous sacrifices for others, in reality it ain't happening.

    I was kidding of course (re: yesterday) but you know that, right? I hear exactly what you are saying...some "say it" but in fact, don't really "do it"...we're all selfish by nature, anyway. :)
    ed shank

    I wish you weren't right but I totally agree.

    So you see yourself as strong and you hold your ground. Nothing wrong with that not at all. Thank you.

    I've  heard it said people perceive you the way you see your self, smile and the world smiles with you ,frown and you frown alone. So perhaps their must be some truth to that age old cliche.


    Interesting thank you, you make a good point.

    Yes it is, and now that i am older I see this even more.  Confidence in yourself and the world is yours. 

    As a long time sufferer of depression i manage most days, but there are times no matter how true i know what you project is what you receive back,  it is damn near impossible to portray that.  So yes I sincerely believe that the most important thing is how you see your self.  I do believe however that few people attain this as it depends mostly on your environment as you are growing up.        


    ed shank

    I was diagnosed as a manic depresive at the age of 19. I've been on medications since then. Sometimes it's almost impossible to be around people let alone want to dialog with them. People pick up on when I don't feel good and come back at another time.

    I think it is important too and thank you for your input it has been very helpful. And I know sometimes what has gotten me through hard times was the believe in how I saw myself.

    Sometimes I see clearly how capable and steadfast I am and other days a darkness tries to pervade my being...usually put there by someone trying to steal away my light...or someone trying to instill negativity by projecting it toward me...misery despises light...As a result of a crazy sort of life I am an extroverted of my lessons in life is learning to tolerate others in my "space"...I had a tough time accepting that others do not warrant me the same respects that I dole out especially dealing with privacy...for example those who do the "drop-in" without calling,even after being told not to...often my dismay is misconstrued as humor when in fact it is sarcasm !How I see myself is important...but only to me...others just plain don't give a hoot!!!

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