    what is the name of your cat


    +6  Views: 1380 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    21 Answers

    I had to put down my cat of 13 years last month so I'm catless now. Her name was Miss: Mutley. When I rescued her from the pound she was a scrawny, filthy, flea infested fur ball. She reminded me of a neighbors mixed breed dog I knew as a kid, his name was Mutley. She may of had an ugly name but she grew up to be a beautiful cat. She looked  like Dollybirds avatar on here.


    sad to lose a loved friend

    country bumpk, Sadly I lost the cat in avatar, after one year, WE still miss him. What happened you friend. ?
    country bumpkin

    Dollybird, She was 13 years old with renal failure.

    Sorry to hear about Miss Mutley c.b. My silly cat is a great companion...losing a good friend is not easy, human or otherwise.

    My condolences, C B.
    country bumpkin

    Thanks for all your kind words. She is missed but at least she's no longer suffering.

    God bless her.

    I lost my cat Molly to Kidney-failure. What a terrible disease to see them waste away. You need to get another cat.
    country bumpkin

    Ann: There are 7 cats where I work. I feed them everyday. I also feed the birds.

    Im so sorry CB ,love and thoughts with you x

    Awwhh!..SORRY to hear that:-(..(Sounds like she had a great life with YOU though)!!:-)..Condolences too,
    love millie xx
    country bumpkin

    Thanks, millie



    country bumpkin

    I would hate to clean up the fur ball this cat hawked up...

    look like he eats well

    That cat looks bit big.

    LOL- I had a cat that would sprawl on the bed..had to nudge him so I had a spot to sleep.

    No matter how big or small they actually are, that is the amount of room they seemingly take up! And they are the happiest and couldn't care less what you think. Love them dearly....

    yup>>>> That's my Tigger. He's 16 lbs. He takes over the whole house. He snores, too

    Nice Kitty ran away because he did not like to take baths so I got Sleepy.

    Tiger tiger burning bright,in the forests of the night.... Rest of the poem anyone?

    "" Barney.


    Egg, that is so cool, and looks like my Tigger

    with a tail like that, I'd show off too

    Barney, can sure move it.

    Love it!!

    My 3 little fur children are named  Tigger, Molly, and Willow   :-)


    I still have two fur babys, Woolie and Puss Puss.

    A few months ago Lily died she was about 12years - all black and so lovely. I now have a cat that looks like Felix named BO BO( there is a reason for this name), and another all white with Ginger belongs to University guy around the corner but wants to stay here - why I do not know - his name is KAI. All the cats I have ever had have been strays and would you believe since Lily's demise yet another cat comes - he is ginger and looks so well looked after but pops in and out - too easy to get in here oh dear it worries me. Once had a cat I named Big Boy - my friends used to laugh - calling big boy out the window. He was a huge tabby and the Vet said it was because he had not been Doctored too right I had to take him to the vet as he was fighting every other cat in site.


    Lovely story.

    I have had cats all my live and love them. What a nice story!



    Chewy in Star Wars

    Fits him to a T.

    Worthless.............and he answers to it..........................


    Oh, you've probably given him a complex....where's Doo?

    Trust you Julie to have a cat called Worthless you have mentioned this before like my story - great name and of course he is bound to answer - you are calling.

    Okay, he was doing something worthless and the name stuck. He's a great cat......

    lamb is correct- You must have a loving nickname and please place a Queen or King before Worthless!

    He is owner of the house..........

    Cats are always the boss, aren't they.

    Lilo Maya-Maya


    I didn't know you had a cat. How does s/he "tolerate" the dogs???

    Doo... Lilo tollerates only me. She is a studio cat. I opened the front door, she walked in and I have been feeding her the most expensive cat food money can buy ever since.
    I love her. She loves me... we listen to Pearl Jam way up loud!

    Pretty name.....

    She sounds like a little darling.

    sunnyB... Lilo is a big darling. She is a very large cat.

    Oliver and Leuticia (Oliver is very very bad, Leuticia is the shy retiring type)

    We have lots of outdoor barn cats! Fraidy Cat, Big Spot, Roscoe, Tuxie, Sara, Monica, Sox, Boots, Lily, George


    Thats a very large extra family.

    4 cats; Tommy he is 13 & has no teeth, Tyson orange tabby  he's named after Mike Tyson because he likes to bite, Princess part Siamese & grey tabby very sweet, Spaz black cat that keeps running into doors, closed windows etc. Love my little furry family thanks for asking.


    I love the Tyson bit!!! Too funny!!! My memory is the pits..but I'll never forget that bite- Man!!!!

    Those are great names. My Tigger used to bite everybody in sight when he was young.

    Maybe Spaz is visually impaired

    Lovely little family, they must keep you busy.

    We had a family of 5 cats and 3 dogs at one time. We are down to one cat namesd chewy(He is 16 yrs. old} and a blind dog named charie (He is probably 15 yrs. old, because when we got him from the pound, they did not know his age)

    I call mind Samanta!


    Please stop giving thumbs up to the trouble makers. I've seen you do this before. I can have the admin shut off the TU/TD's for you if you can not be more responsible with the privilege. I'm speaking of Stellablue, she is causing trouble and you are giving her TU for it. Not good.

    Sorry Colleen was not aware of the situation.

    OK facebook, just please notice what you are giving a TU to. She insulted a moderator here and filed a false report on her which you gave a TU to. People like her do not need quick karma, they just abuse it ;)

    OK! colleen I just wasn't paying more TU for Blu

    PEANUT.  she was the runt of the litter, is all grey except for a heart shaped light gray patch on one of her front legs.  She just jumped on my lap and is trying to knock the computer onto the floor.....

    DOG because he has an inferiorty complex.


    DOG is you know what spelled backwards. He probably doesn't have an inferiority complex at all!

    Nice one but he didnot call himself dog, if he had i would have started believing in his name reversed.
    country bumpkin

    I had a friend once with a cat named Dog but instead of saying the name they would spell it out. By pronouncing each letter seperately, it make it seems as you're saying Deogie.

    My daughter had 3 cats when she was still living at home.A big ginger male called "Cargo",the name suited him.A white female she named "Arden" (??? Go figure) & a dark grey female she called "Storm" but I called it " The Anti-Christ".(The worst cat I have ever known!


    My Tuna Fish and your Anti-Christ must have come from the same lineage!

    Stella By Starlight  and her mother Nakita(Dances On Bears).



    I have two cats, Sinbad and Wilma. Both my babies, Wilma is the smallest but the boss, when Sinbad comes back after an evening out she kisses him and then smacks him, as if to say where have you been all evening.


    WIlMA! Great name. Bet that's an original for any pet.



    He is so cute. Looks like a big boy.

    What a Great cat!!! I love the orange spots near his nose.

    He's gorgeous. Don't think he appreciates the intrusion...... :-)

    No cats at present.  May be moving.   My lifetime faves from #1 on down are  Roxie (soul connection from the start, beautiful black and white, lively,  last cat I had),  Oscar (an abused Russian Blue whose tail had been broken at the base and never moved on it's own, yet an excellent mouser.  When we moved to North Carolina from Florida with him, on the third day in our new residence he promptly disappeared.. Put up ads, radio station ads, checked pound regularly.  :-(    6 wks later we get a call from a lady 25 mi away. Aside from the trek he HAD to cross 2 major interstates to get to where he was eventually found.  Skinny Oscar was eating breadcrumbs she threw out for the birds in her backyard. He let her capture him, called the Fla Humane Sciety from the # on his collar, who forwarded her to us in N.C.!!   And do you know, that cat was headed exactly due South, towards Florida, where he was born and raised!  We got him back with our family where he stayed until his passing many years later.),  Tigger ( huge male gray tabby, so sweet and lived to be 18 yrs),  Satin ( Super-shiny, pitch black velvety coat w/green eyes, gorgeous and very intelligent, but not affectionate with anyone but me. We lived on a busy road with her. One night she never showed for dinner and for two weeks thereafter I looked and put up ads for her. One night I got a call from a woman 4 streets over saying she had an elusive, stray  black cat she was feeding, and could it be mine. I went to her hse with a cat carrier and managed to trap the cat with food bait, still not knowing if it was mine as it now dark outside and the cat was black, to boot. Took her home, in the house she acted a little strangely, but went right to the spot where I used to keep her water and food, and then shortly after settled  onto my lap as always in the past. It WAS Satin! I was super-delighted!!  How often does this happen with a lost pet?  My then fiance came home from work that night, saw the cat on my lap and his jaw hit the floor, eyes super wide.  I said "look, Satin is home!!" and he said "that can't be Satin!"  and I said "why not??"  and then he told me he came home from work two weeks prior to find Satin lying lifeless on the side of the road in front of our house, having been hit by a car he thought.  Thinking she was dead he put her in a box and hid her under the Arbor Vitae trees, planning to bury her the next day, but when he went to bury her she was gone from the box.  He never told me because he thought I would deal with a missing cat better than a dead cat.  Boy, did I set him straight!!  Vet said she had some brain damage from the hit and was probably why she couldn't find her way home. She always was different after that incident, but  another good ending. ),  Sweet Pea (My young daughter named her.  She just boldly entered our living room one evening with our doors having been opened to enjoy the night air and she never left, a little bit skittish female, gray tabby).  <3 my cats......... :-  >


    WOW. You remembered some pretty amazing stories from your kitties' lives. Each one found its own way into your heart and has its own place. Oscar's story is especially heartwarming! What a bunch of wonderful cats!!!

    Yes, they were pretty astounding as they were happening, not allowing me to forget. I feel extremely fortunate to have two to come back to me with the background circumstances so unusual. I just thought real cat lovers might appreciate. Thanks for your thoughtful feedback, Bob, is appreciated.

    Some pretty amazing stories. I too remember every detail about the cats I have had in the past. The worst for me was when our cat tuxedo was killed and eaten by a fisher cat and lucky, the most loving and friendly cat disappeared and we never found a trace of him. I could write a book about all of them. Everyone of them was special.
    I have read the story about your cat that was hit by a car and survived I believe on the Internet. That is an amazing story.I love cats and dogs too.

    Ann, Thanks for your comments! WHAT is a "fisher-cat"?? I've had several disappear because of coyotes, I believe now. Makes me very reluctant to secure another cat because of........... :-)



    Oh! I can tell that Larry is a lover kitty!

    Pawpaw, Monster, and Bubba


    My kitty is a Norwegian Forest Cat.she is 18 months old and her name is Peek-A-Boo.

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