    Today is Bob/PKB's Birthday!!!!!!

    I won't give out her age but, it's a big one!

    Happy, happy , Bob and many, many more. I give you my best wishes..............jhh  

    Celebrate for a whole week, that's the new rule. Drink one for me and I'll do the same for you!!!!!!


    +22  Views: 3457 Answers: 39 Posted: 12 years ago

    Dear, dear Julie, and everyone here at akaQA! You have overwhelmed me (again) with your good wishes and friendship. THANK YOU so very, very much for your birthday wishes.
    I had a busy day at work, and am getting ready to go to a friend's for dinner. Plans are to celebrate this birthday about six-eight more times in the next week or two!
    I do love each one of you. XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO XO

    Dear Phyllis, Happy 60 trips around the sun :-) May you have as many as you want.

    Bob. hope you had a wonderful 21st, plus, x

    39 Answers (31-39 Displayed)

    Happy happy birthday,hope there's lots of celebrating


    Next time you are at the pub, have one for me, please. This one should be worldwide! :D

    T""he very best to you FOR your birthday Ms BOB


    Did you make that for me, bulletman? THANK YOU. It looks delicious (and 1 candle for every "score" of years...good thinking)!

    Happy birthday to one of my favorite ladies. May all your wishes come true this year. I'm certain they will, I always believed that good things happen to good people. Stay as you are, and goodness will follow. 


    Thank you, ed shank. OOOOO

    Bob it's such a thrill to see all the wonderful wishes you got from everyone for your birthday.  But  you know something,  you deserve that and more.  You give on this site so generously and you are one of my favorite folks.  Wishing all your dreams come truer than true!  Happy Birthday Bob and may you have at least 50 50 50  more.  Remember the 500.  LOL


    tabber, it's so nice to hear from you! I am looking forward to seeing you in Gilroy soon! Thank you for all your good wishes! You are a special friend here! :D

    Yea  Happy Happy  2 u  happy happy 2 u 


    Yea thanky thanky you!! :D

    Happy, Happy, Happy  Birthday Bob!!  You know,  birthdays aren't quite as much fun as they used to be but I sincerely hope you have a grand one,  you deserve it!!   =-)


    Hi michmar118! It was a very nice day! All the good wishes here and from those friends on Facebook (where do they all come from). My friend fixed the best dinner and we talked for 6 hours, through 2 bottles of wine. Grand would be the perfect word to describe my day! THANK YOU!

    Your graciousness seemingly has no end!! Very best to you! And the talks for 6 hrs and through two bottles of wine must have been amazing, fun, sincere, and truly heartfelt. So glad for you.

    We'll have to do yours up right when it comes. As for the was like a tag team. Our initial connection is our children's addictions. What a base for a friendship to build upon. He is just so positive and hopeful, though, and he has no problem carrying his half of a conversation. LOL
    Have a happy weekend, michmar118. It would behoove (love that word) to get something done around my home...laundry for starters! :D

    Sounds as if your BD was all good, with a great friend. There always has to be a connective base to a real friendship. Laundry, the gift that keeps on giving, on and on and on! ;-}

    Many happy returns Bob.have a great day & a great night of celebrations.


    Psst Tommy.Have a look at the date this question was posted.You are either too late or too

    I KNOW!!!
    I can't believe I missed that!

    Don't worry Tom i miss postings all the time, especially when there are two pages, Merry Christmas.

    Thanks kent.Happy Xmas to you too mate.


    I realize I’m very early with my greeting. I’ll just be first in line to wish you a great day.

    I am late, which is not unusual. 

    Happy Birthday Greetings to someone I admire.  Have a wonderful year.  Do all the things you want to do and surround yourself with love.... pretty easy with all of your beautiful grandchildren. 

    Learn lots. 

    xo K

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