    Should Iran be turned into an ashtray?

    This country as does the rest of the world, run on oil. Iran can cripple Europe and this country economically should the oil stop flowing. I'm not saying go to war, I'm saying take them out and take the oil. How would China react if Iran no longer made oil available to them? The Iranians would be speaking Chinese in a year. I'm just speaking my mind and saying what most are thinking.

    +11  Views: 811 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    I think some people are afraid to say what they are thinking sometimes in fear of insult or just not being politically correct. I've found it a good idea to just say what you think and if someone doesn't agree than that o.k.. We can't all agree all the time.

    This is a good and relevant question, thumbs up Ed.

    ed shank

    Thanks Leeroy regardless of your opinion on the matter.

    Thanks Ed, my p.c. answer would be different, knowing that Iran may not actually mean what they threat. The problem is that we don't have a politician with any balls to stand up to empty threats. We need someone in the white house that will call their bluff.

    Yes i agree , only if diplomatic as well as economic sanctions  don't work, nor should the USA take it on alone, it's time the UN got together and made a plan with the Israeli's..

    ed shank

    Daren, The UN is worthless. Sanctions have not in the past worked. They will not work in the future. We must support Israel. Let it be done once and for all. The Arab's in the region apparently don't trust them either. So I see no fallout from them. Obviously they would publically admonish the Jews but they would be thanking Allah that the insane ones are finally gone.

    No. Its the same retheric before we invaded Irag. They made us belief Irag had weapons of mass destruction which was a lie. Its the same with Iran and Nuclear weapons. Even if they had nuclear weapons, they know that Israel and US. would wipe theire country out.  For the last four years it been constantly about Iran and nuclear weapons. We cant afford another trillion dollar war. We are in a recession where jobs were lost, where our food prices have spiked and oil and gas prices. What this is all about,is getting a foothold in the middle east that the US had before in Iran. This is a conspiracy by neoconservatives.

    ed shank

    Ann, I'm not saying go to war with troops on the ground. I'm saying nuke'em, kill them all and take the oil. You think your paying a lot for food now, wait. You won't be able to afford food because your company had to close down because the price of oil. The only protein food on your kids plate will be the goldfish in your bowl or the pets. Do not compare Iran with Iraq, two totally different issues. Respectfully, your wrong.


    ed shank

    The Iranian people are also looking for a regime change. It's not the people that are running the country. Those in power must be eliminated, colateral damage is unavoidable.

    Well, if they cross the line and start firing on ships, I think they'll have opened a door they'll regret having unlocked. I don't doubt Iran has a few tricks up its sleeve, but we should leave them with no more military capability than throwing rocks.


    ed shank

    They need to be nuked. Period.

    I wish it was an easy way ot of this Iranian mess. Just remember to thank France for allowing Ayatolah Khomeini to start the first major Islamist revolution in 1979 in Paris.

    I don't think we should burn Iran but I do think that this Amadijad needs to be taken out-- In general the people of Iran like Americans, or any other country. they do not have that radical Islamic hatred for us --    This dictator they have has a vendetta for Isreal and had made it clear that he wants to wipe them out.. This is where we come it, we can't let this happen.  A tight squad of snipers take him out no more problems for awile..  The people of Iran are in fear of their leaders, this is no different than any other tyrant country, first make the people fear you and they will be at your beck and call. Case in point, Iraq!  The people there kissed Saddam's feet, when he was captured and hung they cheered!

    ed shank

    This is what I'm takling about. However if innocent people become casualties we shouldn't loose sleep over it. They should revolt and kill these madmen and become a contributing nation on the planet.

    I want to thank you all for your comments, the diversity is awsome. We couldn't do this in Iran.

    Have patience with Iran. Their leadership is under the mistaken impression that they can gain international status and respect for developing their nuclear program. That is because they think fear and respect are the same thing. Iran keeps their people ignorant and poor to maintain order and brutal oppression is used to enforce a semblance of peace among the populous. Who will do business with Iran if their oil becomes worthless and their nuclear fuel rods unmarketable. The waters of the world oceans are rising and the weather more oppressive in Iran. Lets let them sit on the back burner and sizzle.


    I agree. Iran is saber rattling. If their nuclear program shows progress it will get stopped by subversive action from a country in that region. Won't be a war between forces IMO.
    Besides, they have 3 kites for an air force, no someone stepped on one now the're down to 2, who they going to stop.

    Israel should blow them off the face of the earth, they fund terrorism in most every nation. Sorry to be so blunt, but it's just my opinion.


    They did say they would use them if provoked.
    North Korea today said it would use nuclear weapons in a "merciless offensive" if provoked.
    Iran is provoked just by the name of Israel.

    Lol, yes this is true. Iran has said they want to wipe Israel of the face of the map, so I suppose a preemptive strike would be the smartest move.

    People don't realize that crazy leaders mean what they say and we have to take threats seriously.

    Maybe we need more people who mean what they say, without the stupid hangups.

    I agree with you CHAIN, American politicians need to start meaning what they say, but probably wouldn't get re-elected. lol

    What worries me is that I have never heard of any country say they intended to use their nukes but Iran has. All the others countries say they would use them as defense.


    What about N. Korea?

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