    Why isn't everyone in America required to speak English?

    +5  Views: 1554 Answers: 22 Posted: 12 years ago

    Same reason as they,re not required to speak English in the UK.FREEDOM! And we invented the bloody language.

    And still can`t speak it ROMOS.

    22 Answers

    Because the United States has become so consumed with NOT OFFENDING anyone and being POLITICALLY CORRECT that its not required in this ENGLISH speaking country.

    This way no ones FEELINGS get hurt.

    Adios Amigo


    The official language in the USA is listed as English,and Spanish in most places. Sad! I would like it to be English. Until we get Spanish removed, there is nothing we can do.
    The USA did this to themselves. They had a national bird, tree, flower, but didn't have a national language. That's how the Spanish language was added. You can't make anyone speak the language, if there isn't a language listed. We took it as common sense, when did the gov ever have common sense?

    I can't even tell you how many different languages are spoken in the US today.  There are times when I am in a store and NO ONE is speaking English.  Guess who feels like she doesn't belong.  
    By providing translations of EVERYTHING from voters' ballots to driver's license tests, who needs to speak English. The government has practically created a Tower of Babel.  


    This is so true, and it should change back to English first. English speaking people have been enraged and didn't get over it. If you are going to live in this country, you should learn the language. Germany and other countries require it too. They give you 5 years to learn the language, more if your older. If you don't learn the language, you don't need to be there. It's the same as telling your new country, I do not accept your ways, law, or gov-. That's the wrong message.
    People choose whether they want to be respected by respecting others. By not learning to communicate you are saying that the other persons words r not important as to what I am saying

    This is a two way street . In other lands children learn more than one language as a matter of course. Those coming to America of course should learn the language ,but Americans should learn other languages as well what is good for one should be good for the other as well . How can Americans wag their fingers at others complaining about one language when we are guilty of the same . Brazilian children learn 3 languages . We can all do better at everything including getting along and talking to each other. Might just be handy to have more than one language under ones belt .

    Right on! It would be smarter for Americas to be require to learn two languages. The reason, we need our neighbors(other countries)to know we respect and value them too. They learn English all over the world, are we so arrogant we can't learn another language? We need to be part of the world. Being able to communicate in many languages is smart.

    I live in the USA and do not travel abroad. I do not need to learn another language. People who come here from another land need to communicate with me, I do not need to learn their language to communicate with them. This is my home they have come to move into. English is also the language of the UK. This language is the most spoken language in the world. This is not a case of Americans being priggish and thinking everyone should "just speak our language". This is a case of, if you want to compete in business or of you want to live in an English speaking country, then learn the language of that country or don't bother applying for citizenship or trying to compete as a business. The people here that we are expected to cater to in their language are the illegal immigrants. I flat out refuse to learn their language in order to communicate with them. Legal immigrants have had to learn a good bit of American/English in order to get their citizenship. Now they can communicate with me.

    bluesman1951: one awesome answer. Thank you!

    I assume this question could apply to every country in the world.  If I  visit China, will I be "required" to speak Chinese  I f I were a resident in China , I would want to learn the language.

    I dont know why this is . Sad state of affairs . Fact : We have a good way of life and a good standard of living and others want this when they have done nothing to earn it . Free loaders ,good for nothing  leeches crashing a party they weren't invited to. I am in charge of nothing and no matter how loud I complain it will change not a single thing . So what is the point ? We have allowed this and now we whine about it . LOL what a joke !!!!!


    Pretty much agree with you. It seems the more gate-crashing and free loading (by "aliens" and "citizens" alike), the lower our standard of living becomes. Welfare is a good way to destroy the middle class, if you think about it.

    I disagree, Welfare should be available with conditions . First you must be working to improve your self . You must always contribute to society in a meaningful manner "Community Service " When you rejoin the work force it must never be at your old income level. Welfare with conditions ,no free rides . Any one should be able to take a assisted time out to retrain and get educated . I am against free rides ,but if some one is busting their butt to do better I am all for that . If you get something or some help you are going to do something for it .

    At this writing, there are more Spanish speaking people than English speaking in the USA. Who's to chose a national language..................?


    The founding fathers were English and Scotsman in the USA. In many countries English is the second language. Our doctors, teacher,lawyers, government are all English speaking. It doesn't matter which is the greater number speaking the language, it's who is in power.

    I would like to learn the amecican  languige one day,so that i could put gas in my car instead of boring old petrol,and have a nice day once in awhile,and maybe punch a cow,


    You are to cute!

    Hector: Best Answer!
    country bumpkin

    We don't punch cows in the USA, we tip them. :)

    It wasn't till the Civil War that the gov even knew many people in the USA couldn't speak English. After the war, they tried to teach every American the language. It's better to speak two languages, it increases brain power. If you speak English, your speaking words adopted from almost every language. If I could chose a second language, I'd take French, it sounds beautiful.


    Hi Daisy! I studied French in high school and college. It IS a beautiful language! When substitute teaching, I was once assigned to a HS ESL class. Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and even French had some marked similarities, none of which could be easily recognized in English.

    Cool, I know English is derived from the German language, so it is easier to learn. My passion will alway be French, I'm to dab gum old to learn it! My brain is willing, my tongue isn't. Lazy devil.
    You must be able to speak it beautifully, my grandmother was from France. She always wanted me to learn. It was not offered in my school, shocking.

    Down here Hindi seems to be the second language these days & it pisses me off something chronic!

    Somebody said "They come here expecting the benefit of everything we have worked for & are not even prepared to contribute by using OUR language."I couldn't agree more.They should be made to learn English if they want to live here.


    You have some colourful turns of the word. Is there a dictionary for everyday Australian. I like it , but I am positive I would find myself on the wrong side of things in a humorous way if I visited . I really liked some pictures of the gold coast I saw ,beautiful !!! All my best Bill

    There is a dictionary of Australian slang Bill.I actually have one.Don't worry I had the same problem over there.Sometimes it's hard to believe we all speak English.

    I think they should, growing up in S. Florida I had many  Spanish speaking friends and many of their parents couldn't speak a complete sentence in English. Mostly this is because there are so many other people who speak Spanish in the area as well.

    Almost every sign is written in English and Spanish now I think it's improper. If I move to another country I am going to learn the language, not expect everyone to cater to my language.



    Thank you, lewboy. Just wanted to add that, with regards to Americans going to Asian countries, they certainly do NOT do as the Romans do. In fact, they expect the local Asian people to understand English. This would not necessarily abide by the "When in Rome" spirit, would it?

    No one has to speak any language. But you will find pantomime tough to relate through. Negotiating lunch is an exercise that leads to a clearer understanding of your needs.


    I,m pleased you understand pantomime rg,you get the whole gamut on this site, that,s why I find it so entertaining,English or not....KOTF

    I know 4 languages, and fluent in 3.  Learning a second language couldn't hurt anybody.  Perhaps one might find it quite enriching, schmo.

    Sometimes I feel America has been to generous with too many things.  People should learn the language of the country they choose to live in.  I feel some of the liberties we have given will come back to hunt and haunt us.  Please don't get me started.

    Not all Americans are monoglot, I had an American girlfriend once who could speak fluent French and German . I had to let her go because she wanted to get married.


    Non-committal or didn,t like ?

    Too committed, but now she has what she wanted- a husband, kids,and................Jesus!

    Ahh! J!

    Love you Tommy, "something chronic" gave a burst out loud laugh. None of the others outside OZ will have a clue what you mean.

    Suggestion try Hindi.

    Agree totaly as I reported before if you can`t speak the language and you want to stay here permanently. sorry go back where you came from. You want to be Australian and all it means learn our language.

    All this policticaly correct and give illegals the goodies will bite us on the bum trust me.


    Good morning coz, how are they hanging??

    One slightly lower than the other coz, what about yourself?
    Have you seen my comment on your reply to the oldest person in the world?

    Anyone who migrates to another country should learn the language of there new home. For some, especially older persons, will find it difficult to do so. They are set in their ways and more times than not they will eventually settle into an area where they are surrounded by same speaking people. Not speaking the language of the country you've choosen to migrate too will limit your oportunities. I rented some commercial property space to a man many years ago. He spoke terrible English, I assumed he was a recent transplant to this country. I later found out he was born in Brooklyn, NY and lived here all his life. He lived in a Puerto Rican neighborhood and the need to become fluent in English simply wasn't of any importance to him. 

    The fact that the average American does not speak as many foreign languages as the average european has nothing to do with the fact that  too many people come to the USA that  do not make any effort to learn English. When I came to the USA at the age of forthy I knew my first language and could handle easily two more. My English was ZERO. Americans would benefit from learning/knowing foreign languages. I am 100% in agreement with Colleen's postion for immigrants like my self  "This is my home they have come to move into. English is also the language of the UK. This language is the most spoken language in the world. This is not a case of Americans being priggish and thinking everyone should "just speak our language". This is a case of, if you want to compete in business or of you want to live in an English speaking country, then learn the language of that country or don't bother applying for citizenship or trying to compete as a business. The people here that we are expected to cater to in their language are the illegal immigrants. I flat out refuse to learn their language in order to communicate with them. Legal immigrants have had to learn a good bit of American/English in order to get their citizenship. Now they can communicate with me. "


    We can all do better and more than one language just gives you options others dont have . Thats a good thing . I agree with your words . well said !!!

    bravo.......tell it like it one language is more important than any other or races start to loose there identity.i`m english and proud to speak other languages, everyone should try.

    Thank you!

    Because America aka USA is the most tollerant country in the world

    english is not required as a required language because the u.s is a free country or should be.rather than speak one language try to learn a bit of them all.

    When I was living in Germany, I started to learn english in school at the age of 11. French 2 times a week. When I came to this country at age 24 I was fluent in english. English is required in all schools in Germany. II would love to learn to speak spanish, but on the other hand, spanish people schould learn english too..My daughters in-laws are from germany and they speak fluent english. Everyone needs the learn the english lanquage that lives in our country.



    Well in South Africa its africanse and every school has to learn it which I think its good

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