    not a question please send a thought or prey for tomorrow as its my mothers funeral

    +15  Views: 1972 Answers: 38 Posted: 12 years ago

    We have a picture at the Funeral when she was in the army as she always said that was her best ever days searving her country

    What a couregeous woman. You must have been so proud of her!

    Mel, will be keeping you and your family in my prayers. Hope the funeral as well as could be expected. Take care and God bless.

    Ann yes we are very proud of her thank you xxx

    Leeroy thank you for your thought and preyers xxx

    38 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    mel- I continue to pray fro you and your fanmily!


    same xx

    doolittle thank you xxx

    lambshank thank you xxx

    Your welcome Mel""


    thank you again xxx

    As always mel my thoughts are with you and yours,hope tomorrow passes peacefully for you, I,ll be thinking of you darlin...R.


    Romos thank you for your thoughts sweetheart xxx

    Know you are in my thoughts at this sad, sad time.........JHH


    thank you xxxx

    my heart as well as my prayers go out to you and your family mel, once again sorry for your loss..


    daren thank you for the preyers xxxx

    Thinking of you and your family with love and prayers.on this sad and weary day.May God be with you every step of the way.


    Ann thank you sooo much I am not looking forward to this I have been a little ok but this the finale good bye thanks again sweetheart xxxx

    thank you everyone who sent light and preyers and there thoughts on my mother dying her funeral will be at 10am Thursday uk time thank you for being there for me at this time love ya all xxx

    May peace be with you Mel.


    Flip thats all we ask for thank you xxx

    Sad thoughts are with you mel.       :(


    Ducka thank you for thoughts xxx

    She must have been a fine lady to have raised the caring daughter you are. I  hope that you and your family will reflect on the good times and that  the sorrow will be short lived.


    Oh ed what lovely words thank you, we will reflect on the good times... its such a shame all her Army buddys are dead so they wont be comming I am so pleased she is at rest now thank you again ed xxxx
    ed shank

    God bless.

    Her army buddies are with her and surrounding her Mel. She is in good company between friend and family ;)

    ed shank thank you xxx

    Colleen I am glad you said that about her Army Buddys I feel alot better to think they will be with her as her best friend Bernadette was with most of the time whilst in the Army and she was sent to France and got killed in action, and my Mother never forgot her thank you Colleen for being there when I needed it most regarding Mom love ya to bits sweetheart oxoxoxox

    Will pray everything goes as well as possible on such a sad day.


    Headless thank you for your preyers will need them tomorrow xxxxx

    Lots of love from Fishy, Mel... xoxo


    thanks Fishy xxx

    We will all think of you tomorrow,Mel. Please feel comfort.


    clu thats all I want is comfort for all the family thank you clu xxx

    Mellie words cannot express the sorrow and pain I feel for you.  You are still in my prayers and thoughts and I know saying I am sorry it such a sad useless thing to say to you right now I do not mean that bad I just mean I know wish there was more I could do.


    Darci13 you have said far too much for words to describe you are a sensitive person which is lovely thank you soooo much love ya xxxx

    Sorry for your loss Mel. :(


    TSC thank you xxx

    Mel, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.  I hope you can take comfort in knowing that her spirit is with you and that she will always be watching over you.  Regards/Yvonne


    Yvonne you are a lovely person and so caring thank you for your thoughts and preyers they mean alot to me and my family at this time xxxx

    Our thoughts and prayers plus Aloha for your Mum and your entire family, Mel.  May God's Love and Blessings be with you and your family tomorrow.



    Chaiangmai thanks for your thoughts and ALOHA thank you again Chaingmai for thinking about me and my family xxx

    Mel, My thought and prayers for you and your family as you go thru a most diffucult time for all of you. May you always hold her in your heart forevermore. Blessings


    witchway thank you for your thoughts and your preyers she will be in my thoughts always thgank you again xxxx

    For Mel and family""


    Oh bullitman that is truly lovely thank you for your thoughts and your preyers love as always mel xxx

    You are an amazing daughter, your mom was so blessed to have you in her life... Celebrate the time you had together, and know that she has found peace.


    jenn you are so right we did have good times together and really do hope she will have peace now thank you for your thoughts xxxx

    Mel it is now 24 minutes past 8 so you will have finished the funeral and be ,I hope, celebrating your mothers life and all the good things she taught .

    Sleep well my sweet, tomorrow is the first day your life without Mum and I feel sure from my meeting with you you are up to the challenge. Luv U xxxxx


    PEOPLELOVER thank you so much for you thoughts and caring words the funeral was lovely the words what was spoken of my Mothers life was great of course I boohooed most of the time and so did my Brother but it was a lovely send off thank you again for being there for me at all the good times and the bad as they say thats what friends are for love as always mel xxx

    Thanks Mel, funerals can be quite a daunting experience for some of us.
    I want a happy service and definitely no "God stuff" No Hymns or inappropriate stuff that is a mockery of me.
    I want favourite songs the first of which is a Aussie classic "True Blue" it has a section "Hey true blue don`t say you have gone, but knocked of for a smoko and you will be back later on hey true blue"
    I haven`t quite decided the last one but Frank Sinatras "My Way" is one option.
    My sick favourite is "Ring of Fire" as I am being cremated.
    Love you and the call option is always

    Our thoughts and PRAYERS are with you and your family, especially at this time of great turbulent/sorrow.


    dad59 thank you for your thoughts and preyers at this time of sorrow xxxx

    With you, Mel. Bring the best of memories.



    figtree3 (Scott) thank you sweetheart for your thoughts xxx

    Prayers and good wishes from Albuquerque New Mexico. Lots of things possible with a key board try as I might there just dont seem to be a single thing for tears .A life well lived . May God grant you comfort this difficult day .                   Bill


    bluesman thank you for your thoughts I know what you mean Bill with the tears bit I am writing all thease thank yous with tears all over the keyboard after reading everything thank you again xxx

    Hardly a day goes by that you do not have the impertenance to come into my thoughts but today being Thursday 1147 AM OZ time you are especially welcome to my thoughts.

    As ex Army I appreciate your mothers feelings as mine are the same "Best days of my life to be able to hopefully, make a difference"

    Love to you and Stu and may peace descend upon you. xxxxxx


    PEOPLELOVER it was lovely when the preacher mentioned when she was in the Army I was soooo Proud that she as my Mother and mentioned that she was a fan of Deanna Durben and her favorite song was (Because) and that was played when the curtain came across wish you could have been there it was a good send off thank you for being there for me xxxx


    ((((Mel)))) ""


    Colleen thank you for the rose she loved roses and of course the lilly of the valley and daffs the last two flowers are Welsh as she was Welsh and her last days of this world she was speaking Welsh and nobody could understand her! except the bad ones which we knew of course! she as telling the Doctors to leave her alone (you are all buggers) thats swearing to her thank you again for all your help Colleen with my Mom xxx

    What can I say that hasn't already been said Mel?

    Your Mum must have been some woman.

    She gave you life & made you the person that you are. OUTSTANDING!

    My best wishes are with you Mel.

    Your other Aussie mate,Tommy


    Tommy you are so right she was amazing woman I am so proud of her 6 years in the Army and she loved every minute of it and there wasnt day that she didnt mention it to us as children she taught me and my brother how to march and salute while were in the garden many a time I dont think she ever had a army hat off if you get my meaning she was sooo strict thanks Tommy for all your thoughts love to my Aussie mate xxxxx

    Thinking of you and your family at this sad time,God bless .


    sunnyB thank you for your thoughts xxxxxxx

    My thoughts are with you today.


    west thanks darlin so much for your thoughts xxx

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please celebrate her life with the family and friends who come to honor her memory and support you. With friendship, Bob


    Bob thank you for your thoughts and yes we are remembering the good times we had with her and it was a lovely send off thanks Bob for being there xxx

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