    Just to let you all know, Mel's mum passed away this morning.

    She is at peace now and away from all the pain she had been suffering . She's flying with the angels in God's love and light.   


    Love and light to you also Mel as you finish this journey you walked with your mom.  We are thinking of you and sending you whatever you need to help get you through.  My condolences to you and all who will feel the loss of her. xoxoxo 

    +25  Views: 4438 Answers: 48 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: akaqa member

    Just a note, this now has a page two so if you do not see your message to Mel here, check page 2.

    we will.

    48 Answers (31-48 Displayed)

    ""Sorry to hear your loss, Mel.

    We are all here for you Mel! Much love and peace to you and your family

    There are no words at a time like this to ease the pain your feeling. Remember the good times and the kindness the two of you shared. These memories will get you through this terrible time. My best to you and your family. 

    Mel, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I remember.


    Yet another message to you, girl.

    I am sorry for your loss Mel. Sounds like you have a lot of people praying for your family and wishing you the best so I will remember to keep you and your family in my prayers as well.

    Sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers for you and your family and close friends.

    So sorry Mel for you and your family, I deeply sympathise. Your Darling is now at peace and in a better place - no more suffering. May God give you all strength knowing this. 


    For you Mel - Who ran to help me when I fell,
    And would some pretty story tell,
    Or kiss the place to make it well?
    My Mother. Ann Taylor.

    <moved to add to comment from 4 months ago>

    Karma: 59200

    So so sorry Mel - I thought I missed your sad news - my Mother is seriously ill just not - again only popped in.

    Feel no guilt in laughter, she knows how much you care. Feel so sorrow in a smile that she's not here to share.She'd hope that you can carry on, the way you always do. So talk about the good times, and the ways you showed you cared. The days you spent together, all the happiness you shared. Let memories surround you because a word someone may say will suddenly recapture a time, an hour, a day. That brings her back as clearly as though she was still here. For if you keep those moments, you will never be apart. And she will live forever locked safe within your heart. (A poem).
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    23 minutes ago. Rating: 1

    I'm so sorry, Mel. But, I like how Colleen put it when she said, " Flying with the angels in God's love and light.'' 

    You can never replace a mother's love....... :- (

    Mel, sorry to hear of you and your family's loss. My heart and prayers are with you through this time of sorrow.

    Mel sorry for your loss.  May God bless you and your family.

    Mel, I am very sorry to hear this news ,saddened beyond words for you . Nothing I say here will make this moment better . So all I can pray for is that God will hold you in the palm of his hand and grant you and yours comfort  and peace until the pain lessens . God Bless !!!!!                    Bill

    I'm sorry about the passing of your Mother Mel.  I know she is looking down on you right now.  She "has your back" and will be with you always.  With Sympathy, Yvonne

    BIG Hug to you Mel.

    Hello Mel! How are you?


    Mel will be back when she can. She's very busy in her life right now and does not have a moment to herself but she thanks all who ask about her and misses everyone.

    May God bless her.

    So sorry Mel.Thinking of you.Tom

    Mel, I am so sorry for the loss of your mum . Mothers are important. Nothing can ever replace their love. I miss my mother very much.

    (((Mel))) Such a difficult time. I've been there. My brother says it take 6 months to start to recover. I found that to be true. How are you doing? I didn't see Colleen's beautiful message to you. (And all the other messages) Peace. 


    Hi itsmee. You have already answered this four months ago. Tby262 is bringing up old questions for some reason.

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