    how do you persuade your parents to get a bird?

    i need to persuade my parents to get bird because unfortunatlly, my bird got really sick nd flew away whilist i was getting food fo him. When i got back to give him his food, i had noticed that he had been missing queit a few days :(. i have been crying for days, he ment the world to me, i have had plenty of pets in the past 11 years. but this one pet was everything to me. :/ 

    please somebody help me persuade m parents :))


    +1  Views: 671 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    "When i got back to give him his food, i had noticed that he had been missing queit a few days" That's a quote from you, unedited. My question to YOU is why it took you quite a few days to notice the bird was missing. Where did you have to go to get food for the bird? If you left it w/o food for days, I'm surprised it didn't die.

    exactly my thought ...

    well i was in the kitchen getting it food and my parents were outside with the bird and the cage door was open half way. when i got back i found out he was missing. i was devestated. and honestly if u had a pet, and it ran/flew away what would you do if ur parents sed u culdnt have another one.

    Your story is still not making sense. Now you are saying the bird was with your parents?

    8 Answers

    its because we have had heaps and they wont let me have no more :( and i really want another one.. im only asking beacuse birds mean alot to me and i want a bird and also they were my 2 brothers and 3 sisters pets in 5 step sisters and 2 step borthers.. i have alot of siblings,ad i have only have about 3/4 pets and i need help to persuade

    You have 2 bros, 3 sissies, 5 step sissies, and 2 step bros, plus yourself. 13 kids and you have 3-4 pets. That's too much for most parents to contend with....and it sounds like you were irresponsible with the bird. Volunteer at a place where you can be around animals and birds.

    Better yet, Bob/PKB

    Why do you have to persuade them ?If you were a responsible pet /bird owner in the past,it should not be a problem to replace a bird.For your parents not to allow you another bird tells me you didn't commit to your duties or lacked intrest in caring for your pet.

    Speaking as a parent, it is probably because they got stuck having to take care of it, when you lost interest in doing so. But also, sometimes people get tired of the house being over-run by animals. With all those kids, your parents are probably lucky they haven't pulled out all their hair yet. You need to be as understanding of them, as you want them to be of you.

    If you were only seeing your bird every couple of days, that is not consistent with someone who the bird meant so much to them! Is it????

    Children do not persuade parents.   Parents persuade children.  Stop whining and begging.  When you show that you are mature, your parents will be more willing to treat you as an adult.  Then, and only then, they may consider another bird.

    Look in the cage again. The boney things in the corner are probably your starved too death bird.


    its because we have had heaps and they wont let me have no more :( and i really want another one.. im only asking beacuse birds mean alot to me and i want a bird

    Sometimes, you can't have everything you want. Now go outside and play!

    Discuss with your parents, why they wont allow you to have another bird ?
    and honestly if you had a pet and it ran/flew away and u asked ur parents for another one and they both sed no straight up wtf wuld u do?

    I have 15 birds. Not one of them have flown off. How did yours get out of the house? You needed to be more careful and responsible if he was out of the cage. Since both your parents have said no, straight up, then accept their decision. I side with them. No sense chancing the loss of yet another bird.Please leave out the text swearing also. You might be angry over this but you were not responsible. Accept that also.
    im the middle child and i hardly ever get stuff and all i want is a bird

    You can not even convince us and you think you can convince your parents who know you better than we do? I think you are just fixating and trying to get your way. You need to let it go and find something you can have and can do.

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