    Abortion. Should abortion be controlled by the federal or any government

    Is abortion a moral issue, spiritual issue, health issue, or government issue.

    +5  Views: 1892 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers

    I don't think it boils down to the government regulating spiritual issues at all. 

    The government is in place for a reason.  The medical industry in this country is funded by the voting and non-voting tax payer as is the government.  The government of Canada has voted that abortion is legal and that health regulations should apply to this operation.  This same government has also stated that I am free to practice any religious belief .... within my belief, I would not have an abortion just because I accidentally became pregnant.

    I accidentally did become pregnant and I have a beautiful son to prove it.  I gave birth at 48 years old and I can tell you that more than one person suggested abortion.  I am very glad that I didn't take their advise.  My husband and I couldn't be happier parents.


    Congrats on this! You made a good choice. Accidental pregnancy wouldn't dictate mandatory abortion.
    The Canadian law IMO will keep abortion within the ligitimate medical medical application as it should, although it will piss off the opposition it satisfies the RTF side. Probably will always to 2 firm sides to this issue.

    That's awesome fish fry, my wife is 47 and we don't have kids certainly not for lack of trying, it makes me realize just how precious life realy is..

    Abortion should be legal and safe and no one should ever have one............


    Your Statement covers the issue thoroughly

    Thank you, I wish I could TU your response....

    Shortest yet best answer! KUDOS!

    I disagree that it should be best answer (sorry jh). I feel there are times when brutally raped women or 9 year old girls should have one among other reasons.

    Julie wrote: "Abortion should be legal and safe"...
    I agree to disagree.

    How about if I change it to: No one should HAVE to have one.........? I chose to have one at age 17 when I never should have gotten pregnant in the first place......

    You could change it to that but you and I both know, that will never be. There will always be rapists, children getting pregnant too young and bad genes that cause messed up fetus's that would mean a lifetime of hell for it if it were allowed to go to term and be born. There will always be a need for abortions, we need to keep them legal so we do not have to go back to the days of illegal hacks that killed the mother along with the fetus.

    You are right, of course..........

    BEST ANSWER. Without a doubt.

    Thank you, Bobby........

    I believe it is a moral issue and you cannot legislate morality ......NOR SHOULD YOU "HAVE TO" nor 'WANT' THE GOVERNMENT TO DO SO!


    If you say "unfortunately" are you saying in effect that it should be a government issue?

    Honestly, I'm not sure how to answer that. Isn't it just shameful though, that babies get killed, when so many would love to have one of their own and are unable?

    Its a shame that children get killed in war or by abusive relatives, when harm is the intension. Do you think shame is a state of mind which gov regulation can change or lessen?

    You say "unfortunately", so lets look at this. As an American and looking at my own country and it's laws, I say if we let the government rule this moral issue, then what's next? How you dress, think, act, walk, talk (actually talk is covered by political correctness already). How about freedom of speech then? Let's take a look at the wall street gang...They are demonstrating under the freedom of speech rule. The government is looking at ways to take that away from them. There will be a new law to effectively shut them down and then that law will apply to the rest of the nation. There you go, no more freedom of speech.
    Back to morals. Where do we draw the line on what morals the government can govern and which ones they can't? The day we allow the government to control the morals of one group is the day we allow the government to turn around and control all our own morals. In time, we all be living the lives of the Puritans. No rights, no freedoms, just do as we're told and do not question because the government in all it's illegal glory would control the moral compass for all the nation. This country continues to support the idea of keeping rights from a select group of minorities here. This country has told it's government that the denial of rights is OK. Guess what? The government has now turned around and taken the rights from the people who said it was OK to keep rights from others. The newly signed into law, National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), allows the government to arrest and detain any American citizen on American soil for as long as they want without the benefit of due process of law, without a trial. Can we say communism? The majority of the people of the United States of America voted for this each and every time they voted to keep rights from that minority group to people. Makes one feel all warm and patriotic doesn't it?

    I say hooray that at this moment the government can not legislate morality!! I hope to God that never changes because of it does, well then take a look at my above statement again and Americans be prepared to salute your leader every time his name is mentioned or end everything you say with a swift "Hail Obama"!

    @Colleen..see my new wording above.

    Thanks Ducky but the "unfortunately" is still there even though you apparently appear to agree that it is more fortunate than unfortunate that government can not legislate it.

    @Colleen...again..see my next new wording above...Oh C**P...Is this what I meant to say NOW???? YES!!!!!!!

    (((Ducky))) can I say I love you? LOL

    NO YOU CANNOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

    : (


    Moderator can't get to my heartstrings..I have no heart and don't you forget it! :)

    I went and bought you one Ducky <3

    Awwwwwwwwwww.....:( *sniff*

    This is a hot potato question.

    I think abortion can be a legal issue, a moral issue, a health issue and it is regulated for reasons.  In my mind it is a spiritual issue. 

    Abortion is an operation, a serious one.  Standards and practices should be adheared to.

    I absolutely disagree that abortion should be used as a form of birth control.

    Abortion is a very serious subject and effects society on many levels.  It effects families, it effects health, it effects the moral culture, it effects religious beliefs, it can effect laws and it can change a person's life forever.

    Yes to all of the above and more. 


    HOt potato is putting it mildly. I've seen fist fights, bombings, fires set, brutality and friends becoming harsh enemies over this issue.

    It is a medicail issue and should be between a woman and her doctor. There are medicial reasons for a pre term DNC. If the government has control over the proceedor the doctors hands are tied.



    Government and lawers cause issues that in most cases do not exists as issues. Yes the MD's takes his career in his hands by the application of his education regulated by non med educated education.

    No. It schould be a personal choice

    In a perfect world there shouldn't be any need for abortion unfortunately the world is not perfect and if control stops bottles of gin and knitting needles then yes it should be regulated .The final decision should of course be left to the lady concerned having consulted with her doctor or doctors



    First the term "perfect world" is a pointless phrase to apply to any issue. Do you think the people who regulate gin and knitting needles are qualified to regulate abortion.

    A nine year old in Mexico gave birth to a baby. Should she have been allowed to carry this baby to term? I can only imagine she may find when she is an adult and really wants children, she will not be able to. A 9 year old body is too young and underdeveloped  to go through such a demanding thing as a pregnancy. I'm sure something in her body has been affected by this. She may find in time that she can never get pregnant again. Selfish adults should never have allowed her to go through this. Abortion destroys embryos not Souls. There's always another body that Soul can step into.  God has a better system in place than what anti abortionists think He does.  He's a lot smarter than all of you. That Soul will just find another host body. Children should not be forced to give birth to babies. They should not be allowed to either. Women brutally raped should not be forced to carry the child of her rapist. Parents should have the right to abort a severely handicapped or deformed fetus. The right of the fetus is this, it's a non living organism (definition of living, to breathe oxygen) which means it has no rights. As for the Soul that might have used that body, again, it can just pick another one. The Soul is not destroyed and will have the opportunity to have a life in a body created by two people who may actually want a child. If you disagree with abortion, stop having your own kids and go adopt one waiting for a home and family. 

    To answer the question in my own way, it should be a personal and private issue without the government deciding what a person's personal morals should be. 


    Wow! you covered a lot of ground, and very well

    This Q just opened the largest can of worms that I hev seen from the time I joined akaQA. Standing by...


    More wormy than; whose better, Republicans or Democrats, Chevy or Ford, Catholic or any other
    It would seem that this is all personal feelings and beliefs

    Oh you ain't seen nothin' yet. This is mild today and anyway, we LOVE "discussing", as we like to call it. :)

    @caddam...Of course it's all "personal feelings and beliefs". What else could it be?

    This question has been covered many times here. Take a look at some of the past "discussions" about this. If the search feature is working at all (which it mostly doesn't and I have complained about that) you should be able to find the past discussions.

    Why is this not enough good reason to remove questions (that were answered/debated ad nauseam)in the past?

    Ask the admin.

    Because we might run out of stuff to do!

    Isn't this part of moderators "jobs"?

    No, the topics are for the admins to decide.

    It is a personal choice- and a tough one to make. However, it is important to keep this procedure legal (which was done through the Supreme Court in Row vs Wade)  so that is can be performed safely by a doctor who has been taught how to do it well.  When American women were not allowed to get abortions through their OBGYN's they ended up in "back alleys" getting it done by Quacks.  Many women died from bleeding or infections afterwards and most of the women were un-able to conceive after the abortions.  Until you walk a mile in another woman's shoes Do Not Judge Them

    I think what you first stated "regulated for reasons"  and "spiritual issue"  boils down to government regulating spiritual issues.

    Also, there standards and practices regulating abortion methods determined by medical professionals, reguarding surgery.

    Not a form of Birth control.   I agree.   If, for example, you wreck your car did you have an accident?  The insurance company will fix it for you.  If there is an unwanted pregnancy was that caused by an accident.  Should that be fixable in some way?    Big difference between a car and a baby but "accident" is the issue.

    I believe that abortion is a woman's issue and that's where it should stay.


    Any woman then has the right of choice

    Abortion is wrong.


    I think men have a limited voice in this. They do not have to carry the child. The one who sires is the only one with a voice and he should be married to a woman who wants children before he goes getting anyone pregnant. That's just how I feel.
    ed shank

    A "Limited voice" I think not. My wife was young and naive and an idiot selfish husband (me)talked her into an abortion. Not a day goes by that I don't feel guilt and shame over what I did to a dumb in love young girl. I have just as much to say about this topic as any woman.

    She was still the one who would have had to carry and give birth to it. Most men would think differently about this if they had to carry the baby.
    ed shank

    Perhaps, I'm sure that other woman and men who made this decision at one time or another in their life feel regret as well. Maybe the next question should be how many woman were influenced by their husbands to go forward with an abortion?

    Sounds like an interesting question.

    ed- make the question how may husbands/ boyfriends/ father of the baby....
    The guilt won't do you any good- forgiveness will..and I bet you've been forgiven in Heaven!

    My opinion is it should be left to each individual state and its citizens to have it legal or not. If a large group or majority of people vote to make it legal then that is the way it should be.

    The only thing government should have to do with abortion is regulating the standards by which the procedure is performed. 
    I am not sure I agree when the procedure is performed on a minor without parental approval. 
    Finally, I am not in a position to be OBjective about the issue.  

    It seems to me the people that made these laws have already been born..hmm 


    And might have been aborted previous to being born. All Souls get a chance to live. They just pick another body. Hmm


    No, not if the embryo was never alive and breathing oxygen, then it is not reincarnation since the soul was not in a fully functioning body breathing oxygen. Reincarnation can only be if a person dies after living (outside of the womb) and then is born again into a new life. Life meaning breathing oxygen.

    witchway has a very good point. 'a woman's issue.'  Problem is years ago only the rich could send their girls off for an abortion.  The working class could not get one. I remember my best friends sister died trying to give herself an abortion without a doctor and she died at 17.  Politics argues a little too much about too many small thngs.  Sometimes citizens have to be protected, because trickle down and caring about the lower class does not generally happy by market forces alone.  We need government and some rules to keep things balanced.  Even rick perry, said last year,  when all the fires broke out in texas, 'Where is the Federal Government?''

    Abortion is a medical issue. I have two sons aged 8 and 3 whom I absolutely adore.  When I fell pregnant after my two sons a year ago myself and my partner had to make a decision on whether to carry on with the pregnancy or whether I should have an abortion.  After days of long talks about what we would decide on we then went to our GP and told her that I was pregnant and we had both decided and agreed that an abortion would be the right choice to go through with at the present time.  We had to give our reasons on why we made the choice and they were down to my partner had been diagnosed with a brain tumour, our oldest son was being seen by a child phycologist for a diagnoses of autism, aspergers and ADHD and our youngest son had just survived having mennenccocul meningitis.  We felt that we just could not cope with another child and it would be unfair to bring a child into the world whom we would struggle to look after and care for.  I use the pill as contraceptive and due to me having a stomach bug was vilolently sick for a few days which is how I got caught pregnant again.  I had to go before my GP though and it was on their say so that the abortion was the right decision to make which makes it a medical issue.


    In your instance it was a medical issue and you didn't have to get permission from a government medical committee to proceed.

    NO  NO  NO!!!

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