
    0  Views: 1038 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Just my opinion as a woman.I was married for 12 years and in a relationship now for the last 5.

     Women want Understanding not blame, attention not smothered, stability not stupidity, to be needed not be a slave, to be pampered without feeling incapable, Conversation without conflict, We want to be the sexiest woman, best cook, best housekeeper, best lover, and best friend you have ever known. We want our men to be proud to have us by his side and shown off and even bragged a bit about yet not appear like your trophy. We want you to be proud of what type of woman we are and thats why you love us.  We dont want your friends or ours thinking we live everyday to do what we can for you because you are that damn good. We want everyone to think that WE love eachother and WE think we are lucky to have the other . women talk about how good a man is to her and how much he loves her. We do this because we love him and are proud to tell our friends the man we are with feel the same as you do. no more no less. Most of all we want you to tell us and show us. NO DOUBT we are complicated. But it really isnt hard as long as you realize everything has a balance , too much of one thing offsets the other.

    I think men want simplicity.conversation not pointless chatter. interests in nongirly things but still be a woman and look ike one. Confirmation regularly that he's sexy, hard working, and intellegent without being too mushy. The want a lady in the streets and a whore between the sheets. Companionship without being smothering. Freedom to be a man , enough jelousy to show you care, A woman that looks nice at the end of his day but isnt gonna freak out about her hair if he wants to go out on the motorcycle. Understanding that he needs space and friends but not so much that he doesnt feel welcome at home. To be a Dad that he is not one you tell him how to be.

    A man needs to be needed but wants a woman to do some things for herself for two reasons, He knows if he's not there you will be ok . and because he's not the maintenance guy.  Once again balance is the key.

    You know your partner if you dont just sit back and observe. Wont take long for iether person to see what makes them tick. Men- We are ot mind readers!  If w dont know its broke we cant fix it.  Women- Dont assume just because you know that they they know too. We pay attention to things they do not( smells, last pair of socks or undies). But in fairnrss they pay attention to the things we do not .(warning lights on the car, sounds that some things making before it breaks. )COMUNICATION and listening will get you far. But again if only one is doing that then the balance is way off.


    You have a lot of wisdom.

    Chiangmai ,
    Thank you I really appriciate that comment. It was a boost I needed for today. Thank you for making me smile.
    Sometimes what might seem like a small thing or a slight gest ( a simple smile,complament,or just acknowledging someones effort) can turn a persons state of mind frome being a "tiresome draining day " into a "Its well worth it" kind of day. And thats exactly what it did today for me. Thanks!
    Never let someone take your smile , offer to share it, and you will see one smile turn into two.But NEVER let someone just take it, because then you wont be able to put a smile on anyone elses face.

    Q1 Money.

    Q2 Sex.

    ""Do you mean to say, you haven't worked that one out yet, dear?


    U cracked me up on that one eggplant!!!

    Glad you liked it, thanks. It seemed suitable for the question. I have a whole load of them.

    cracked me up too
    Can you share the link to your load?

    Google animated images 'elderley people'. Whatever you want just google it.

    You were  happily married for 41 years. Why don't you tell us rather than asking?


    Not a good point valR but a great point. First off it isn't happy every Min. You ride that out. I swollow my pride at times. From my male perspective I want the argument to be a fair discussion. I want a quick resolution. My wife sometimes doesn't want to talk about problem but always will at a latter time. I still work on that 1. Resolution is best when we can see each others point. To love U have to show it with behavior. You have to be consistant and trustworthy. I put her B4 myself.

    You make me happy, i make you happy, what else do you want.

    compaionship, i would hope.

    Actually they don't really know because when they get what they thought they wanted they realize they actually wanted something else.            One of the scecrets of a long lasting, mostly happy relationtion between a woman and a man is the perpetual mutual compromise and puting the other before you.

    I think the answer was known before the question was asked !!


    No One KNOWS for SURE

    Wow Desert Princes!!!   You are the real deal!!!  So many good points I don't know where to start. Thanks for sharing.  Best I've seen tonight.  Can't give you credit points tonight cause all used up.  I promiss you this I will refer back to this short essay many times for the food for thought.  I want to be the best husband I can and this is a real eye opener.  You are one clear thinking young lady and are brilliant how you express yourself!!!   

    By the way, if your12 year relationship ended in divorce he was a 24 Karrot FOOOLLL!!!!  You definately have the honest communication down.

    Again thanks for being you and are we going to have some very interesting points counterpoints in the future. 


    Thank you . I think you are more than on the right path. Takin time to see what You might be doing wrong or what you might do differently to make you a bettter husband is awesome. Many women could only wish they had a man that thoughtful.
    I heard years ago something that changed the way I looked a relationships. Some woman said that If a person (man or woman) goes out of their way to do somthing special for their partner then the partner feel they need to return the gesture and actualy kick it up a notch. (make it more special) and in return the the other partner again does something special but adds more to it and so on and so on. Aprently its in our nature to return, shall I say the favor. Ultamitly what ends up happening is you spend more time showing the other person your appriciation you forget about being selfish and before you know it you and your partner are knee deep in pationate moments , special dinners, gifts from the heart and so on. I tried this it rally does work but only if both people are of the giving nature. I did learn that not all people are and people can be soley takers. FYI it doesnt work with them aand you go broke fast and become very disapointed. YEAH I did that lol . Lesson Learned. ha ha.
    I'm 42 now, Still very young and inquisitive. To me , life is my play ground,I'll get skinned knees , scrapes and bruises but I'm gonna play hard and have a blast, learn all I can , help who I can, Love myself and everyone as if they were dying. Lifes too short to be too seriouse and not long enough to take too lightly so balance it all and hope for the best . Just do it with a smile and you will notice the difference.
    You are a great husband now, and she is lucky. Keep working on you. She will notice and appriciate it and probably start working on her.
    Sorry I'm long winded lol take my own advice and stop rambling lol goodnight and good luck

    I just reread this and it made me smile again That was very sweet of you to take the time to post that. I dont think I said thank you before , (my bad and sorry)
    So THANK YOU!!

    Money and sex, respectively.


    I copied/pasted here your comment to my answer/question because , as I suspected you knew the answer and it is the best answer, so please  copy paste it as an answer to your question and I will give you 15 Karma points!

    Not a good point valR but a great point. First off it isn't happy every Min. You ride that out. I swollow my pride at times. From my male perspective I want the argument to be a fair discussion. I want a quick resolution. My wife sometimes doesn't want to talk about problem but always will at a latter time. I still work on that 1. Resolution is best when we can see each others point. To love U have to show it with behavior. You have to be consistant and trustworthy. I put her B4 myself.


    Tks valR! I appreciate the good words. Sorry I don't know how to copy paste. Your encouragement is very flattering and much more important than the points. I look forward to our shared thoughts.

    Love and only Love from both side

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