    who is my great teacher?


    0  Views: 603 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Mum or Dad hopefully.

    usually there is one who has stood out in your schooling.  Mine was a man named Mr. Kemper, he was from TN, and from a very poor family.  He would tell us that he did not have shoes until he went to Jr. High school..  Anyway, he would single you out if you got an exceptional grade on a test, and say "if Ray can do it, anybody can do it..."  (or Joe, Sam, etc.)  My point was, he recognized us and kind of patted us on the back.  One day I was kept after school by him (regional high school) there were no late busses provided in 1967.  My family had no car, we lived in a rural town, nearest neighbor was 1 1/2 miles away.  It was a hardship to stay after.  I worried that I had crossed him, I could be mouthy, but always did my work, and had an A ave.  He kept me to ask me of my college plans, I told him I wasn't going, as I could not afford it.  He immediately grabbed me by the shirt, hoisting my slight frame up off my feet!  He laid into me, told me the shoe story, again.  He said he would not be off my case unless I filled out one application.  Since I was well intimidated, I got one from Guidance, and filled it out, not knowing how I would come up with the $15 application fee!  I turned it in anyway, only to find that there was an envelope with my name on it that had been given to Guidance office, inside, a check for $15, for the application fee!  The Guidance counselor was a jerk, stating that I should not even apply.  I did to spite him, got admitted, and in the fall, saw said Guidance Counselor on campus.  I marched up to him, identified myself, and told him what I thought of him, and that he should take up a new job, as Guidance was not in his skill set!  (I, of course, am censoring that conversation for this site!).  Anyway, it was a busy and challenging first year, thanks to all the grants and loans, and 2 part time jobs.  I didn't get to go back and visit Mr. Kemper that year, unfortunately, not until into my second year.  Sadly, I discovered that he had left teaching for health reasons, later I learned that he had died of cancer.  (Thanks for the "hoist" Mr. K)  I went into teaching, and taught for 35 yrs. in a vocational agricultural high school, and I did "pay it forward" on a couple occasions, and also "hoisted a kid or two"  (but for behavioral reasons)! 

    Amado Pena who later became a famous artist, I didn't though....

    Mrs. Doubtfire?



    Unfortunetly I have no recollection on the teacher name , very poor memory I must say for recalling name that is , Although he was a men teacher I can still remember his face, a very excellent teacher with every student he treat everyone fairly,also concern about how you are aquiring the nowledge and albility to cope and not put you some imbarrasment situation, which was my greatess fear at that time,inJR high school.My most difficult time in learning too speack and write in the English language when I only new how too speak French and not all that good at that either.Well I did past on a thin line,But I will remember him as my greatess teacher!! Hope there more teacher that has the albilty and patient as he had!!! for me & other.

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