    Attention REGULARS!!!!

    Are you noticing too many smutty questions that all seem to be coming from the same source?

    This site is not evolving in the way that I had envisioned it & that's for sure.

    It used to be informative,funny & useful,now every second question is trash posted by trash.

    I think the only way we can stop it is by ignoring it.

    By answering the garbage we are only giving them the satisfaction they are seeking.

    What do you think? Do you agree?

    +23  Views: 2058 Answers: 27 Posted: 12 years ago

    Colleen used to delete them.

    Wish I could get a delete button.LOL

    I totally agree. I have said that before. If no one answers these Questions, they will go away. By answering, they keep coming back for more. We need to ignore those questions.

    Tommy/Ann egggie I reported ever single one of those yesterday it took me for ever I do think its a good answer not to answer them just ignor and they will get the message

    I totally agree. Ignore them and they will go away.

    Press your report abuse button, the system operators take us seriously and you will see the “404” pop up when they blow them away. Report abuse and lets not dwell on their childishness.

    Ignoring may work but "report abuse" should definitely work. I don't know how long that takes to work and I know that at least once, I have reported abuse and what happened? Nothing! Not only that but there were new people coming on here and getting raunchier and raunchier. I got out! (P.S. The question was still on here the next morning.)
    ed shank

    Totally agree. Make them invisible.

    absolutely agree

    Hi guys, I'm back :)

    Welcome back my dear! I hope you didn't suffer any damage in your blackout.

    Thanks Tommy, no major damage, just one window. I'll post pictures tomorrow of what my street looked like after the storm past.

    Thank you for bringing up this disconcerting fact! Many times I have reported abuse when those questions come into my line of vision.
    In response to the response time, I've seen it happen in less than one minute. Sometimes it takes longer, and sometimes the question doesn't get removed.
    It seems to me that reporting abuse is the surest way to get the questions off the rotation. It may be that a warning of some sort could be sent to the questioner's home site?
    Sometimes it is hard to ignore the questions when my brain comes up with a snap answer, but I can control myself and just report the abuse.

    27 Answers

    So now we see the value of collectively saying No. Just type some gibberish to get it off the main page and we are done with it . Works for me .


    You are right of course Bluesman.Maybe I'll jusy answer them with a period. (.)& get rid of them.

    That's a good idea, too.

    I want to say that I'm sorry to any of you that I may offended with my words today with  the person who was on this site under two different aliases and possibly 3. I could have kept my mouth shut but, I've kept my mouth shut most of my life and today was just not a day where I felt like cowering down to another bully. I hope you all will forgive me because  I love you guys and it would hurt me  to think that I upset any of you. (*~*)


    Well, you said some stuff...My only complaint is that you beat me to it...! I was ready to jump in but he seemed to have targeted you only. Punk kid...

    Oh baby we all have our days.. I am having one too... But I know in my heart Tommy boy is being the responcible one... XOXOX.. I doubt anyone is uoset with you.
    country bumpkin

    Thanks girls. (*~*)

    No worries you always seem to come from a good place .Thanks for the entertainment. I for one like to see a moron go down in flames from time to time .I would say in regards to what you wrote today :job well done !!!!!

    No offence taken by me.You should have seen my reply LOL

    No offence taken at all,i was glad you stood your ground,so did sunnyB.
    country bumpkin

    Thanks again.

    absolutley no offense taken, CB

    You're fine cb. I can relate..notice how b4 gets riled at me? Too bad!

    Hello, name of the offend please ;)

    I totally agree, they are just trying to ruffle feathers and everytime we get involved, they get what they are looking for. I hate to see any of you being sworn at or abused in any way.


    Any one can swear at me as much as they like.I've heard it all (& used it all) before.
    Sticks & stones.......the thing is,there are people using this site that I have come to respect & I am offended when they are subjected to that sort of crap.

    We do not want it for you either. You and others should not have to put up with that !

    Thanks Benthere, your such a sweetheart. I have to admit that I have no reaction to silly spills of aggression through words towards me from someone who has a lower thought process.My ex husband desensitised me years ago;)

    you are right.. I will not play with the the bad ppl anymore... We dont have a moderator to delete the stupidity.. so we are going to have to ignore them for a while... they have always been here but we have been spoiled by Colleen keeping it clean...


    We will most certainly lavish her with praise when she returns!

    Hi Jenn, I'm a moderator too. I try to keep things as clean as I can. When I see em, I delete them too. I can't be on line as much as Colleen and don't have more than one computer. It's all I can do to answer questions and keep the trash out at the same time. yvonne57

    I know you are also a modrater.. I didnt mean to make it sound like I forgot about you.. You do an excellent job... But things slip by with the both of you doing the job let alone you trying to caught it all by yourself.. And Colleen obviously never sleeps.. You are very appriciated!

    As a unified group saying No has more power than we can imagine. When the banks here said they were going to charge 5.00 fee on the debit cards ,many said No and left the bank. The protest was overwhelming that the banks backed off and changed there thinking. When will we learn that we control every thing simply by collectively saying NO together. We can set the price of everything at the super market by simply saying No .


    All you have to do is get everyone to comply.Difficult task.

    It just seems too easy to write something ugly back, venting so to speak (type). We need the snow to melt and get Colleen back on line.... But, you are right. These kids need to be ignored, damn it...........

    Will Do Ignore and Ignore

    Yes you are all right, I coudn't resist replying to them yesterday, and that doesn't help doe's it. I will not be tempted to answer them today.

    Tough to ignore. but I will NOT reply to anymore from here on in.


    me either, no matter how tempting to write back insulting comments to these idiots,but will ignore from now on

    count me in as well tom you are right ,you can't  fight fire with fire it does no good, often time it's hard to resist but hence forth i won't give it a second thought..we all need to report them as well it does indeed take the integrity away from our site..

    Tommy is right on the nose we have to ignore suspect questions which also means no viewing either if in doubt, Tommy, better get on to Eggie, she answers virtually every question she sees.

    I personally would prefer we would agree not to answer these smutty questions. But if you remember, a few weeks ago Colleen asked us to respond to them to keep them on the first page so she could find them easier.


    I did say that but then I was not expecting to lose my power for a week, lol I'm back now so put 'em on the first page if you know of any still floating around.

    Thanks for all the positive responses guys.I think report & ignore has the majority of votes.

    Good luck everyone!


    Thanks for clearing that up for me. Ignore and report

    OK I will try to ignore the nasty dead brains! LOL

    im with you!

     am confused. I want  to get these people off the site. I did report them yesterday. will continue to report them but do you want me to ignore them or open them to keep them easier to find I will do what ever there seems to be good points to both,


    I'm back now, you can respond to them so I see them or report them, either one. ;)

    i g n o r i n g the i g n o r a n t

    CB  10-4.


    Is that "10-4 Good buddy c'mon"? Lol
    country bumpkin

    You understood my joke, Tommyh. Tee-Hee!

    Breaker,Breaker Glad to know some still know the CB-CODES.

    what's your 10-20, good buddy ?
    country bumpkin

    I'll be traveling today. I hope I don't pass any alligators or bears. (*~*)(CB Codes)

    There are many people here that have expertise in various fields.Some things that present themselves as problems to a layman can be explained easily by one of these experts.My own background is in the building industry,so when one of those questions arises I do my best to explain it.Others are very knowledgable in other areas,Dogs,cats,cooking cars,what have you & that kind of explains where I saw the site going. NOT "How many time a night do you have sex" & that sort of rubbish.While it might be a bit of fun for a while,is it really helping anybody? That is also how I saw the site "evolving".Helping & being helped.


    That is how I see things as well.

    But don't make me leave out the sarcasm, okay? I think I'm funny. hahaha

    Game show buzzer........... I will ignore.  I hope that one little jack a$$ gets off my back.  It appears as if the women are being targeted.... abusive little boys.


    Ladies should not have to endure that trash talker !
    country bumpkin

    Fish Girl. I missed all the action Thursday. I'm sorry to hear that this punk was targeting you yesterday. I know you're a sweetheart and there was nothing you could've said that should've set this guy off. He's an angry soul needing to vent and we have certainly accomplished this the past couple of days. So, look at the bright side, we may of actually helped him in some sort of theraputic way. (*~*)

    I think he's just trying to get a reaction from somebody....ANYBODY!!!! Bra Boy has gone after a few of us. Don't take it personally!

    I've spoken to that "someone". ;)

    We welcome your input.Nice to know you find us entertaining & helpful.I live in Queensland,Australia so I'm not much use on American political questions but I will have a go at anything else.And.......Yes.......We all have our bad days,Some of us more than others but that's the human side of the site.There are some mighty good folks on here.You will work out who they are as you go along.Cheers,Tommy.


    Thanks Tommyh. I like that answer. I feel it is helpful to people and entertaining.

    Tommyh I love the word evolving.  Could you say more about your vision.  Because that's is how i feel.  That this site will evolve into something even greater than it is already.  Wonder how it will evolve?  I love it.  If i was psychic i could see more.  But i don't have time to really think about it that much.  What do you think or do you have an idea of where you would like to see it go.

    I have said this before but it may be worth repeating.  I really think that we should be reporting these vile individuals...those who swear, call people names, ask pornographic questions, etc.  My thinking...use the button and use it every time...REPORT ABUSE...REPORT ABUSE..REPORT's easy and most of the time, it works quickly.  I don't think that we need to wait for Colleen to do it, do we?


    That seems to be the general consensus Ducky.I've already started.Thanks for the input.Tommy

    You're very welcome. Glad that you brought this issue forward and happy to see that many on this site are of the same mind.

    I agree with you Tommy - the other night - some guy called "samme" i believe posted a question about Danish language - not here it would seem any longer but an American told him something the only thing that sticks in my mind is you BRITISH bastard - nowhere did it say his nationality and this British referral is rascist - I am truly offfended . saddened and amazed by some of the things I read on this site and have never met any Americans so narrcissistic obviously I missed these ones fortunately, in the name of God they should get REAL.   


    I don't blame you for being offended.But....those guys are out to just push the report butto & forget about them.Thanks,tommy

    they're in the minority

    mycatsmom - yes only because they are so diligently edited. This sadly does not happen on many other sites.

    I'm  for it

    unless  it's me you want to get rid of.....LOL


    Mr. Den..I was just wondering the same thing about myself. (due to my sarcastic sense of humor that I know some people do not appreciate.)

    Well Ducka, If our names are not showing up we will know then!

    Well Well, what did I miss ?


    Lots of reading here, isn't there?

    Yes, lots of reading here, better than any news paper

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