    have you done something today to make you feel proud to be human

    +3  Views: 823 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    There was a woman in the curtain shop today. She was getting more upset by the moment over her selection and all the math involved.

    I couldn’t help her with the math, but I was able to get her laughing really hard. I, myself, knew exactly what she was going through. I do not love the curtain store.


    I would not like the curtain store, either. Hate most curtains. Mostly varying kinds of blinds in my house or nothing at all. It's far too pretty all around the outside of my house to block it out, anyway. :->

    I wouldn't like the curtain store - do not have curtains in my flat - buy them sometimes to give as presents.

    Yes,. I have given middle-middle class support in the "Occupy Wallstreet" so that hopefully the middle class can survive the decimation  that Wall Street created in order to rescue/save this foundering country. Greed, greed greed.  That is what is the root cause of all  of our current misery,  and it's EVIL.. Nothing but evil.  They care nothing about and  you and I, nothing. We must fight a war that they want to be invisible, but it isn't!  Stand up for yourself!  Do not let millionaires/billionaires  use you as their doormats.  They only exist because of US!


    Hoo Ray! I saw the statistics on the distribution of wealth last night.
    It was almost unbelievable and t’s so true:
    “The rich get rich and the poor ... fall off the chart”
    It’s a shame and a pity.
    michmar, I wonder who else will cheer with us?
    There are people not far from where I live who live in the streets. Last I knew about 50 homeless were forced from their tents. They have no place to go and we see people with signs on many corners.
    It’s almost too much to think about. But you did.

    Itsmee, Thank you so much for your support, how else are we going to make it? Only together can we. It has come to this point, very sadly.

    Greed is like the Black Plaque and it knows no frontiers. If we do not try and eradicate it, then it will surely bring misery to millions more.

    And are you willing to support the anarchists that shut down a shipping port in Oakland, broke bank windows and destroyed ATM machines? They are part of the nobel OWS movement also?

    What a great cause.

    TSC, I absolutely do NOT support violent protesting. It is unnecessary and it takes away from the from the original reasons for the protests.

    i had to use the toilet.. twice.. if that isn't being human than what is.

    what do I never think of my selve like that

    That's basic  ,your feelings are normal.  It is coming down to  what now';!?  We are doing our very   best  to get by, and so  now WHAT!!!  There is nothing left..................

    Absolutely nothing, yet. The days not over.

    I am making huge strides forward in my "Simplify my Life" project.... not as easy as it sounds.

    The best part is that I donate to two charities when I do this.. I am happy to help.  It makes me feel great and I don't donate junk ... in case band 4 guy thinks I do.



    It is not in you to create nor donate is not in your heart.

    No... I am actually proud of the items I give to charity. I know they can get good money for them. That is my favorite part.

    YES. I released EVERY fish I caught today on the NC coast. (8)



    Good on you!!!!

    Kurt Cobain was wrong ... fish do have feelings!

    I imagine if I was dangling three feet off the sand with a hook in my mouth it would hurt a bit. Fish? Nahhh


    I am sorry say  nothing - I have done nothing!.  


    Oh dear - must learn to read the answers I thought I was alone with this doing nothing.

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