    You have to give up something you really love.

    Although I am not Catholic, I "give up" something I enjoy during the Lenten season (six weeks prior to Easter Sunday).  This has been stuff like Diet Pepsi and potato chips.  Not a big deal. IF YOU HAD TO GIVE UP SOMETHING YOU REALLY LOVED FOR SIX WEEKS, WHAT WOULD IT BE? (By the way, I haven't had any soda in 2 1/2 years, and no POTATO chips since Ash Wednesday, 2011. Yeah, I'm pleased with myself for that.)

    +7  Views: 1500 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    If you are not catholic then why do you practice that pray tell??????

    I don't practice "lent". I give up something I enjoy for the six weeks prior to Easter. I've heard or read somewhere that a good habit can be established in 30 days. If I'm giving myself six weeks to practice a behavior, it's more likely to remain a behavior when that "mandatory" time has passed. New Year's resolutions are open-ended. "Lent" is time-specific. Also, since I do believe that Jesus Christ was crucified to pay for the my sins, it's not really asking much of myself.

    18 Answers

    I can't answer that question properly ....these are the things I have had to give up so far...

    The almond family (Peaches, Apricots, Cherries... anything with a pit)

    Citrus fruits especially oranges

    Wheat, gluten and dairy

    Apples, Pears, Kiwi, Strawberries, Raspberries.

    Legumes,  Carrots

    Soy products of any kind


    So rice and grapes would be torture?



    You have some really bad food allergies, fish girl. My "sacrifice" is always food because that is where most of my bad habits are. To give up something like the telephone or computer, bowling.....those are the things that would be big for me.....
    Girl, what DO you eat?

    I eat things from far off lands. Food that my body hasn't had time to freak out about! We actually eat very well. No one would ever know I have food allergies unless I told them. I collect cookbooks. I read them like novels.

    I guess I would have to give this up as everything else either needs me or I need it (Like Pottery).

    Fishgirl, why did you have to give up so many great foods,are you allergic? must be very hard, especially whrn your out...whoops, a bit late with the comment!

    I don't deny myself anything that I don't have to give up..........does that make sense?


    It does to me.& I agree

    Thank I'm not a nut......

    No, you ARE a nut, but it's a good thing.

    I had to give up something VERY MAJOR in my life once and I'm never doing anything like it again be it not growing attached to anything or starting a war to keep what is mine...

    I am grappling with that one as we speak,....................I don't quite know yet.......................It's deeper than food issues........


    Whenever you are ready. Thanks for taking it seriously!

    My car,i would hate to live without it.

    I almost cringe when I think about it but cigarettes.. wish I could (give up that is)

    ed shank

    My sixth week of no butts. It really sucks. Much harder than I thought. No patch, no gum cold turkey. Gained 12 pounds. Did it for health reasons, when in actuality it has caused my system to completely go haywire. Meds had to be adjusted for the worst. I now take double the dosage of my heart meds. If this keeps up I will go back to smoking. I'm giving it another two weeks.

    I, smoked 60 a day working in a factory everybody smoked. I, stopped it nearly drove me mad, have been stopped 21yrs. Fisherman's friends have eaten thousands of thousands of them made Mr&Mrs Lofthouse very rich.You are ill for 6 months coughing up crap really ill takes lots and lots of will power. Good luck

    Coffee and bread would be the harded for me to give up... But i am not going to... Never never never!

    Well thats easy ...I love this sight but giving it up for six weeks would suck. I'de have to be away travelling;)

    As long as it's not someone I love, I could give up anything for a time. Things that would mean the most to me would be giving up any and all reading material and sleep. I would have to have to have something to eat but I could give up any type of food. Also difficult would be giving up being outdoors in this gorgeous time of year, with this beautiful season we are having right now.

    The only thing  I can think of would be coffee. I dont eat chips or dont drink soda. It would be extremely hard to do.

    Water and coffee

    I'm way to selfish to sacrifice anything. I want what I want, when I want. I always, no exceptions get what I want.


    lucky you ed, go along with your thinking but when I made sure I got what I wanted they put me on lithium!!!

    That is confidence and fortitude it would be really nice to have!

    When I saw this question posted, I thought it might have a deeper meaning. Recently, I just gave up the hope that I would ever have a relationship with my grandchildren as they are growing up. When they become adults? Who knows ... {{{sigh}}} Other things I've given up? A husband I still loved, cigarettes, and pot. I only miss one of these ...


    Have the same dashed hope with the grandchildren that you have expressed. There is a little part of me that keeps the hope alive, though reality is so different. I'm hoping the one you miss is the is heart-breaking giving up someONE you love.

    I have one young grandchild. The others I hardly ever see. I guess when they grow up they might come to see me out of curiosity.

    If someone asked me to give up anything food hobbies ect. "But not dreaming of "woman thats one habit i could not .Thats why i am not a "priest or "monk.


    dowsa we know that!!! heeee xxx

    It is true Mel When you were made he took his time hips lips eyes that melt the heart a smile that says it all "Gosh I am getting dizzy already Time for bed "Josie "What do you mean only eight Pm we go at midnight"dont you love me!!All the best Mel.XXX

    Yes I do. When I switched schools, I gave up a hot 7th grade girl i loved. I have withheld her name for reasons that don't matter.

    perhaps my computer, it's my favorite link to the outside , i wouldn't say i'd be lost without it just devistated.


    but only temporarily. thanks for your answer, daren 1

    I don't give up anything.


    I don't either,..............But I imagine.........If I HAD to, what would be???

    I was a Harley-Davidson dealer from 1967-1989. Because of having a kidney transplant I was ask to give up motorcycles and have not been on one sense, but sure miss them.

    That is something that I really don't care for. I guess it would television.

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