    why are nurses bitches

    0  Views: 1734 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    They aren't.  Their primary concern is caring for their patients' needs, both as directed  by the doctor(s) and as requested by the patient.  They have multiple patients, and a bunch of work to do outside of the patients' rooms that you can't begin to understand. Most of the time, they are working 12 hour shifts.  OVERworked is an UNDERstatement.
    If you are hospitalized and your nurses are less than pleasant and helpful, perhaps you are antagonizing them with unreasonable demands, being combative, or have an attitude that is really hard to swallow (pity party, arrogance, impatient).
    I would suggest you politely and tactfully ask your nurse if his or her day is going well.  A nurse is a person who has chosen one of the most difficult professions in the world, as far as I am concerned....caring for the infirm.  Be thankful they are there.  Let them know you appreciate their time and effort in helping you recover....and be sincere.


    Fantastic answer bob/pkb!! Nursing is so difficult on SO many different levels! How 'bout you try it, even for one day, nartey???

    I so would NOT want to be under narley's care!

    Some nice comments here only thing though - it is more the reverse they make sure they are not put out in anyway these days - it is called zero tolerance and tantamount to neglect. They walk around in such a way as to tell you passively aggresively do not disturb me - yes this is a generalization - they are not all like this, but recent experience showed me only a handful I could say were good nurses and I was not alone even the Sister Manager and an older staff nurse recognised this - down to the training they say and oh so many complaints.

    I will pass this information along to two of my nurse friends. Who shall I tell first...the one who advocates non-stop for her patients even after nearly 40 years on the job, or the one who recently earned her pin....her exams lasted only 45 minutes because she knew her "stuff" (the test can last from 45 minutes to 8 hours, depending on the answers you give).....yes, book learned, but this 26 year old woman had wanted to be a nurse since she was 7. You had some bad experiences with some people who should find a different line of work. I hope that never happens to you again.

    With my health problems I have met several nurses, they are people,some are better than others but considering what they need to do day after day they are Gods Angles, its some patients that can be b**ches.

    If it wasn't for nurses, where would patients be?


    Absolutely!!! Think about it, yeah you may be sick and not feeling well but how would that be WITHOUT the nurse............

    ....many would be at the undertaker's.

    Nurses are awesome and you really shouldn't generalize like this and please refrain from using profanities in your questions.

    Nurses respond to the patients mood...

    I just suspended a user for posting a very rude and almost vulgar comment about nurses. Anyone else who wishes to be acquainted with the pointed end of my cyber boot is more than welcome to be crude and rude about nurses here so I can give you a fast kick off this forum. That kind of crap is not funny and WILL NOT  be tolerated!

    i had my share and more of hospitals.  nurses are next to drs. there arent enough of them.they re always overworked and overtired. i know i am thankful of the nurses hat helped me through my stroke

    When i was in hospital,i remembered laying in the bed and thinking to myself thank god we have these amazing people.They are overworked and under paid.To me they are "Life Savers".

    If you put yourself in their shoes you will appreciate how stressful their work is: long working hours and large number of patients to care for.  You are one of their many patients.  You cannot expect them to give you undivided attention.  If you want that, you can hire a private nurse subject to the hospital's consent.

    The couple of times i've been under a nurse's care,I was treated very well.My mom was a nurse's aide for 30 year's and the card's of thank's was endless.

    I know a nurse who saved my sanity.  She helped me so much by telling me about her experiences with a hysterectomy.  I had just had one too and was a wreck.  She told me things without being judgemental or above it all.  I wanted to hug her and thank her.  I knew more of what to expect then.  She is an angel!

    I've got about a year total in hospitals. I NEVER had a bad nurse. I treated them like the angels they were, and they made sure I wasn't going to die on their shift.

    My ex- late- mother in law said that nurses are dirty b!tches who make the worst wives and the worst mothers. What she did not realise is that she was describing her daughter whom I was misguided enough to marry.

    Every one they meet is having the worst day of their lives. In pain and scared not the most pleasant people as you can imagine. They have huge educations ,but find themselves caught between those who do housekeeping and Doctors. I think the respect due them is sadly lacking . Each day is the same as the one before little disasters and big disasters . Cant get attached to the patients or you will have your heart broken a thousand times . No I disagree with you ,what ever treatment you have recived is from what you have given ,Look in the mirror and you will see the reason for what you have recived in the way of treatment . Sorry  while the future is unclear the past in hindsight is always crystal clear.  Look Back and see .               Bill

    But she gets to hold the needles.

    Nurses are not the same anymore in the Uk - they have gone down the eduction route - they always did more of this in the States less practical. To learn everything from books and computer studies will not be sufficient to communicate or understand patient as they have very little time on the ward. You also cannot teach people how to care but good training helps. The Royal College of Nursing are trying to change the curriculum. Mary Henderson from the states started a lot of this. For example 15months nursing but only three weeks on the ward with patients and even then extra numery.The less you do the further you get and less likely to get accused of mistakes. There are far too many managers in unecessary jobs and not really that good at doing them.   I could write a book about this as I was a nurse. So very much bureaucrasy now and some of the nurses have this feeling of importance and forget the patient.We always said as nurses - if you go in to hospital never let anyone know if possible that you are a nurse - if you do you will go through hell as nurses are not kind to other nurses and of course their position feels threatened as these days they really do have a very high opinion of themselves.. 

    The NHS is going through a very bad time at the moment what isn't the politicians have no idea - and if your are elderly you are so lucky if you get fed - of course there are exceptions.           . I am in no way a demanding patient, have a very high pain threshold so I have been told by consultants and I am extremely independent

    Apart from all the menial tasks we used to do i have cried and died with patients and worked at the best hospitals in the countryI will leave it here as I could go on forever especially followeing my recent horrendous hospital admission..






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