    what are the things that can make you happy?

    +9  Views: 881 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    Great Question, Lav! After the sadness of the memory of 911, it comes at a good time. My husband makes me happy and so do my daughter and three little grandchildren:
    One loves to sing into the computer and make faces. She's four. She loves the memory of her dog who died. She's four
    One loves to play the piano and draw amazing pictures. She's 6.
    One loves to be very quiet and pat your arm when you pretend you're not looking. She's two.
    My husband likes to sit by me in the evening and put his hand on my shoulder.

    14 Answers

    My family.

    I also love studying, learning and making art.

    I love my dogs.

    Waking up every day and when things get difficult I think about the lesson I am learning and commit it to memory.

    Simple things.. my family of course...(on a good day when everyone is getting along), open windows, a clean house fresh sheets....


    I read a novel about a woman who got up every morning and opened the windows in all her rooms and let the fresh air in. Was she you, Jenn?

    Sounds just like me.. It can be 100+ outside and I have to fight the erge to open all of the doors and windows.

    First and foremost is GOD being in my life, my  FAMILY, and FRIENDS.


    Amen! :-)

    Thank you sweetheart.

    Knowing i have a home to come home to

    Food in the cupboards, water,electricity ,clothes to wear ,a car to drive,a family,and my pets.

                 I am one of the lucky ones












    PL I like that you said, "I am one of the lucky ones"
    One family out of six goes to bed hungry in this big city I live in.
    Your answer made me feel like I am one of the lucky ones.

    Ditto pythonlover. TU yvonne57

    "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

                                                                                     ~ Mahatma Gandhi



    I worked with preschool age children for twenty years. I swear, they know what you're thinking. So what you say and what you do have to be in harmony. Otherwise, you find yourself in chaos.

    I agree. I think in college we learned "cognitive consonance" in Psychology class.

    Right now, some down time. I keep saying I'm going to cut back on projects, but they just keep coming in the door. Along with $$$$. Greed has no age limit.


    Ed, Time is more important than money. The reason the projects keep coming is because you are self absorbed and feel the place cannot run without you. Believe me it will.
    ed shank

    I am the "place". This is a one man circus. I have someone who helps on occasion but I do it all. I have to charge a lot for the finished product because of the machining time, assembly, Dyno time. It all adds up to big bucks for the customer.

    The funny questions on this site make me laugh, laugh, and laugh.

    for me that would be my family mostly my wife ,kids and my grandbabys

    " Some people cause happiness where ever they go, others when ever they go! "

    I have a little 3 x 3 tile that reminds me, "Happiness is wanting what you have."
    Make me happy???   Hard to say if I had specific  things or experiences, or could change my circumstances.....would that make me "happy"?   I start to wonder what happiness feels like.  I am content in most parts of my life (would like a job and a partner), but really happy???
    I would be satisfied to no end if my sons were having better successes in their lives right now. I'd like to see them (I've said this before) mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally healthy. If we could make this healthiness retroactive to about when each turned 12, I'd be REALLY happy.

    To see good spelling and grammar and intelligent questions on this site would make me happy. Then, again, perhaps it wouldn't. Answering stupid unintelligent questions is much more fun.


    .....a purple vegetable after my own heart.

    my alcohol...its makes me  feel happy


    Hmmm kimba, I hope there isn't a problem there. I like alcohol too but in perspective to other things - really low on my list. Take care with that. yvonne

    Now days a green lawn would be a plus. We can only water once a week now....

    I'm  kinda of like  the way Bob/pkb put it  No not word for word  but several things like contentment job, happiness  lifes expierences,

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