    Why is That Every Male Are all The Same?

    +3  Views: 1463 Answers: 26 Posted: 12 years ago

    Because if they weren't all the same, they'd be female.

    26 Answers

    They're not sweetie.........

    Sure seems that way at times but, get to know the male and you'll learn different...


    Some times, when you get to know a male, they become more of pig,then first thought.

    OK, so I was trying to be nice....

    People are the same where-ever we go, there is good and bad in everyone male or female try some rose colored glasses today...

    Perhaps it seems that way because you're focus is on the wrong sort of man for you. If it's not working, change your focus and find someone who fits your world better.


    It's a pity more people didn't understand that principle Colleen.The divorce rate would plummet.

    Your spending too much time with dead beats. Look in the mirror, also, how are you presenting yourself to others? Behave like an idiot and that's exactly what you'll find. Behave like a pig and be treated accordingly. Sad but true. It's reality young lady.

    My second sister had bad man radar and so they all seemed the same.

    This truly is not the case... men are glorious creatures ... tune your radar.


    Aw Gee Kay.I like that answer.LOL

    THE THING IS ALL ARE NOT THE SAME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    No, sorry about that, get excited sometimes.

    What circumstances brought that on? There are scumbags on both sides.

    I had parked my truck in the supermarket parking lot and was walking past an empty cart when I heard a female voice say , "Mister, are you using that cart? "  "No, I answered " I'm only after one thing." As I walked toward the store, I heard her murmur, " Typical male."


    how funny

    Opinion becomes prejudice by seeing your opinion as valid even when there are obvious differences. When you are rubber-stamping every man you see with the same rubber stamp they all seem to take on the same observable behavior, speech patterns and general appearance. The more you reinforce your opinion that all men seem the same. The price of judgment is the loss of love. The correction of this problem is to revoke your opinion every time it crops up in mind. In this way you forgive yourself of your judgment against men and you’ll see their uniqueness emerging in all you meet. 


    absolutely, we see what we want to see or expect

    I could just call it blindness, or perhaps blind-sidedness.

    So true robertgrist - TU

    We are not all the same, what a boring world it would be if we were.

    We're not...

    There is a saying that could be applied here.You pay peanuts- you get monkeys.

    Maybe you should up your ante.

    Males are not all the same, just like women are not  all the same either.


    Well said it Ann.

    No I don't think they're the same, some are  fatter with poor taste ( lol)

    all males have to be same just as all females are the same - that's how they are made!


    like I said,some are just fatter

    Read men are from Mars and Woman are from Venus good book and my answer is in the book !!!

    because they all think about sex all the time   ;-)


    the question is 'EVERY MALE'............

    Actually.. not all the time.

    because they are males. but could you be more specific, the same in dressing, eating, being attracted to beauty, loving cars, liking to earn money, liking to take care of their families, what area?

    Do not kid yourself - not even close.

    In what way do you think they are the same?    Are they the same just as much as all women are women?


    you got it!

    Because some female make us that way "Hurt wanting to through ourself in front of a bus "With four flat tyres of course  "Not that bloody daft for "Love .there is good and bad in both sound like a baddie.

    If your not happy try a women, you can then see if your side of the species is any better .You,ll find not ,but hey give it a try anyway. Your like us far from perfect.







    I have yet to meet two men who were the same!  In fact I've never met any two people who were the same

    No, we re not. Was wrong with you ?

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