    What do you collect?

    Little, or big items.

    I collect the little cards you put coins in to save. They use to come in cats, dogs, raccoons, etc...

    +2  Views: 1141 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    I collect Barbie movies for my daughter.  I started buying them for her starting at about age five. I enjoy them too and now we have every Barbie movie. A new one is coming out next week. So excited!


    That is so cool, I have never seen one. That would have been a lot more fun. I had a son. I can tell you about ninja turtles, and batman!

    I collect art.  I usually try to buy two pieces a year.  I have been doing this since I was 23.  My house is getting kind of full.


    Do you have any by P Buckley Moss? I think that's her name. She is the People's artist of Virginia.Check her out. I only have one of hers. A very small one. I love art, do you collect by painter, or picture? I bet your walls are beautiful!

    I don't know that artist but I will look her up. I collect all sorts of art usually found if I am on a vacation or a visit somewhere. Last year I found a wonderful pottery and carved wood bird house and the year before a watercolour in Quebec City. It depends what strikes my fancy. It is my passion and my walls are very full and I think beautiful.
    I also like to collect new artist's work. Actually, that is my favorite thing to do.
    I like the idea of P Buckley Moss being the People's artist of Virginia. That's just wonderful.

    She is dyslexic, severely, and could barely read or write. Her parents were worried she wouldn't be able to support herself. Some bright person put a paint brush in her hand!
    She is the true under dog. She rose above her disability and became famous with a brush!
    I like her, a lot.
    I am so glad you have a passion. It's important. The book I am writing is about Passion for love and Daisies.

    I am definitely looking her up now.
    Writing a book(s)! What subjects! You are amazing!

    I collect beautiful memories.


    That is so sweet. I love that.

    I collect frogs.  NOT the alive ones that hop around the yard (although one made its way into the kitchen the other day and a week ago a very tiny one was in my bathroom.   Figurines of frogs. They are from all over the world (my mom traveled alot and always brought me a frog from every place she visited....Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Alaska, Gallapogos Islands, Central America.  When I got married, we took ten weeks to travel across the US....I got several frogs on that trip as well as other, shorter trips that I've taken over the years.  I also have stitched frogs (I think Vietamese or Laotian women sew them) , made with beautiful shiny material. There are two pitchers and coffee cups, too.  My favorite is a two-piece ceramic.  One piece is a grand piano.  The second is the frog, sitting on the piano bench, his little hands poised right above the keys. I think it cam from Rhode Island.


    Now thats a collection! Took a long time. My grandma collected dishes(sets). She started it before the 1930's. I have one of the collections, Riviera, colored plates like Fiesta. It's the only family collection I inherited. It means so much more when someone helps you collect, or you inherited something they loved.
    How many years do you think you have been collecting? Do you remember the story behind each frog? My grandma paid 10 cent a week on lay away for her dishes. I love the stories behind the collectible.

    What a lovely collection, Daisy! My sister has a lot of Fiesta, all different colors, and it is such a festive can't help but smile. Your grandma worked hard to earn that collection. It obviously ended up in the right hands!
    I probably couldn't recall all the stories of my frogs, but quite a few. Most are in storage now, as I moved and had to pack them up. The antique display case they were shown in has a broken foot, so they will be out of commission until the case is fixed.

    I have a friend who collects frogs. It is fun finding them for her. She has quite the collection.

    I uesd to collect,  Porcelain, but mainly,  Souvenir Dolls, now with almost 300. space has run out , cant display any more.!

    I inherited my late wife's foreign currency collection. She had a nephew who worked on various merchant ships, and he always sent her some whenever they visited a new port. I also have a fairly large stash of US silver coins.


    My son does money, I gave him a small collection I had saved from childhood. I always thought money was a cool thing to collect.I never could get into stamps. I like small items, that store easily. Have you ever counted how many coins and list their countries? I can't get my son to do this, He'll collect, but nothing more!

    Daisy: No, never counted it, but I'm sure it doesn't have much value as the nephew was quite poor. There are quite a few countries represented though.

    I collect ring tabs off of soda cans and beer cans and I store them all in whiskey and wine bottles. I have a collection of about 3 dozen lrg. bottles and 7 of the small ones. They are all filled. Do you realize how many thousand of tabs I have?  If I ever hear of a charity that is not an urban legion, I'll donate them...


    You crack me up! That is so funny, and very cool. I'll keep my eyes open for a charity. I always heard of 'em, but never found 'em.

    Thank you, @Daisy!

    Good Evening! Those tabs were worth one minute of dialysis here a couple of years ago. It sounds like you have about 1,000,000 tabs! What on earth got you collecting them?

    BOB beat me to it... Those rings are saving lives!!!! Also they pay for house at the Ronanld Mc Donald Houses. (for families with criticals ill children to be near the hospital)

    I've always heard of the rings saving lives but every time, it turned out to be an urban legion...
    If any body knows for real a charity that will take them, let me know... I started collecting them for a man at my job who used them for something. Well, he died but my habit didn't.....

    You amaze me Jewel ... here >>>
    The aluminium in them is worth a lot!

    No, lindi, the aluminum is worth exactly the same as the cans. It's just a good way to collect aluminum that doesn't attract roaches. I'll check them out and get in touch. I've moved several times so knowing where they are all packed (scattered).will be my latest challenge......

    I get a bottle of sand from every beach we go to... And those pressed penny tokens that you crank out at tourist attractions.... My daughter started a button collection a couple of years ago so I am always on the look out for those (the pin button not off of clothes). My son is trying to get all 50 states liscince plates.... I would like to get them from all over the world for him too.


    That sand collection rocks! I have never heard of that. A friend did send my sister a jar of Hawaiian black sand, It was from the volcanoes. Know anyone from there that can add to your collection? That would be so cool.
    I like the buttons and license plates too. I know you are talking about the button pin. My grandma sewed for a living, she had the prettiest mason jars full of colorful buttons. She use to let me play with them when I was very little. When you wrote buttons, I was flooded with memories. Thank You, I forgot about the buttons.

    Awww. I am glad you got to relive that... Memoeries are such treasures exspecially when they sneak up on you! :)

    I only get the sand from places we have been... We all collect it together. The kids will not be here for many more years but there fingers running threw that sand will aways hold them close to me.

    i like to collect money , it works for just about all my needs..

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