    Is it polite, to Tell someone, To Shut up, here in Q&A, because they dont agree with you. ?

    +16  Views: 1455 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago

    dollybird: I tried to give you a thumb up but the darn thumb wasn't working today.

    Thanks itsme, not to worry, there is always tomorrow, smile.

    Your not the type Dollybird to hurt!Disagree "Yes .

    dowsa, I respect people, with my replys, and admit when Im wrong. A person can disagree, but have manners to give decent reply.

    20 Answers

    Disagreeing is what makes akaQA great.  There's always more than one way to skin a cat.

    However, do it with respect.



    please dont use that expression! to skin a cat! NA only joking Heeeeeeeeeeeee lol

    with respect...."shut up, please sir?" will that work? ha ha

    That's too respectful.

    How about "Get out of my "Site" (like my wife says to me!.

    to skin a cat is an odd dad used to say, "You'll have your head in your hands and your brains to play with!"
    Also odd.
    The people who first said these things must have been morbid.

    OMG, dont skin animals, ouch.

    Sorry, Dolly, my bad choice of metaphor. :(

    Yeah, I agree with you, Chiangmai. See you. Gotta go.

    It is rude and disrespectful. We need to treat people like just like we want to be treated.

    No it is not polite,we should have respect for each other.

    That's rude. But on occasion tempers flair and being human, we forget ourselves and say things we regret in two minutes after we post it. I've lost it a few times here myself but I'm trying to be a little less juvenile.


    Yep, ed shank and we do not have the ability to edit our comments.
    I've hidden my head more than once over some dumb thing I've said.
    ed shank

    Were not perfect, be as long as we strive for perfection we will be better people.

    That's what makes the edit feature so nice! I try hard to say what I mean in a neutral or humorous way and not point a finger. Sometimes, though, no matter how many ways I say something (revising, editing, restating using different angles and words), there may be someone who just doesn't get it and wants to argue and find fault with my opinion. It's an's not etched in stone.
    ed shank

    You are quite right madam.

    shouting "shut up" shows a lack of respect for others and a lack of self control and anger boiling up inside the person.

    this reminds me of how you raise children. if you shout "shut up" they will learn to do it. It's a cycle. It goes much farther than words. It goes to mean hands and more. 



    Benthere, This lack of respect, was not directed towards me, lucky for rude person, it was was for someone else. Thank you for your reply.

    Dollybird: I didn't much think it was you. If I'd shouted "shut up" when I taught preschool, I would have been fired! It was there that I learned to stifle myself.
    I regret if someone thought my comments were directed at them. We're all adults here and conversations almost catch on fire. I've seen smoke coming from my tiny laptop.
    Let's cool. k?

    It shows respect to other people, to stop and think first., before answering, There have been some questions, that I wished I could of put what I really felt, but I dont want to appear to Be Top Cat. that is best left to some one else.                                         Thanks for your reply, ed shank.

    I have  become  angry  at times  with some  but in order to make  this  site work  I belive  everyone  should be treated respectfully  and given their say.

    do you reall whant to stoop to their level?


    No I dont, but some times, its good to remind a person, even though adult, right from wrong.

    I agree. In the long run it will help.

    I think to be honest and if it upsets a another person then IF you think your in the wrong say the word SORRY and mean it but I think this is a freedom of speech well I hope it  is


    I agree! :-)

    Hi pamela Thanks for the comment glad you agree hows you day been I have ahd a awful day sacked two people then had to the job my self as they had left such a mess never mind lol

    IN such a "Mess MEL thats cats for you dogs dont do that .they were to put it in the intray "But put it in the "Out .(litter trays .So you sacked them tied them up tossed them in the thames would you do that to an old doddie .HA HA I hope you the next people you get are better Lol

    Oh oh dowsa you do make ne laugh I do hope the next guys are at least funnie like you lol

    It is never "polite" to tell someone "shut up".  It's rude, immature, and ignorant.. 

    Think of a playground when you were about 10.  Some kid is disagreeing with you and everyone is waiting for the two of you to start throwing punches (or pulling hair).  You scream, "SHUT UP".  Highly ineffective, don't you think. 

    Everyone is not going to  agree with you about everything.  If you go back and read some of your answers, you may not even agree with yourself.   A  healthy debate and discussion allows for people to have differences of opinion and values and gives others a chance to assess the options and make informed decisions. 

    If you can't handle the disagreement, find a way to end the conflict.  Thank the person for voicing an opinion and tell him you want to agree that the two of you disagree. Then don't make another comment, no matter what he says.


    Beautifully said!

    Thank you, Daisy! Thank you, Vinny!

    I totally agree! well said!

    hmmmm.  It's never nice to tell someone to shut up.  People disagree.  That's life.  We can't all be peanut butter and jelly sometimes a sardine gets into the mix.


    cute remark....sardines...:)

    I like your remarks too, fish girl!

    No doubt about that. It doesn't change the fact that resorting to "shut up" is not a really intelligent way to argue a point.
    It could be that I am just tired of arguing with people. There isn't too much that would cause me to reach the boiling point anymore. But I like your analogy. Give me PB&J over sardines, though.

    No, it's not polite but...go for it! A little controversy makes things so much more interesting!.(:


    I wont go for it, as it was not directed to me, but I hope the person in question , picks up some thing from the replys.

    Oh shut up!!  LOL.. Just kidding..  No I think its rude. when a person resorts to 'shutup' its because they lost the debate.. Next comes the name calling..


    good point, vinny.

    We have freedom of speech which is precious.  But respect for others is equally important. 

    Using the phrase "Shut up" shows poor character, but I think it is even more rude when answering someone's question to get off on a tangent with someone in an argument just because they don't agree.

    I wasn't allowed to say "Shut Up"  when I was a kid.  Even now if someone says it,  my Mom will still reprimand them. 


    "Shut up" and "Stupid" were words my sons were discouraged from saying. They are all in their 20's now, and still don't call people "Supid" or tell them to "Shut Up".

    The measure of a person's  character  can be seen   by  the size  of those things  which  upset  him..


    Also, alot has to do with their up bringing. I wounder if, that same Madam, was speaking to a person of authority,in real life, would she of shown as much disrespect. !!

     Hula HoopHave a nice week end. Everyone. 



    those smileys are cute ... but there's just too many.

    probably not but when you get the stupid" questions"(you know the sort i mean) the temptations certainly there


    It was a decent question, for a change,but a madam, didnot agree with someones reply.


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