    Do you think illegal aliens entering your country have rights.

    thanks mel, i 'm taking a print of it to work tomorrow, they will be very interested in it, must go now only have 6 hours before i leave for work, good night from OZ.

    +11  Views: 1552 Answers: 25 Posted: 12 years ago

    Thank you bulletman and love the new picture! and just wanted to thank you for reading my thread it says it was from most muslim countrys but as you said dont know which One !!! :-)

    25 Answers

    If a person was to enter my home without permission and I felt threatened by them I would be within my rights to defend myself, even going so far as to shoot them. A lot of these illegals are crossing the border, committing crimes and killing Americans. At what point do we stop holding their hands and worrying about their rights? If an American were to cross the border illegally into Mexico, he/she could find themselves  shot and killed by the Mexican authorities for being in the country illegally. Do you know what that does? It keeps Americans from crossing the border illegally into Mexico. Some of you might want to give my country away to people who have no right to be here but I will not make it easy for you. I will continue to tell my elected officials the same thing I say each time they send me a poll or an e-mail asking my opinion. I want all illegals out of my country by any means necessary.


    Colleen thats a strong statement but i agree whole heartily.

    Best answer???

    You have a problem, Ilovejesus.

    It is our Governments fault for not securing our borders with Mexico, We dont have the money to do that., because they blew it all.If caught, illegals schould be sent back. While they are here it is a human rights issue and and our Government has to take care of theire needs..


    That's the problem. When they do get caught crossing, they get turned around and sent back. It's call the turn back south policy (TBS). They do not get arrested, just turned around by the border guards and told to go home. The only trouble is, the border guard can only wait at the crossing site for 15 minutes after turning the illegals around, then the have to continue their patrol. The illegals who only walked until they were out of sight of the patrol, then turn around and come across the border again. Arresting them does not stop them as once they are sent back to their homeland, they turn around and come back here. I still maintain if we fire apon them like the Mexican authorities do to a US citizen who enters their country illegally, then you'd see less of the roaches willing to take the risk of coming here illegally.

    Human rights as in we can't just shoot them for being here illegally and the right to turn their azz around and go home. That's it. That's all the rights they need.


    UNFORTUNEALY, Collen the AUSTRALIAN NAVY cannot blow them out of the water, which a lot of Australian's would turn a blind eye to.

    They seem to have more rights in the UK than the people that are born and bred here. 


    Exactly, and the govt bend over backwards to give them more than the rightful citizens.

    quite agree Maz

    In the US, illegals get free medical. I'm natural born and I can't even get free medical.

    It makes you wonder hey? How much do we have to do for them?


    MORE than you or i can get.

    Tommy did you tip the little bloke out of the wheelbarrow?

    Peoplelover:- That little bloke is a girl. (If you don't mind? :)same one as the other pic but younger.Photo taken 1 day after she started walking.(10 Months).
    How was the trip?

    No, they are invaders.


    right on, eggie

    Believe or not, they do.  Under our constitution, even illegal aliens are presumed innocent until proven guilty. That's why they have to appear before a judge or hearing committee prior to deportation proceedings.


    Chiangmai, that is happening this very moment in OZ. they are not even residents so how can they have rights.

    Since this country was founded originally on Christian foundation, it led to the formation of a certain unalienable rights individuals have. Individuals, in this case, mean all individuals, not just citizens.

    The traditional American philosophy teaches that Man, The individual, is endowed at birth with rights which are unalienable because given by his Creator.

    This governmental philosophy is uniquely American. The concept of Man’s rights being unalienable is based solely upon the belief in their Divine origin. Lacking this belief, there is no moral basis for any claim that they are unalienable or for any claim to the great benefits flowing from this concept.


    I would like to add too, bulletman, that the time to prevent illegal aliens from entering the country is before they enter. Once they have entered, they have rights immediately. Crazy but true.

    Good then we can blame Christianity for this mess too. Maybe we should have a Christian adopt an illegal day and let Christians support them. Hah, it's a fun picture but I do not agree or believe this country was founded on Christianity.

    Just because God is mentioned does not mean the christian god rules our government or had/has a hand in our government. This country was founded on the belief that no secular religion would rule the people and the people would enjoy religious freedoms. There is no way our forefathers would have had one secular religion in mind when they made mention of God. Truly research them and find out what a lot of them really believed about religion and God and you'll be amazed that even though they had some christian denomination attached to their name, the most of them didn't believe in the religion or what it preached. Read up on each founding father. Even the non celebrity ones.

    Unalienable rights was written during an era when there was no such thing as illegal aliens in America. All people who came here were immigrants and were welcomed as an addition to the population in a country that needed to be populated. If unalienable rights is still used today for the illegals, then a good legal team should be able to rip that away from them. The forefathers made the constitution amendable for a reason. So outdated clauses could be removed.
    terryfossil 1

    your right Colleen,your government does not have a Christian God over it ,,it has a muslim God over it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    If that's what you want to call Obama, then OK.
    God is God. IT is not a religion. I can say with certainty however that none of our forefathers were Muslim.

    Our jails are full of them, they get free medical, schooling, welfare. Their roaches, kill them all.


    what kind of them?
    ed shank

    "Them" are the illegals, why not enter the legal way. Like millions have done since the the turn of the 1900's.

    they will not enter legally as they know they will not be accepted. once they are in your country it is extremely hard to get rid of them.
    ed shank

    Like roaches.

    Ed, I don't want them killed!
    ed shank

    I overacted here. Not killed, but make them go away. This is a big problem that's getting worst every day.

    unfortunately , the aliens, when found , are not put in jail. Their kids are sent to our schools, and given a freebreakfast, lunch , and medical care. Then, the parents have another kid right away , so he will be an American.

    looks to me they have more rights than us. free housing, food stamps, dont pay taxes. send the wetbacks home!



    Well here in the UK they certainly do have more rights than anyone born here. 


    And we did not have any Red Indians hear first,

    Yes. Should they? NO.

    White Anglo-Saxons invaded Australia, killed the indigenous people, imposed their religion, stole their land, introduced diseases and denied them the vote until 1967.

    So who are the illegal aliens?


    I love it!Tell it like it is!TU!!

    Yes and now the USA is endanger of being taken over by invading illegals. Some coming from Mexico, some by sea and others just being let in, Muslims and more. Millions of guns just got shipped to Mexico from America, Hmm, I wonder why. No more arresting illegals crossing the border, turn back south policy in place and 1/2 our military defense over seas and a president who was taught in Muslim schools and spend his early years learning the Muslim religion.

    The English did not invade OZ , they just walked in unapposed.

    Bulletman, the English faced opposition from the aborigines but their superior fire power and the inability of the aborigines to organise a mass opposition was their downfall.

    Wow.....this is nuts!You are right nomdeplume.colleen here in the states it's kind of a different thing.What nom is saying makes sense for the location he's referencing to.

    You make no sense. Nom is talking about history. I'm talking about today. We have the ability to fight back invaders. I say we use it.
    terryfossil 1

    the difference is Nom,Aussie was invaded by invaders,just about every country in the world has invaded somebody,,invading other countries has been going on since the beginning of time,i am not saying it is right,but i am saying it is a fact,,and yes,the English did try to genocide the up on the stories ,they did a lot of bad things to them,but there is nobody alive today that was involved in that,and before you fly the racist flag, I am an Aussie Queenslander who is also part Aboriginal,,and this country belongs to anyone who wishes to call himself Australian and be Australian.And pledge his loyalty to the Australian Flag under which so many have died fighting for,,and if there is anyone in this country who cannot do that, then "GET OUT"

    Yes they have the right to leave anytime if they can't learn English or stop breeding and sucking up our social services! Get jobs or go back to wherer you came from....nobody gave the Poles and Lithuanians any free rides and they learned English!!

    Hi Bullet, just looking back at some of your old questions,and i like this one,I have a boy in customs,he pick em up at sea,,however they are called Refugees,It is not Illegal to be a refugee,However,as a refugee escaping with your life being threatened,they are supposed to stop at the first country that is not a threat to them,here is the catch,,because Aussie is so far away from other countries,they travel through nearly 15 safe countries before reaching Aussie,,they have passports when they enter Indonesia ,but when we pick them up at sea,they do not have passports,now how did they pass through so many countries without a passport??,so we take them to a detention camp until we find out who they are,,we find out they are from Afghanistan ,then we pay for a plane ticket to send them back,but they say they do not want to go back, and Afghanistan says they will not allow them back unless they agree to return voluntarily .so they sit in a detention camp hoping Aussie will change their minds and let them in. Abbot's plan is working, we have dropped from 10 boats a month, to 1 boat a month on average..So regardless of what the Labour party say's. Abbot has turned the boats around...................always nice talking Bullet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  


    I quite agree Terry, except for Abbott, i think he keeps us a little in the dark when it come to the 'boat people, he lies thru his teeth, the sooner the Libs replace him the better.:)
    terryfossil 1

    i am not a great fan of Abbot,but he said he would turn back the boats,and he has,cannot argue with that,i do not know if you are liberal or labor,,i used to be a working man,but i do not believe labor can run a country,,and the only one they will replace Abbot with is Turnbull,and he is a labor in liberal clothing...all the best Bullet

    for who? are we talking about south of the border, north or just your run of the mill kind of illegals in general. I'd  like to weigh-in on the conversation but I don't want to pick on the wrong aliens.


    ANY where, in my case down under, we have a huge problem with illegals comming to our shores by boat and whenwe try to send them back they hit us with the U.N. HUMANE ACT to stop us doing so. It is creating great unrest in OZ, we are being called Racist's by the U.N.

    the them  a free ride on everything.that's just one of the long list of things that is fddddd-up about our for obama and see the list short-----------------------f no!!!!!

    Wow......there has been some very racist comments said above me,I to think someone should come into the country legally,but I believe everyone has the right to be treated humanely,you have to treat people like people first then you can do whats right after that.


    IluvJesus, just because we believe they should be sent back does not make us RACISTS.

    Read the post man....I said "SOME" of the comments.Sometimes I think there is a language barrier.Geez!

    She means me. She wants to believe I'm a racist because I do not agree with her 99% of the time. She's black so loves to use the race card as her reason for people not agreeing with her.
    Well I'm white and she does not agree with me so I wonder, does that make her racist?

    Trust me colleen..on this particular one I was not referring to you,other wise I would of called you shame in my game...remember.And my being black has not a rats a** to do with this,who's really pulling out the race cards??

    Did you forget already about the e-mail you sent me calling me a racist? You can lie here but you show your true self in e-mails, don't you?

    Dear I luv Jesus, When foreighners enter other countries, illegally, they are thrown in jail. ( especially in the middle east.)

    yes they have rights but do they deserve them!


    NO, Deport them immediately.

    Hey I have answered this before I even put a question on this Under I had Email today please read that one


    YEAH! I READ IT MEL, exactly which muslim country was it referring too.---- have you noticed my new gravitar it is bulletman from a comic book from the u.s.

    Only if they're from outer space and have more technologically advanced weapons than us. Otherwise they have ALL of the rights that your pet rock does.

    nobody should break the law. greed plays a big part in what is going on today. over 30 years ago i sat on a grand jury to indite a mexican man who was here working illegally.  at that time i told my co-jurist that he was not to blame for coming here working if full blooded american bosses knew the law and broke it anyway. i said to my team, if we're not going to charge the bosses, we should not charge him. fast forward to today . . .  everything is now out of control, because now we have more illegal citizens working than one could have predicted.  now people are upset.  employers thought it was cute at the time and they thought they would use the good old american loopholes that the rich are bestowed with and break the law to get cheap labor.  now look what we got. once a few, now millions here and coming to get those jobs that americans encouraged them to come and get in the first place.  so people, as bad as they don't want to, better get to work on that immigration reform.  or, keep filibustering it until 2069 when 50% of the us population will be hispanic and then you'll be begging them for mercy and political reform.

    The US needs ditch diggers, food service , low wage service etc. The kind of people to do work that the people on unemployment for 2 years that wont do. There is a need for them. But, dang , they need to get legal. Why don't they do this ? They don't respect the country laws and don't want to.


    We do not need over 7 million of them and most of them on welfare. We do not need their entire families that they drag in with them. No,the USA does not need them. Greedy businesses do that refuse to pay a decent wage because there is always the illegals to work for cheap while they collect aid from the government. Maybe Canada can use them.

    Your being too nice, theres a whole lot more than 7 million. How many of those have auto insurance?

    7 million on record. It does not count the ones still hiding. I doubt any of them have insurance.

    Well I will be howled down by some do gooders but I say, in the case of OZ once detected the boats carrying illegals should be given 10 minutes to alter course away from OZ or be fired upon as soon as they enter Australian waters.

    Sink a couple as target practise and the smugglers will soon lose their customers.

    The part I find weird is these illegals pay thousands of dollars to sail here and we feed clothe and educate their kids plus give them money. Why? they had money to pay the fare so why should we take care of them?

    Bulletman your new avatar is great except in your case it is "mutton dressed as lamb"



    Actually, i'm a senior superman.

    Didn't we steal this country from the indigenous tribes that lived here? Why the worry at this late stage of the game. 


    Do you want to live in Mexico? That is what the US will be if we continue to leave our borders unchecked and the illegals keep flowing in. What happened in the past should stay there. We do not have to lay down and let illegals take over this country just because it happened in a history that no one living today was a part of. I personally did not steal this country from anyone.

    Colleen, Bulletman asked what should be a very simple question, but we all know its true depth is multi-faceted. I was responding to the very basics of the question. I don't hold myself or anyone else for past history on this issue. Going on the past paradigm, we do need to tread carefully, so on that issue I am in agreement with you.

    no,no,no,.................................and it?

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