    How did the word "gay" come to mean homosexual?

    Hint:  It was actively used in the 1930's in the prison system.

    +4  Views: 1336 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Don't know but it is certainly more acceptable than poofters ,faggots ,lemons & dykes I think.


    Yes, it is more acceptable as those are detogatory terms while gay was a code word used in the 30's for homosexuals to communicate with other homosexuals. ;)

    fruity in the booty

    Tommy you for got to mention one word in My Mothers day they were called Nancy boys wierd a lol

    Way back then (In the 60s)We had a habit of calling gay men "Cats".I don't know whether that was connected to gay cats from the prison system or what.I don't know whether it was a universal saying or localized to our area.But,on looking back,it wasn't all that bad considering the other terms that were available.
    I think the thing that turned most people against gay men was the habit of a minority of them to hang around public toilets etc.on the chance of finding a willing partner.These were the "Cats" I'm referring to.

    and then there were cool cats which just meant guys that dressed cool.

    LOL Itsmee

    The word gay is from the Old French gai, meaning "merry."  It came to mean reckless sefl-indulgence in the seventeenth century, and it wasn't until the 1930s that its homosesexual connotation came out of the prison system, where the expression "gay-cat" meant a younger, inexperienced man who, in order to survive, traded his virtue for the protection and experience of an older convict.


    Hmm, I'm thinking "gay cat" came to be after the "gay code" was found out. This code was also used in mental institutes where gays were sent by the law to be healed of their sickness. Most of those gays were "cured" by having lobotomies done to them.

    You may have a point there.

    Oh the damage done by do gooders to the so called mentally ill.It makes me sick the way people judge others without realising what the circumstances are.

    I thought it came from the 1930s which meant bright and buetiful and as Colleen pointed out it was a code name, besides that I love the name Gay its a happy word

    So far so good.  Let's see if we can get a few more answers.

    Years ago it meant bright, colourful.


    it still does, i think.

    It started out as code word used by homosexuals to identify themselves to other homosexuals. It's a word that could be applied easily in general conversation. As simple as that.


    How interesting.

    Good Answer Collen and how true I would like to mention how persacuted they all were and what a life they must have in those days it must have been terrible god bless them lol

    happy, bright, colourful people. I would think that if for a portion of your life you had to hide who you really are, when the truth comes out...this is exactly how you would feel.

    I'm still waiting to be enlightened as to where the next war will be.:)


    & I'm still waiting Chiangmai!!

    North Korea. We are dealing with a nut case here, and he would not hesitate drawing big China into this. We have to do it right or it'll be a real mess. America is slowing deploying troops into that region now.

    Yep.You are right.It does need watching.They are dangerous.Thanks chiangmai.

    Ive heard it mentioned, it can mean as good as you,which sounds o/k

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