    there is something living in my kitchen, it could be a rat (I live in the country) it takes fruit especially apples, I find half eaten fruit most days on the floor so its too big to be a mouse any ideas and also how to get rid of it humanely

    not sure if my question went in correctly, but the problem is something in my kitchen, too big to be a mouse as it takes apples,I find the remnants on the floor most mornings, I want to get rid of it but in a humane way, any ideas??

    +8  Views: 1294 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: lambshank

    12 Answers

    Get a have-a-heart trap and leave an apple in it and put away all other fruit or food.


    will do, thamks

    there are humane traps for mice and rats either google it or get intouch with a animal rescue centre

    WHAT WAS IT????the suspense is killing me!!and have you still got whatever it was????


    O.K after all this time and a trip with the little furry was a rat!

    Just letting you know the little thing I thought might be a rat turned out to be an endangered baby marsupial, friendly little thing I took it to the vet who was waiting for the wildlife people to pick it up, sooo glad I didnt kill the poor little thing ! anyway problem solved and they think it will be fine.


    OH my Gosh, what fun. I'm glad you didn't trap and kill the little bugger. I'm also glad to know you aren't sleepwalking!! r/yvonne57

    What kind of poop droppings does it leave?  That's a good way to tell unless you have a Nanny-Cam.


    thats the weird part, cant find any, it may be behind the fridge or somwhere thats not obvious

    You can purchase good humane cage type rat traps. You should be also looking at how it is getting into your kitchen. 

    Maybe you are sleepwalking lambshank and eating food you don't remember? :)


    could explain the weight gain !

    might explain the weight gain !!

    thanks, I will ask about the traps,hopefully that will solve this, I hate to kill anything


    I am so pleased you are going down that route thank you lambshank

    You sure, you don't have UNIVITED GUEST?


    well to be honest I have a problem puss that often brings things inside and lets them go,

    It may be a Ring Tail Possum, you will have to use a cat trap for them, or as eggplant may say, ' an apple loving alien is in your kitchen',

    Humanely ?  They're RATS for goodness sake. Use traditional traps that eliminate any possibility of repeat unwelcomed visits. If you feel so strongly about the well being of these varmints, keep feeding them apples.


    not sure if it is a rat, but would be happy to feed it apples if it stayed outside, I would rather get up to see a half eaten apple than a mutilated little animal

    Hi digger they are all Gods creatures after all

    Hi Mel, So are mosquitoes and flies. Have you never swatted one in your life ? Be honest.

    Hi digger, I liked your comment to Mel, but it wasn't a rat after all.

    That's why I don't favour Capital Punishment. The "oops" factor.

    digger never I havnt ever killed any insect I might have trod on one by accident cant do it sorry couldnt live with myselve! xxx

    I believe you,Mel. If you weren't you,I'd call you a P.E.T.A.-loving lunatic. Instead, you're just a soft-hearted,bleeding heart animal lover. And that's OK in my book.;-)

    My sentiments too.

    digger funny yoy should mention Peta I am one of there animal activist weird huh xxx

    west-bus heeee xxxx

    call the guy

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