    Who Else Is Excited About Seeing The New And Last Harry Potter Flick?

    I've read all the books, seen all the movies so far and I hope they do Snape's character justice.

    +5  Views: 1694 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    good topic Ms Sinclare

    9 Answers

    I always Read The Books and they are always better than the Films pehaps its my imagination !
    Ms Sinclair

    That's usually the case. I like the books better too but the films do have many of best actors in Britain.
    I enjoy seeing the writer,cast and crew who present such great work. They are all so skilled and interesting that I would like to know them personally. The movie industry is such a work of loves creation by brilliant people. I have read several screen plays and they are so exciting…better than the books often times because of the benefit of collaborate writers who bring fresh ideas forward about how to fill out a staged event.
    Me, me, me (waving wildly). I'll be sorry to see the end but so anxious too. I loved all the books and then the movies. I bought all the CD's so that I can go back and watch them over and over and over......
    Ms Sinclair

    I have all the movies, books, audiobooks. I'm going to see the last one next Sunday when I'm off from work. Most of the actors are going to be at the premier tomorrow in N.Y.C. I am thinking about going but it's probably going to be a madhouse trying to get anywhere near the theater because people camp out for days so they can be near the front to get autographs. I'm much too old to be doing that sort of thing.

    Lucky you Ms. S, I would love to see them in person but I just can't do it.
    Ms Sinclair

    I may not be able to either, even if I do decide to go down there. As I said before, it's going to be a madhouse.

    If you do don't forget to take a camera with you and take lots of pictures.
    Ms Sinclair

    Oh I won't. Thanks.
    Hey, I did go down to the premier today and I got to see Alan Rickman (my heart be still a moment), Daniel Radcliff, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson (what a beautiful dress she had on), Tom Felton,and Mathew Lewis from a distance. It was fun but it was as hot as hell out here (in the 90's).
    country bumpkin

    I've always liked the Harry Potter movies and took my son to see them when he was young and still found them interesting.( He is 17) I get a break from classes in a couple of weeks and I plan to rent Deathly Hallows part 1 and hopefully be able to watch part 2 before it leaves the theater here.

    I'm pretty excited about not seeing it..

    Just saw some clips of the movie this morning on TV....looks really great and it being the last...anyone that is a fan will be flocking! Hi Ms Sinclair!....hope all is well with you! You must be off of work or perhaps not gone in! I know you work nights but not the hours...(:
    Ms Sinclair

    I work nights but it just so happens I was off today.

    Not me not a Harry Potter fan at all sorry

    ive only seen one Harry Potter film but couldnt understand it,maybe its just me...

    Yep!! I'm a huge fan of snape and harry potter !!! Alan Rickman was perfect for snape!!!

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