    how much will it cost me to cash coppers at morrisons?

    about £8's worth in morrisons in kilmarnock

    0  Views: 1957 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: money

    2 Answers

    Companys pay you for the copper you bring, you don't pay them. ( Am I missing the question here?)

    Most banks do charge for changing money in the UK they class it as a counter sevice.
    country bumpkin

    Thank you. I misunderstood this question completely. Here in the U.S., people like to steal copper because they can make money from it just as they do tin cans. I thought this person was asking if there is a charge for selling copper and this made no sense to me. This is why I love this site because I am learning so much. Thank you for your response.
    PS. Do you reside here in the US?
    If you bag it up in bank bags in the correct amounts stated on the bags, many local small shops are grateful for the change. Very few shops etc.. will take it loose. Many Large supermarkets (Morrisons & Tesco) have machines that you pour loose change into and it will print you a store voucher for the amount tendered.

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