    What is God trying to tell us? 77 soldiers were struck with lightning in the US.

    +3  Views: 2079 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: religion

    7 Answers

    Well 7 is a Biblical number, we were involved in two wars until recently. Even without the lightning strikes, I believe we are involved in 3 unnecessary wars.

    America needs to mind their own business and work on rebuilding their own nation and economy. Politicians need to wake up to this smarter way of thinking, the only way the average American can help it to let their congressmen and women know.

    Here, here.

    Yay Leeroy.. A man after my own heart.

    Lol, you so cute Jenn.
    Get out of the rain, stupid people.

    Good idea.
    He's trying to tell us to have enough sense to come in out of the rain.

    Or stop invading other countries.

    I thought you said IN the U.S.?

    I did, the US is the leader and we play follow the leader. Perhaps it's time to stop invading other countries. I read that the only reason the US went into Afghanistan was because they wanted to put an oil-pipe from another country, Kazakhstan to Pakistan. When the US asked the previous government, the taliban, they refused the request. So the US put a puppet leader and he signed to let them put the pipeline through Afghanistan. Just a note, I am not sure whether it was Kazakhstan, but it was a similar name.
    I guess if you believe God is responsible for every lightning strike, every earthquake, every tsunami, every flood, every tornado, etc, then maybe he is trying to tell us something.
    Do you really believe that God strikes poeple dead by lightening so he can teach other people something? Really? What is he teaching people when he strikes a 2 month old with cancer?
    Well, there are those people out there who believe this world is going to be destroyed because of homosexuals so why can't it be that God is sending a message by killing soldiers with lightening?
    maybe we need a bigger armored division to protect of soldiers as well as our strikes hospitals and churches as well..

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