    Did they have cars in Bibical times?

    bible quote Jesus came down the mountain in Triumph

    +6  Views: 2606 Answers: 18 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: religion


    18 Answers

    Horses, Camels, Donkeys, etc...
    The bible also says they went in one Accord, but somehow I just do not believe you should take that litereally as in being an automobile. My answer to your question is NO.

    good golly miss molly, accord and triumph!hope gas wasnt higher than now!!!!!!!!!!

    You would not fit Jesus & his 12 diciples in an Accord.They are only 5 seaters.

    Would that be too much then like one of those clown cars you know one of these tinny ones that the clowns just keep pouring out of it like maybe 10 of em>
    Yes, Noah's ark had a 454 c.i. engine, 411 rear, with twin lines.

    Don't forget the twin turbo's

    Thanks bulletman, I forgot that, good looking out. O, I forgot the 780 Holley carb !!!!

    But only 2 horse power!

    I know that's the only setback.

    No cars but Moses loved to surf.  He parted the Red Sea.

    god had the mercy seat installed on the ark of the covenant.. similiar to todays passanger seat.. you cry for mercy depending whos driving

    Maybe it had V8 engine in it!
    Yes but they were like the kind on the Flintstones cartoon, you had to use foot power to move them, or pull them with animals.
    He entered Jerusalem on his Triumph, not on a donkey as the Bible says.

    What kind of engine did it have?
    I think the Triumph was a motor bike Jesus had not a car. Probably Tiger 100 or Speed Twin. Both top bikes in their and Jesus` day.

    yep four wheel drive camels

    Yes. It's in Genesis. "On the 7th day (Hyundai), G-d rested."

    You forgot the "T" in cars. Yes there were carts in the bible.

    The have no cars like our BMW, VW, FORD, etc.

    The have chariots  (a two-wheeled. horse-drawn vehicle.)

    King Solomon, when  building up the army of Israel expanded the numbr of chariots to 1,400.-

    See 1King 10:26,29.


    He came down in Triumph NOT A TRIUMPH. And it would have been the motor cycle version anyhow.

    country bumpkin

    Tee Hee Hee!

    A Royal Enfield would be more begeting,

    Don't think so my sweet, but I wonder what the lines were like at the DMV back then?

    they had horses camels and donkeys and boats

    Horse and chariot.
    Very interesting question. The answer, i would say, is yes.

    On an episode of Bill Maher, Ian McKellan, said: "Remember walking?"... A reference to the fact that Britons lead the world in riding bikes as opposed to driving cars during a recession with high gas prices.

    In the Old Testament, people rode chariots, boats, animals, the backs of others, as well as their own legs.

    In the New Testament, it is written that knowledge and travel would increase during the last days of life on the planet. With that said, we now have busses, cars, bikes, airplanes, motorcycles, various kinds of automobiles, and the occasional leg. (remember walking? = something we don't do often anymore.)

    In dreams, all these things play relevance to the ability to be mobile or to motivate in some way. How we get around, where we are going, and what we come to when we finally arrive.

    Thus, the answer is yes. As the symbolism behind the "mobile" means was as significant to life in the old testament as it is to our lives today, in the New.

    Your sister,


    yes just not the kind we have today but there is evidence to suggest the mayans had a form of transport besides horse and cart ,


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