    does any one still beleive in tithing?

    10% to god

    +5  Views: 2332 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: religion

    I found a good site on tithing if anyone would like to check it out, good stuff.

    13 Answers

    I think it's one of the hardest things to do sometimes!!! During my lifetime I have tithed and not tithed. I always make much more money or my money goes farther when I'm tithing. Sometimes I tithe my time as well or plus or instead of money.

    I think we really need to trust God on this subject which is critical to most people and many families. Can you trust God all the way? I know I have a difficult time trusting God with everything, I challenge everyone to trust God enough to pay your tithe, including myself. See how much God will bless you.

    I notice when I tithe that my money stretches farther, sometimes everything on my short grocery list is on sale or two for one, it's amazing how much God will bless you obedience.

    Seriously people if I can leave you with one good thing, thought, or comment in all of the blabbing I have done here, believe me and trust God on this one.

    He promises to reward us for paying our tithe and I know it's one of the few promises that God says to test Him on this. That's because He knows how difficult it is to give up a part of your income, the funny thing is that He owns everything anyway, we are only stewards of His gifts to us.

    Now you can send your tithes to me at P.O. Box, lol, joking, I am so convinced on this one, it will help so many people, start with a smaller amount if you have to, but trust God and start tithing. Hope this helps.

    • Duty. Not to misuse money, but to use money to meet the needs of people. §Luke 11:42
    • Fact.
    • Judged by the amount kept back, not the amount given. §Luke 21:3
    • Tithing was essential to the Jews. §Matthew 23:23
    • The religionists were strict tithers. §Luke 11:42
    • Warning. Against tithing for attention. §Matthew 23:5; §Mark 12:38; §Luke 11:43
    yes God wants us to give one tenth of our income. it really isnt that much, and He will certainly bless you. it might not come when you want it but its always right on time. we serve a wonderful and gracious God He will never leave or forsake us. praise Him always.
    Well... I was saved well after I put myself in debt... Therefor my thaought are that to be a good Christian exaplme I need to pay my debts.... Having said that if I were able to tithe I would. And look forward to the day that I can.
    To me tithing is not only monitary but also of yourself.... I give all that I am.

    thats rigt...time,talent and treasure are all forms of tithing
    Yes the Bible says to bring the tithes and offerings to the church.
    This a way of showing (love to JESUS) and obedience to him!he shall take care of you in the good time's and the bad time's when you gave your life to JESUS he wants every thing from crown the of head to soles of your feet.He doesn't really need the money he doesn't want it take his #1 place as HE said you can not serve two masters (GOD) and money!JESUS will take care of you when you tithe in the good time's and bad time's he shall take care of you.I have had bad time's he took care of us he still with us to everyone in this hard tithe it will help put it to the test in old testament (GOD) said test me and I will bless you

    Hello every one

    Really eggplant, did you ever? lol

    No, never. I have given to those who really need it.

    Leeroy, my computer freezes up several times when I am on your site. And I have to turn it off at the switch. Do you have any suggestions?
    Moslems believe in tithing, called Zakat it is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. Moslems give a proportion of their income for poor moslems.
    What need has "God" for money? Become a Pagan, it's a free religion on all levels.

    If you don't invest in something you get no rewards. That is true wheather we are talking about gardens, education or heavenly rewards.

    I couldn't agree with you more, although I don't equate money with all investments. I'll agree that gardens and education require money to some point but spiritually speaking, heavenly rewards are sins of Simony.
    I believe in giving offerings to my church. We don't have a set amount that we give. We give what we have at the time.


    "Tithing is an Old Testament concept. The tithe was a requirement of the law in which all Israelites were to give 10 percent of everything they earned and grew to the Tabernacle/Temple (Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:26; Deuteronomy 14:24; 2 Chronicles 31:5). In fact, the Old Testament Law required multiple tithes which would have pushed the total to around 23.3 percent, not the 10 percent which is generally considered the tithe amount today. Some understand the Old Testament tithe as a method of taxation to provide for the needs of the priests and Levites in the sacrificial system. The New Testament nowhere commands, or even recommends, that Christians submit to a legalistic tithe system. Paul states that believers should set aside a portion of their income in order to support the church (1 Corinthians 16:1-2)."

    time ,talent and treasure..yes 10 percent of what you got

    Very good answer. Since we have it better than they of the O.T. seems to me that the 10% figure is a good place to start.
    it is scriptual to tithe to the church but I think you should pay off debts first.Also you should be a cheerful giver.

    Our first debt is to God. Many use your idea as a way of never giving to God. Like seed sown, giving to God is the only way to have finanical peace. Only love for God and His work will produce cheerful givers.
    I take it less literlly. I try to give back to my source of inspiration.this can be a kind word . Let me talk to your boss ,i would like to give you pat on back.Many , many gifts certificates to the best
    eating place.Giving with out strings attached.

    Strings attached , brings hate , unhappy Karma.
    If I buy something for $20 and sell for $100, probable give back $10, $15, or $20

    Giving back, is like planting , seeds from an ear of harvested corn.
    It multiplies, again and again, year after year.

    try it , ++++++it is part of how the universe works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I know somebody in need who was offered a gift of money that was referred to as "my tithe according to God's law", so yes.
    Yes. Tithing is actually a donation. if a person were to donate something that someone else needed, earnstly, the same is tithing. the point to note in the scriptural basis of tithing as a spiritual gift, is how much of what you donate comes from the heart.

    if it is not that with you, it is no tithe. It is meant to be a donation of that most valued by you. To some, it is money, so they must donate money because it is what one's heart is into. To another, it is time. Their time is most valuable and losing it sets them back badly. It is this they must donate to whomever needs. and they store it up: the favor. Call it Karms or whatever, but it is definitely a very favored thing repaid at one point.

    God doesn't need our money, folks! people need our money, Yet not all need money. Some just need your time, or your help.

    Give that which is needed and give it from the heart. The same is charity.

    Your sister,


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