    how do we get rid of the wealthy pigs

    +3  Views: 2291 Answers: 14 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: money

    14 Answers

    The wealthy pigs are keeping you in a job.
    They run the world simpleton, the only way to dethrone them is ((through total and complete anarchy)). It will take a complete financial meltdown to compel the masses towards such drastic measures, not to mention mass organization and superior leadership of the populous.

    The N.W.O. are the true leaders of all the worlds governments and control the political arena like puppet masters pulling the strings from behind the black curtain. The media and t.v. medium is used to influence and hypnotize. They tell us what to buy and what to think influencing every aspect of our lives. There is no liberty left in the world, only the illusion of freedom, a shadow of what once was.

    I am being facetious, yet there is an indefinite quantity of truth in the paragraphs above. The best advice I could give you is to be an advocate for truth. TMO, Hope this helps...


    I am with you totally on this one leeroy. By the same token, the Illuminati (NWO) are on their way out and should be heading for the hills soon. Hopefully, too there will be many changes in world finances etc. and we will all enjoy a new reality. Of course not today, tomorrow or even next week, but hopefully not too far in the future. The slimeballs have conned us for the last time.

    They got to greedy and took to much from the little people, you have to be careful not to piss off the little people...

    There's more of us then them, they just own the politicians and cops, etc..
    Thumbs up eggplant I am on aged pension but I agree totaly. Without moneyed people we would all be still in caves chasing our next meal. The search for money is what brings progress.
    Foolish question grasshopper!!!!! There goal is to make the gap between us and them so huge we will never stray into their territory.Never live next door or down the street. Nothing builds a higher fence than the price of the rent.Life is to short to give any thought to this. best revenge is to live well .

    What's the alternative??  Communism? That was a real goer wasn't it? America & Australia are the same. Everyone has an equal opportunity,Admittedly some hard work & a little bit of luck is required.


    Commuunism never works so I understand - give two men £5.00p and you bet one will increase this and the other will truly lose it. Human Nature. I know this is simplistic all men will not be equal in this senario.

    Define wealthy pigs.  How wealthy do you have to be to be considered "wealthy pig"?


    Filthy wealthy pigs?
    Just because I use to ride a Harley I was called a pig or hog I forget been years, never a rich pig though.

    It was a Hog Randy, your Harley that is.
    The F111 fighter was affectionatly called a pig by the Aussie air force. Had plenty of grunt.
    Yes, it's going to take a lot of money to get rid of the rich pigs, lol...

    Ironic isn't it?
    stop fedind them gain/grain

    What amazes me is that so many people are down on the wealthy for being successful. When I was a kid i remember one wealthy man tell me. "be wealthy but never show your wealth because the unsuccessful will try anything to knock you down.."  Everyone has a chance to make it big, it takes idea, stamina/perseverance and lots of hard work. Wealth does not drop like an apple from a tree. Some execs have made it through the ranks due to hard work, success is for anyone with the balls or ovaries to stick it out, success is yours if you want to go for it. why do people think that the only way to correct their financial problems is to destroy those that have success?  You  call them greedy, they call you bumps in the road. as eggplant says, the wealthy keep you in your jobs and feeding your families. Keep sticking to this leftist propaganda against the rich and we will all be in the breadlines. Think like Michael Moor who he himself is very wealthy and you have succeeded in killing america, we are already half dead because the wealthy will do what is necessary to stay wealthy including take your jobs and send them overseas,  you keep feeding this jelouse anomosity to the rich and you will be eating rice with the Chinese.  If anything, you should try to find a way to help them get richer so that they can reciprocate by making their businesses bigger assuring you a job making more money than you've ever seen before.


    proof of this is in your American industrial history, look at the 1950s for your answer to this, everyone could afford a home, gasoline was 27 cents per gallon, a new car was $2,000, out budget was in check and we owed nobody. yet we were also offering government care packages to the world, we rebuild Berlin and Dresden, we rebuilt Japan, we places schools in 3dr world countries etc and with out complaint from the American people because 'big' business was thriving and the wealthy was keeping us going and we bought what we make.. Now we have but a handfull of the wealthy that have been strong enough to ride this storm out and you want to kill them.. Succeed in this and I promise you you will be working for the Chinese at much lower income than you make now and wishing you supported your own..  It is coming, keep up these attacks on the wealthy.. keep it up and win your losses....


    I have deduced to Vinny being either wealthy or someone who grew up in the 1950's, or both.

    I am not wealthy by far, I did grow up in the 50~60, I lived during a great time in american history.. Although I wasn't wealthy my family was financially secure and I can remember, i remember a lot. I remember most that everyone was with a job and everyone had the 'american dream of owning a house and a car and had kids and a dog.. everyone was together, regardless of what political party, there was no hatred amongst them, discussions? yes, i even remember a few arguments but i never heard them call each other stupid rednecks or do-good panseys etc.. I remember taking a sunday drive with my dad driving a 57 chevy and my sister in the back seat and mom in front, I remember fighting with my sister and dad stopping the car while mom smacked us both in the face.. I posted that editorial above because i believe it, i see it happening and I have an open mind to objections as well.. Today you have objections, then you are an idiot a racist and a fool with no education.. This is what Khrushchev said in 1957 at the UN.. "America will go down without a shot fired" We all laughed at this because everyone thought he was speaking of the Russians taking over the US, little did we know at the time, he was speaking of Americans taking over americans.. A cold civil war.. we are doing this now...

    we don't want to get rid of wealthy pigs.  we want to teach wealthy pigs how to share with poor pigs.

    Your probably broke for a reason, lazy, too stupid, or to proud to work. Your definitely out of touch with reality. The wealthy pigs keep your welfare checks coming in.

    what do u mean by that?

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