
    It appears Brexit is now gonna happen,,,,the odd trio..Scomo for Aussie..Boris for UK..Trump for USA,,maybe the people are coming back into power..what do you think..???????..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    +6  Views: 3996 Answers: 6 Posted: 4 years ago

    They make a great team Terry.
    terryfossil 1

    Maybe we got 2 out of 3 right Sunny..?????????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    6 Answers

    ....hope it favors the working class/taxpayers instead of the politicians 


    No chance.

    I admit to knowing next to nothing about Brexit. I only know that you can't count on Trump, no matter what he promises. So, as he routinely says, "We'll see what happens". 


    He also complains that many Americans flush their toilets 10-15 times (per event) Wonder if Boris has the same problem with his Brits ?.
    We Canadians flush once and Mission Accomplished. Amazing water pressure in the Great White North !

    I think that claim of so many flushes might just be a hoax!

    ...and don't forget one of his other favourite words in his limited vocabulary: Witch Hunt

    "The people ?"  Who would THAT be ?


    If you find out ,Let me know! Good answer!

    You know.....THEM!
    terryfossil 1

    Me Me Me,,what Trump and Boris and Scomo are doing is helping my super,and eventually Aussie..things are looking up..:):):):):):):)..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Great ! Whatever you you you do, don't look down.

    ….and never, ever listen to even one of Trump's rally speeches or his chopper talks or his so called news conferences. The words flowing right from his mouth, tell you exactly who he is! He is ruining the U.S.A. and I'm not sure the country could ever recover, even if "a good person" became president and tried to fix things.
    terryfossil 1

    C'mon Quacker,they recovered from Watergate and is all about Spin,,no matter who you vote for..

    Sure Terry and I imagine that you've been listening closely to the impeachment hearings.
    terryfossil 1

    What we are hearing over here Quacker,the more the Democrats attack him the bigger the chance of him getting re-elected,,Clintons popularity also rose during his problems..i guess only time will tell..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    You should listen for yourself Terry. That's why I always ask you the same question which, by the way, you never answer. Do you listen to Trump speak? Do you listen to his rallies? Do you listen to what comes out of the man's mouth? Did you hear what he said yesterday about a deceased person and his grieving widow? Just when you think a person couldn't sink into the mud any lower, he does! (I'm not surprised that YOU don't listen......60% of Americans admit that they also don't listen to him!)

    Nixon resigned! What Clinton was guilty of hardly jeopardized America! Trump has put the USA in a horrendous position

    Thank you clu. I'm sorry to see your country being torn apart and placed in danger by this man; more sorry that so many U.S. voters don't seem to notice or care.
    terryfossil 1

    Quacker,,regardless of his personality or his orange hair or his limited vocabulary,,he was elected to run the country of USA,,when he gets to the end of his term,,the people will decide whether he goes or they did when they voted him in..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    About time...



    terryfossil 1

    Do not nod off now Roy Boy,,things are just kicking off :):):)..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Well at last it looks like we are going to get what we voted for, democracy at last.

    There's no stopping Boris now, with a majority of 80 he can do what ever he likes.


    terryfossil 1

    I reckon the UK can only grow bigger financially Sunny..they will still trade with the EU,but they will have the choice to trade with other countries of their choice,,and they are not paying millions a month to the EU..bit of a win for other countries and the UK..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I agree completely Terry, A great future for all .

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