    Poor Bill…. What if, by chance, he is innocent of it all?


    I for one don’t see how that many woman could be lying……….

    +5  Views: 925 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    For the most recent one and the one he could be charged for, he has proof he was on the east coast when he supposedly assaulted a young woman on the west coast

    5 Answers

    "MONEY", or the prospect of it can change a lot of peoples perceptions.


    I have no dirty washing Ted,at least not that i can remember,??????

    Have you checked your cupboards for skeletons Dougal?

    Now that i think of it little things that i should done,but i thought i never had the time,

    skeletons are usually in the closet.

    Cosby himself, along with a large team of lawyers, will do all he can to discredit and "blame the victims". This seems to be the route taken by all celebrity millionaires who feel entitled. Can anyone seriously believe that ALL of these women are liars? That's quite a conspiracy that his lawyers will try to "prove".


    Oh, great. I’m so up in the air now! I honestly don’t know which way to lean or am not secure in the knowledge that I care one way or another…….

    Bill is a $$$BILLIONAIRE$$$. A long list of women have been lodging complaints about his indiscretions for many years. If he did what they said, did any of them get some slimy evidence together to prove what they said? Were any impregnated? Were any exposed to a sexually transmitted disease or vice versa. Are there public records of their close contact?  Did any of the women get a blood test for possible residual drugs in their system that is alleged he used on them? How many of these women have made similar claims regarding other men in an effort to receive compensation?  If anyone seek compensation from Bill Cosby for his sexual conduct and cannot prove their claim beyond reasonable doubt, they should be fined for making unprovable claims for the cost of court, legal costs and compensation to Mr. Cosby for his expenses and discredited integrity. 


    Well, ok. All I've heard has been the "against" Refreshing to hear the other views...

    I can't believe that 25 women stayed silent for up to 30 years. I think some of them were young and excited to be with a star and slept with him willingly. Now they think they can cash in. God knows their hearts too. Bill is anti-Obama and refuses to be a part of his race war. Other large voices have been shut up the same way. Remember Herman Cain? He was getting too close for comfort during the last presidential run. Suddenly women appeared out of no where claiming he sexually molested them. Herman withdrew from the race because his family was being threatened and the women suddenly went away and pressed no charges. Someone has an agenda against Bill to ruin his name. I hope the 25 liars get caught in their lies. 


    Interesting, hadn't thought of something like this but felt there had to be an explanation of some sort....

    Even if the rapes weren't really rapes, the fact that he allegedly drugged them is illegal and disconcerting.


    That is"if" he drugged them.....

    No slime, no residual drugs, no eye witness, no surveillance video, no audio evidence.... In Muslim countries the word of two women can convict a man of rape. Here, 25 women are not enough.

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