    all of the "Recent Unanswered Questions" on the home site were 'Posted' 2 years ago. What the ? Am I in a time-warp here, or is there a path I have missed to get today's questions.

    I only joined akaQA today, so be gentle with me.

    +2  Views: 2663 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    That's all we have left. With dedicated daily members, some of whom spend hours per day here (myself included), all new questions are answered rather quickly. Two years ago is when we started. Only had a few semi active members in the beginning so a lot of questions did not get answered and fell behind as new ones were posted. There are many "old" questions that can still be answered as they may be helpful to someone else with the same question. I just got a thank you yesterday because I answered a 2 year old question 2 days ago that the person who came by yesterday was looking for an answer to. They found the answer here. Welcome to the forum. Answer whatever you can. It's all volunteer here. :)

    3 Answers

    Not a lot of new questions coming in these days, sad but true, go figure.

    Welcome to aka, we are generally a friendly bunch of.........................


    ROMOS: Do YOU have a question today? You are great with answers. Thank you.

    I like researching and answering S, never a need to ask questions, unless for a wee bit entertainment. ;)

    coconuts! Oh heck that should be a lovely bunch of coconuts! The friendly part was my downfall! :)

    Welcome aboard newbie, thanks for asking a question. As a new contributor, you will, I am sure provide as many questions for the community as you possibly can.  We all start with best of intentions, and life does get in the way, with top priorities and all!  Regards! 

    Oh yes, welcome Davidon. Many of us have more questions than answers but we do try. Y'all come back. Hear?

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