    Have you ever been finger printed?

    I have. Would they know who you were if they found your body?

    +9  Views: 1772 Answers: 25 Posted: 11 years ago

    25 Answers



    What if............?Nah better not.

    Do you use stredent overnight to keep them clean??

    How cool on the perfect bite, Mrs. Potato Head!!

    Now the Jig Is Up!

    Don: That's just about the funniest thing I've ever heard.

    fishlet - you are doing it again - just cannot stop laughing here. I have forgotten to eat - must do this.

    Be afraid Don Darling... be very afraid. ... And, Poppy; Eat for goodness sakes. We don't want you to fade away!

    Fishlet - you just took the words out of my mouth and the thought out of my head - I am going to cook not much good at this. :)

    I was finger printed  in my teens when my friends and I were pulled over by the police for minors in possession of alcohol.


    Bad girl!
    country bumpkin

    I'm a good girl now, PROMISE!

    Sure. :)
    country bumpkin

    Don, haven't you read my motorcycle question? I don't wear many clothes. I was Naked!!! (*~*)

    You're a "sweet southern belle" with a bad girl inside, screaming to get out! lol
    country bumpkin

    You've got me pegged, MS. Ducky.....

    Yes, but don't hold it against me.I was young and silly.


    And now,??

    Now days I am more responsible.

    No one has to be young to be silly, it can happen at any age.

    pytonlover - yes me too with another girl - our intentions were good uh maybe. At least we thought they were - to justify ourselves - nothing really came of it.

    No..not yet anyway..So good !;-)


    Did they not finger you,for all the people you beat up in the Aand E,??
    millie111 I always wore gloves that the trail went cold!(lol);-)

    Yes, I had to be, for my job. I try real hard not to go missing, so it's unlikely that they would "find my body."


    Can we see a copy Clonge,so that we can its you,?????

    Wheres the undertaker,??

    "Getting it on" with Michelle, and preparing for his once a year appearance at Wrestlemania.

    My prints and now my DNA are on record, all part of being ex military in the UK, even if I rot for a few weeks/months they will still know who I am.


    Wouldn't want to be classified as a URO ?


    Yes, with the Background Check to substitute teach upon my retirement from teaching. 


    me too, Bustie.

    Yes'm, but not for anything illegal since 1991 thank God.

    I don't know if they would know who we are.  I do know that I would be the body searching for his head ;o


    My job requires fingerprinting.


    Don't want you walking off with all those "winnings" that belong to others? LOL!

    I will also add a sad note. My brother was murdered and he was identified by fingerprints only. Yes he did have a criminal record(no felonies) but this was the only way to recover his remains . Sad!

    I'm sorry to hear that clu. That is most certainly very sad. :(

    sorry, clu

    My condolences, too. I hope the murderer(s) were caught and punished as much as possible.

    clu: My job requires fingerprinting too. (working with kids) I also want to say that I'm sorry to hear about your brother.

    Yes, several times and for every imaginable reason but never convicted of a crime. Mostly nothing more than security issues.  

    You are finger printed for other reasons besides criminal when you apply for  a Concealed weapons permit small bushiness security guard body guard to name a few 


    They told my weapon was so small ,that it did not matter,

    Yes, I got finger printed when applying for a gun registration in my town's police dept in the 80s. I didn't buy the gun b/c it was too expensive. I couldn't afford it. I wanted one for home protection, and I still want one.

    Once for a volunteer job with the police department. I didn't get the job and had to go back in to the department, where they destroyed the photo of my fingerprints, right in front of me. Your fingerprints should never be on file, "without a good reason", said the officer.  (I would never have known the difference.)


    Why should your fingerprints not be on file? I hope you know because the question is kinda making me nuts ... no prints on file? Hmmmmmm.
    I await your response. : )

    Your fingerprints should not be on file in a police department because most of the time, having your personal information along with fingerprints sitting in a file/computer system at the police department, is a bad thing, not a good thing. Unless it is work-related, it just might have something to do with criminal activity. That is often (not always) a reason for the police taking your fingerprints!

    Thanks, Ducky ... You’re on the ball.

    i was finger printed when i was arrested


    TU..for an honest answer.

    At least you were honest :) That gets a smiley and a TU (:

    Fear not everyone,for those of you that have not been,I've got you covered.  :(


    Yep Rick..I`m still looking over my shoulder most days..just a matter o time:-)

    Oh millie,I have not looked over my shoulder in many many years.I do spend time on these "thug"corners here and try to talk some of these "punks"into taking the right road in life.

    You`re brave Rick!(And kind)...It`s hard trying to help a lot of the "tough guys" I know only too well from work..however good your intentions..It`s rough on corners anywhere (in London)these days,but I know that It`s even rougher elsewhere!...I`ve witnessed some terrible situations ,especially on nights@work...Islept rough for several weeks a long time ago..(I chose to when my ex-husband was at his worst and it seemed..and probably was the safer of the two options,but even then people on the streets were very protective towards me and it wasn`t so much the case of fearing the real homeless was the thugs who picked on the homeless who were the ones to watch out for the most!...I only went home those days when he`d gone to work and I had a few hours of feeling safe and bathing I know what it`s like first hand..although It was my choice so i was much better off than those who had to endure the street dangers 24/7...That was nearly 20 years ago and I know it`s far worse now...Although at the time you could never imagine it much worse...but I learned a lot from it!I just hope that you are staying as safe as is possible..Night and day it truly is a jungle out there!:-Z

    millie111 - such a good experience. There was a television programmed here where a set of people lived out on the streets - very interesting. You are so right it is not the homeless, those whe choose or not to live on the streets that are frightening , it is the thugs. This world is so something else most of the time.
    No , but I have put my foot in dog poop makes me foot printed? Lol

    Yes, for teaching and being arresed.  Obviously, once would have been enough.


    :-(...(Next time just don`t get caught)!;-)XXx

    Yes. In California you are fingerprinted when getting a driver's license.


    I was in California in the early 70's I can see why fingerprints should be on licenses. Maniac drivers and huge drop offs into canyons with no guard rails. Scared me!

    good idea. Wish every state did that .

    Well I guess if the police knew you were finger printed, they'd take your prints and look them up on the computer. Or, maybe they'd just do a run down on you with the state crime lab, if they didn't know who you were. Why ?  Are you planning on doing yourself in, or your roomate ?


    I walk around enough w/o ID, something could happen.....

    I had to get finger printed everytime I switched school districts for which I subbed in. And I had to pay for it !  It cost  $90.  last time !!  It was running about  $ 75. before that !  Every time I got finger printed, they'd send it into the state, adn the state would send it back saying that my whorls weren't defined enough. In other words, my fingers were soft, and didn't have prominent swirls . So, they'd print me again ! and send it back to the state again ! 

    I never had finger prints taken, I lead a quiet life so far.

    so many times it aint funny,,but not for the last 30 years,,,life is full of ups and downs,,but i believe anybody can change

    Employment purposes military sheriff dept., etc.

    NO COMMENT..???



    Good enough for me........

    A long time ago for a do a background check...Who knows if they are still on file or even if that company still exists.  I was thinking of going to the SPCA and having the vet put a chip in me :)


    doolittle - so funny - love it - you furry paediatric you. LOL

    Those chips travel all over the body... you never know where they may end up!!! :D

    Fishlet - painful huh.

    Hmmm then the titanium rod and screws will have to do

    Ouch... My step mother and you have a lot in common Swami Doo. :(

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